Episode 406


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Guest TFG1Mike


seconded!!! listening now!!!.... a suggestion for the awards shows though.... instead of aiming for a February airing why not just make it late May/Early June? :D

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Guest TFG1Mike

I still feel awful about the ridiculous delay in this going up. Sorry again, everyone. I'll listen later when I get a chance. Thanks to Dubs, Mike and Des for doing this.

we understand james... don't feel bad... thank you for the great work you do in getting it together. And also to Mike Des and Dubs for rounding out the ep.

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I guess since Mike brought it up, now would be a good a time as any to reveal that my original plan was to stay off Earth for a while and have each review done by an alternate Earth version of myself; me in a universe where I love Grant Morrison, me in a universe where I'm Batman, me as a depression era baseball player, etc. Seriously, these were all considered.

It was then going to culminate in asking Mike to send me the shittiest book he could think of so I could initiate the Crisis of Infinite Damiens, wherein I return to Earth to stop an alternate version of myself from discovering the Anti-Reddick equation.

Considering how difficult it would have been to pull off - not to mention I thought it would be a bit of an insult to fuck around while the other guys were actually doing awesome straight reviews - it didn't happen.

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That would have been incredible. Maybe you could use the blog feature to do that? Tell tales of your trip through reality back to Earth 2?

In other news: Holy shit. I was shocked at the response in these awards. Thanks to everyone who voted. I appreciate it. I really do. And congratulations to all the winners. Even the ones who aren't me. :P

I am honored to be part of this site that continues to stretch further and further in scope and quality for the positive in my, and I'm sure Mike and many others' mission to make this not just the best damned geek culture site on the internet but also the most popular. We're getting there. This place is fantastic and I wouldn't do a quarter of the work I do here if I didn't think so.

I'll step down form the pedestal after I just say wait til you get a load of 2010.

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