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Posts posted by damndirtyape

  1. You see, although all the actors since it's rebirth have been great as the doctor I'm getting a little tired of the younger good looking male Doctor. And yet that still doesn't make me want to see a hot young woman in the role just to change it up or capture another audience. I would actually like to see an older guy play the role again. Like John Hurt or Malcolm Mcdowell. Someone a little wiser more weathered and gentlemanly.

    Unfortunately I think we will get John Hurt as this yet unknown Doctor for about 5 minutes then right back into a 30 something good looking actor. Not that they were bad but it would be nice to see something else now.

  2. I'm not sure i would buy a woman as the doctor if they go that route.

    Not because a woman couldn't play the role (I think Tilda Swinton would be an amazing Doctor. Quirky, Scary, Fun, Dangerous and unbound talent.) but it would just seem out of place for time Lords to swap gender so matter of factly, just on a personal level. I know that the Doctor referenced the Time Lord who did in "The Doctors Wife" but actually on screen would be kind of jaring.

    Race on the other hand is totally open to all comers. We have seen the doctor look so different from one regeneration to the next so why not skin colour. River did in Lets kill Hitler.

  3. Hmmm. For introducing interesting ideas this episode was fun but i'm still not sure about this story or most of this season.

    Loved the idea of the massive Tardis tomb being his grave. Liked that we didn't see a body just the scar of his time stream. The great intelligence really was of no use what so ever unless they pay that off in the 50th and yet again Vastra, Strax and Jenny had next to nothing to do at all. The whole impossible girl thread amounted to nothing, again unless they pay it off in the next one which I doubt. Was cool to see John Hurt teased at the end though. Didn't expect that or him turning up until the 50th

  4. Hmm. Was ok, not as good as last week.

    Uncovered less than I would have liked about the Cyberman, didn't reconcile the counter universe stuff at all. I was hoping for more from Gaiman.

    The Cybermen really are just the Borg at this point, there's no practical differences between the two aside from the cybermites now.

    I agree.

    It was a good solid episode with some nice moments. The Doctor battling for his own mind was nice, although not something totally original. Again, I too was hoping for a little more revelations from Gaiman. More about the new cybermen and more hints at what is going on with Clara but I guess we will get it all in the final ep.

    Did anyone else see the prologue for next week or was that just a red button bbc thing for just the Brits?

    Nice repeat of some dialogue from Doctor to Clara. Just teasing us even further

  5. I agree the fight between Anakin and obi wan should have been reduced to make it tighter and it could have been the best in the series. It's not the over the top lightsaber moves or the swinging around on cables still trying to fight, that annoys me. It's when the started running at each other trying to do some kind of lame high kick that made me scream. These are not two jedi's fighting.

  6. He's dressed as a priest! Why does anyone think he's a Doctor? Besides, using McGann as the 8th would be a bigger deal than having John Hurt in Doctor Who, so why would they do it the other way?

    I just don't see them messing with the numbering when each Doctor is so clearly identified with their number.


  7. That he will play the real 9th Doctor who fought in the Time War and that Eccleston was in fact the 10th Doctor, and Tennant 11th and Smith 12th.

    I like John Hurt and just to have him on a Who episode is awesome

    but if he plays the so called real 9th Doctor it seems like putting a big name actor in the part of the Doctor for the sake of it. If they wanted to explore the Time War era they should use the 8th Doctor. He's still not too old and no one saw how he regenerated into 9 so its all still plausible.

  8. Not quite what I was expecting from Journey to the centre of the Tardis but still a solid episode.

    I think you could of removed the 3 brothers from this episode and you wouldn't of lost a thing. They never really added anything to the plot. If only they never had the mini episodes of Time and Space from a few years ago. That idea could have been used for the start of this as to why the Tardis throws a wobbler. Trapping them in a loop potentially never being able to exit her. Would have gone well with the whole Tardis not liking Clara thing.

    So excited for next weeks episode.

  9. However, he has a really good voice for the show, and based on Cold War, and if he's tapped to take over after Moffat, as I've heard more than once, I would be okay with that.


    If he does take over I think it would be in good hands. He has a genuine love of the character and although some of his stories have miss fired, he does seem to have a good grasp on what the show could be.

  10. It means that all is right with the world once again. The Zygons (shapeshifting alien conquerors) are arguably the greatest one-off monsters of the classic era and it's been criminal that they never returned.

    Not seen the classic episode in which the Zygons appear. Was going to wait until the dvd came out.

    Hmm shapeshifting huh. Does that mean we won't actually see the real Doc 10 and Rose or can't the Zygons shapeshifting that well?

  11. Thing is that you don't actually need all that extra space. It's only three people, and I can only think of a couple of times that they even bothered using the layer structure of the last design effectively, and one of those was an upskirt joke in a 5 minute short.

    Yeah but it really sells the bigger on the inside idea. It seemed way more expansive before. Even the 9th Doctors interior did and that was one area. Also they are still using the layered structure and I know we are early on in its use of the series but what are they really going to do with that bottom layer?

    Its too sterile for my liking which I know is just a personal thing. I except it in the classic series. Here, it bothers me. I'm much more in tune with the 8th and 9th interior. A bit messy, mad scientist feel to it.

  12. I'm actually wondering if this might be a bait and switch. They've said that David Tennant is in the special. They have not said he's playing Ten. He might be playing the human Doctor who's hanging with Rose in Pete's world.

    I was thinking the very same thing. I'd honestly prefer it to be a story based on rose and the human doctor teaming up with 11. Than loads of Doctors not having much to do.

  13. I wasn't trying to suggest that it be kept a total secret. That would be a big ask. Just that they changed it up a bit and have it not be at the end of a series all the time.

    I would more than welcome a regeneration episode coming 3 episodes in or something.

    Obviously it would be announced that Mat was leaving and some else was taking over but that don't have to tell us the exact episode of that particular series it took place in. They could at least try and give us that.