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Everything posted by Missy

  1. Yup. That's a drag. They do have packages that save you some money (90 days, six months, a year), but why spend all that if you don't know if it's gonna be worth it?
  2. TONS! Don't get me wrong, I love the first one, but this one starts right with the action. No origin to drag things out. (Doc Ocks, but it's not that long.) And, because we already know nearly all of the characters, there's no need to set up relationships. How the relationships ended in part 1 are exactly how they start in part 2. Overall, it was a very smooth sequel.
  3. I said it got me into video games, doesn't mean I never did play games before that. I did play stuff on the Atari and the old NES such as Pac Man, Forgger, Super Mario Brothers and a bunch of others. But I mostly just watched or would play them very briefly. Mega Man 2, however was the first game I really truly enjoyed on a video game console and was what got me hooked. My mistake. (I still feel old.) I should a run a tournament to name the best Mega Man under-boss ever. Hmmm... kinda like the Oratory's Greatest Wrestler one. Both would have 64 men. Coincidence? I think not.
  4. Mega Man 2 was your first game? Man, I feel old. Um... what got me into them? Hmmm... good question. Two of my earliest (and few) childhood memories involve video games. The first is watching my dad play some racing game on the Atari (I'd know it if I saw it), and then watching my mom play Kaboom!. So they've always been a part of my life. Also, my dad would take me to Haunted Trails (an arcade) nearly every weekend after the divorce. Then, for my seventh (?) birthday, even though they were divorced, they split the cost of an NES. And I still remember the first game I ever played on my NES was The Legend of Zelda. The gold cartridge was freaking awesome, 'cause I used to seeing the grey Mario one at my buddy's place.
  5. I see. Thanks for clearing that up.
  6. Discuss it here. There will be SPOILERS in this thread, so STAY OUT if you've yet to see the film and want to be surprised.
  7. What do you mean you "saw pieces of people that weren't Wolverine in there"?
  8. Personally, I think he looks damn good as Logan. Not as grizzled, but who's to say the movie Logan is as old as the comics Logan?
  9. I remember reading (though I don't know where) that if X-Men 3 should not be made, a Wolverine solo picture will automatically be green lit. I've also heard (again, I can't provide a source) that this will be the last X-Men film, however, a Wolverine spin-off series will pick up from there. In both cases Hugh Jackman would, of course, play the title role.
  10. We should know the official Fantastic Four cast any day now, but here is a partial unconfirmed cast: Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic: Ioan Gruffudd Sue Storm/Invisible Woman: Rachel McAdams Ben Grimm/Thing: Michael Chiklis
  11. (source: HoustonChronicle.com)
  12. Here's a link to the Blade: Trinity trailer. No doubt it will debut with SM2 this Wednesday. http://entertainment.msn.com/movies/movie.aspx?m=544169
  13. I must admit that I was impressed with what I saw at E3 (I really need to write my report). Twice my character was kicked off of a tower, and splattered upon impact with the ground. The second time my head popped off and hit the camera!
  14. Can't recall if I've seen that one. But he died as a child... right? Good question. He might have to die to return. Can anyone confirm this? It didn't have to be. It was just "forgotten". That's probably because Wes Cravin wanted nothing to do with it.
  15. NARC's on there?! :OMG: Too bad I don't care about any of the other games.
  16. Shit, I don't remember. Isn't there one where he turns into an alien?
  17. Of course, Jason and Michael Myers can't be killed either because of their healing abilities, but they can be contained. The way Freddy is written, can he be contained? If he is brought into the "real world", can he be locked up so he can't do any harm? Is Jason a zombie? I mean, he's already dead. And what's up with Michael? Is he alive or dead or super strong? Theoretically if Freddy was brought into the real world and thrown into a jail his reign of terror might end. But then again, he was brought into the real world several times and ended up going back to the dream world. So I don't know. I always hated that they killed both Nancy and her father in part 3. One of them should have lived to hunt Freddy another day. Yeah, part 2 is pretty much the bastard child of the franchise.
  18. He died, but was saved somehow. And you're right about the family thing. Maybe he knocked some woman up after they ravaged his family.
  19. Though I wish it to be true, I'm not getting my hopes up... yet. It seems he's kicked off (or quits) the project every other week, and then returns. Who knows what to believe? Hopefully WB has smartened up and won't let this hack anywhere near their most important film since Batman!
  20. If you've overcome your fears, I recommend renting I, III, and New Nightmare. Maybe Freddy v Jason, too.
  21. Word has it that screenwriter Ben Ramsey (The Big Hit, Luke Cake) will be adapting Dragonball Z for 20th Century Fox.
  22. Hittin the stores tomorrow for some Mega Man goodness. :rockon: