Is It Wednesday Yet?


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Before I heap my praise.

As Ms. Marvel draws towards its 50th and final issue, one plot thread I never thought would be resolved was the invitation for a data Peter Parker extended to Carol. Well, color me wrong, 'cause here it is.

Mike, did you mean date?

Also, I'm not sure about this:

When one thinks about all the women Peter has, has tried to, and should date,

Did you mean to have has twice? Both are from your Ms Marvel review.

Also, Mike, your review of Iron Man was awesome, it really felt like a contender for review of the year to me, as you did something that I can't say has been done before, you made me want to get that book. Cause, not only is it Marvel, which I don't read, not only is it Iron Man, who besides the movie, I couldn't give a shit about, but it's a $3.99 comic! Next time I'm in a comic shop, I'm picking that up.

JSA: I read an issue of Sturges/Willinghams JSA, the first one, and really, I hated it, so I'm not bothering.

Green lantern: Waiting for the blackest night hardcover for the issues.

Creepy: The price tag is putting me off, but if it comes out collected for around 14 pounds, I would give it a shot.

Die Hard year 1: I really didn't know what they'd achieve from that crap concept, except to sell to fans of Die Hard the movie.

FF: Where's Dale Eaglesham? Is this a fill in book, I'm guessing.

Lone Ranger: I just don't care enough to even acknowledge it.

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Mike, did you mean date?

I did. Thanks for catching that.

Also, I'm not sure about this:

When one thinks about all the women Peter has, has tried to, and should date,

Did you mean to have has twice? Both are from your Ms Marvel review.

That one isn't a mistake. I was limiting the number of times I wrote the word "date," so read it as "When one thinks about all the women Peter has dated, has tried to date, and should date..."

Also, Mike, your review of Iron Man was awesome, it really felt like a contender for review of the year to me, as you did something that I can't say has been done before, you made me want to get that book. Cause, not only is it Marvel, which I don't read, not only is it Iron Man, who besides the movie, I couldn't give a shit about, but it's a $3.99 comic! Next time I'm in a comic shop, I'm picking that up.

Awesome! Glad I motivated you to try something new!

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Right, I picked up Iron Man, and I liked it. It was really good, and the recap caught me up to date, Pepper having the thing in her chest was explained which was one of my questions.

I already picked up issue 21 and am going to get the comic through 25 then go off to trades after that, when the story is finished.

Anyway, Mike you just got me to pick up a new monthly comic.

Also, they had balls to have three pages of just Stark talking to the camera, and it kept me interested, Red Robin #1 did that for one page and I was thinking how annoy and useless it was there, and Fraction did it right.

Good art and I'm interested in the story, and I could almost hear Williem Dafoe when Osborn was talking in the issue.

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