Anyone like All Star Batman And Robin The Boy Wonder


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I like it. It's completely over the top and insane, plus Jim Lee's art is great.

I totally agree. I have heard all over the internet about how fans hate it, I totally disagree with that. I like a Batman that swears and beats up villains even more. I like how Batman had been watching Dick and had wanted him to be his ward for a while before Dick's parents died, it makes more sense. I also like how Batman already knows all the identities of the Justice Leaguers and how he always pisses them off.

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I read the first trade at Barnes & Noble. The artwork was amazing, though the story only really served to highlight the art.

It's kind of fun, actually. I'd never read it issue-by-issue, as not much of any consequence happens in each individual issue. But every time a trade comes out, I'll be sure to stop by a bookstore and read their copy without paying for it. :laugh:

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Doesn't the trade have extra Lee artwork though?

Yeah it does, mostly some uncolored drawings from some of the issues and some drawings of different designs he might of used for Batman and Robin. There are also some alternate covers for the issues that have a very unique style. Besides his cover for Red Robin #1, I think this book is the best art Jim Lee has ever done in a batbook.

Alternate Cover For Issue #5


Alternate Cover For Issue #8


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That issue five covers looks like it's from his Dark Knight strikes, and he forgot to use it there.

It actually looks like Nancy from Sin City colored differently.

All-Star Bats is terrible and is the ultimate "only for the art" book. I couldn't see past the shitty story though so i dropped it. Frank Miller needs to stop.

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Frank Miller needs to stop.

No, no, no. Let him keep writing his shitty out of continuity book. God forbid the fucker actually writes something that effects a character or, even worse, he tries to direct another movie.

Sorry I'm late.

Preston is on the money there, and I would have said POTD, but I'm too late.

Des, I've never read Sin City, so that's why I went to the dark knight well, God I hate Millers art for Batman. But that's not the point right now.

Anyone who cares, DiDido has said Jim Less is drawing new issues of All Star right now and it will run up to issue 16.

Mike, I don't think it would be the best selling comic of the summer, throw in somee Variant covers, and some stickers and cards no one wants and then you've got the hit of the summer.

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Doesn't the trade have extra Lee artwork though?

Alternate Cover For Issue #5


That's actually a Frank Miller piece. You can even see the "FM" signature on her leg.

I think Frank Miller's problem is that he's gotten wrapped up in the "feel" of his stories while ignoring the substance. The Dark Knight Strikes Again wasn't that great, but it actually did a decent job of using the often-over-the-top sex and violence to illustrate how fundamentally oversensationalist that fictional world was. However, that philosophy is now being used in practically all of Miller's work, and it's extremely annoying.

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In typing this, I do not profess to be a great writer or critic by any stretch of the imagination, but I have two basic problems with this book. The first is that so far, I really don't see where this version of Batman goes as a character. If he starts the book as this grumbling, asocial, womanizing character who makes a young boy tough it out in the Batcave, where do you take that arc? Assuming this is supposed to link up to the Dark Knight Returns, Batman will remain fundamentally unchanged in any significant way years down the road, besides completely alienating Robin. So in other words, he will exacerbate his own worst traits apparently. Certainly I always thought Batman evolving from a Year One type Bat to become the more disillusioned man from Dark Knight Returns at least had an arc and was a reasonable possibility if Batman had lived that high stress lifestyle for so long.

Second, I fully realize that Batman and Wolverine are two of the bestselling characters in comics. There are however differences between them, which apparently Miller no longer agrees with. I just don't see even a subtle difference in characterization if you were to compare this Batman to the typical Wolverine characterization. It feels like I'm reading about Wolverine with a different reason to angst and a different costume. That may be unfair, but it is only an opinion.

Finally, I thought the art was worth looking at, regardless of the story. Not being made of money however, I simply could not justify such a purchase. When I look at the trade paperbacks and hardcovers on my shelf, thinking about how much money I've spent that could be spent on other things, I need to be impressed by both the story and art. Perhaps Miller may do better as the run continues.

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