Individual Reviews?


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Guest DCAUFan1051
I love listening to World's Finest podcast, and I was just thinking that the episodes should be divided up into five pieces so people can go in and listen to individual reviews of episodes. This would be really convinent. Just a suggestion :)

good idea!! but I believe Mike has turned that down because if you make each review a "chapter" not all mp3 players have that function I think only iPod's and iPhone have that thru Apple but I'm not sure. It's still a great idea. But I think they want everyone to listen to the whole show!! still a good suggestion though :D

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Guest DCAUFan1051
I could be wrong, but I think ZGDK is saying that each review should be its own show. If that's the case, James and I spoke about that very early on, but we decided against it. Though I can't remember why.


When you guys did the poll about daily or weekly before you went to fortnightly the daily WFP would be 1 episode of BTAS etc etc and the weekly was a set of 5 episodes in one week. Sorry Z I thought you meant break the episodes down that are already recorded. :angel:

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I could be wrong, but I think ZGDK is saying that each review should be its own show. If that's the case, James and I spoke about that very early on, but we decided against it. Though I can't remember why.


When you guys did the poll about daily or weekly before you went to fortnightly the daily WFP would be 1 episode of BTAS etc etc and the weekly was a set of 5 episodes in one week. Sorry Z I thought you meant break the episodes down that are already recorded. :angel:

Not to be rude, but I think we could gather that from the link I posted. Or did you not read my post?

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Guest DCAUFan1051
From the link Doug posted:


- It would be 80 to 90 minutes long.


80-90 mins long hahahahahahahahahahahahaha with the exception of Episode 27 Worlds Finest!!!!! :D

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Guest DCAUFan1051
No I meant to break down the episodes we already have into individual reviews. Not do one episode per show.

that's what I thought you meant. However as I said in the earlier post I don't think mike is gonna go back thru the last 35 episodes which is hours upon hours on end of audio and break them up individually. Now for "future" episodes he could do that but as I said before I don't think he will because that would mean breaking them up into "chapters" and I think the only mp3 players that have that function of skipping chapters is Apple's iFamily. Ex: iPod, iPhone, etc etc. Because not everyone has an apple mp3 player. Wouldn't matter to me either way though I have the iPhone!!! wooohoooo. Its a good idea though. :D:D

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Guest DCAUFan1051
We have a more or less set-in-stone schedule all the way through our final episode, so we're not likely to change anything up.

yea I kinda figured that but hey I'm just happy you guys are doing the podcast.

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