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Everything posted by Missy

  1. Word has it that a Knight Rider movie will hit the silver screen in 2005! :OMG: If the rumor proves to be true, Sammo Hung Kam-Bo is said to direct.
  2. Being an American, I've had little access to Doctor Who -- though I did see that Doctor Who: The Movie that Fox made in 1996 -- but Chris Eccleston as the Doctor will be very interesting. Especially considering his role in 28 Days Later. Question: Is he the eighth doctor, or will they count him as the ninth? I only ask because the guy in Doctor Who: The Movie was supposed to be the eighth when the movie lead to a show, but it was so bad the show was never made. So, do fans ignore him, or do they consider The Movie as part of DW continuity? (Hence making Eccleston #9.)
  3. Link to images Though it's now called Conker: Live and Reloaded. I just saw the score for the N64 Conker on IGN, and they rated it a 9.9?! I was under the impression that this game blew.
  4. Though I cannot comment on its quality, having only seen half of the first episode, I think Paramount is keeping it around (as they did Voyager) because they don't want to admit that the Star Trek franchise is dead.
  5. Anyone else playing this awesome MMORPG? If so, what're the names of your characters? I'm playing as Mister Burns and Punisher Droid.
  6. The only time Luke met his father was as Vader, and if Lucas changes that... well... then he's fucked everything up. Because Vader had no idea he had a son, let alone a daughter too.
  7. I think YOUR choices speak volumes, my friend. Although, I must say, I'd do Catwoman in a heartbeat, too... Remember, Catwoman is a former prostitute. She's forgotten more sexual acts/positions than we'll ever know. Barbara pre-The Killing Joke. Cassandra: I admittedly like it rough sometimes, so she's perfect.
  8. About ten years ago Lucas said he would do VII-IX, but when he started to work on I-III he said the last three movies will never be made because he wanted to spend time with family... or something like that. In my opinion, he should let Frank Oz remake the OT (so it looks like the prequels) while Lucas makes the final trilogy.
  9. First off, I have to credit this thread to Ace Rockola from the Oratory, since he's the one who posted it there. Okay, so here's the story: Lucas is making some adjustments to the OT DVDs, and, frankly, I'm pissed. I mean, look at this!!! And then this from Ricky Paradise:
  10. Missy

    X-Men Reload

    I haven't been to the shoppe in a few weeks. Hopefully they haven't sold out yet.
  11. Hey, DJ! Who's putting that handheld out?
  12. I had the chance to play several games on the DS at E3, but was only able to look at the PSP. Having said that, the PSP's screen is crisp and ultra-vivid, and the power it packs will blow everyone away. I'll own one the day it arrives. However, I'm more interested to see what developers are able to do with the DS -- more specifically, what they do with the touch screen. Sadly, the DS is simply a handheld N64, whereas the PSP falls somewhere in between the PSOne and 2. So though I'm more interested in the DS, I'm sold 110% on the PSP.
  13. I've seen it in the shoppe and have even looked at it, but never bought it.
  14. Here's some more news and pictures: ETonline. <---- link EDIT: And here's an updated cast listing from IMDB.com (source)
  15. I'm starting to think you were the only one who read it, James.
  16. Surfer, but it isn't that easy.
  17. You've added Millar, a Scotsman, but not Garth? It doesn't matter anyway, as my votes goes to Alan Moore.
  18. Part of me feels that Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns should be on here as well, maybe in place of Fables and Punisher. Anyway, because I still haven't finished Sandman, I can't comment on that. But I have read every issue of both Preacher and Transmet, and, to say the least, they're pieces of literature -- as I know Sandman is. However, what Garth is doing with the Punisher right now is a breath of fresh air, especially after the campy garbage he was producing near the end of the last run. With that said, I don't know how long he can sustain it until it becomes old -- again. Cursing and excessive violence can only carry you so far. Then again, that's pretty much what he's built his career on. (Don't get me wrong; I love most of what the man does. I'm just saying.) So, after careful thought, my vote goes to Preacher because, despite the circumstances, it felt real for the most part and it was something I could relate to.
  19. I agree 100%. Wonder Woman and Green Lantern (Kyle or not) need to be portrayed as being just as (if not more) powerful as The Big S. Hell! Batman, a human with no powers or special weapons, is written to be more powerful than Green Lantern and sometimes even Wonder Woman.
  20. Even though Superman is pissed off about his wife, and thus might let loose a little, Kyle wins this hands down. Frankly, all he has to do is trap Superman in a bubble until his air runs out, or create an endless army to exhaust him. And, even if this came down to a fist fight, Kyle still wins because he can create shields and/or giant fists to defend himself.
  21. I'm holding to the idea that Kiefer Sutherland should be playing the lead.
  22. (source) Was never a fan of the Spawn comic book, but loved the cartoon. I hope they keep it as gritty, violent, and vulgar as the original HBO series, 'cause this will flop hard if they don't. It would also be nice if it 1) picked up where the old one left off (instead of retreading the same ground), and 2) had the same animation style.
  23. Here's a link to a teaser trailer: Constantine trailer. Still too early to tell if this is going to suck or not.
  24. I've been hit with a bo staff (by a trained professional), which is similar enough to nunchucks, and trust me when I say it hurts like bloody Hell. Granted, the sword can cut you, but nunchucks, being solid pieces of wood, will hurt more.