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Everything posted by Missy

  1. A rumor is spreading that Jessica Simpson has been cast for X3. Her role would be that of a mutant lounge singer known as Dazzler. However, this rumor is false.
  2. I'm interesting! Damn. How'd that one slip by me? I check and double check my posts.
  3. Missy


    I just checked on this, and it's not cancelled. The seven issues that are late have been "cancelled" so they can be resolicited starting this month. This will put the book back on track heading towards it's 150th issue.
  4. Missy


    No fucking way!!! Are they rebooting it, or is it done for good?
  5. The annual Comic-Con International, held in San Diego from July 22-25, is almost here! Is anyone else planning on attending? Comic-Con.org
  6. Now that is one addicting game! I spent a half hour playing it without even noticing.
  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOO! It's been confirmed that Jessica Alba will play Sue Storm. They better at least dye her hair blond, and find a way to explain why Sue and Johnny are the exact same age -- and look nothing alike.
  8. YES! YES! YES! If these are released in the US, I hope it finally leads to a Kid Icarus sequel.
  9. That is an awesome site! Thanks for the link. Hours will be spent there.
  10. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Super Mario World, of course. Mega Man X Prince of Persia Spider-Man/X-Men: Arcade's Revenge Super Mario All-Stars Super Star Wars Super Empire Strikes Back Super Return of the Jedi Street Fighter II I'm sure I've left off dozens.
  11. Word floating around is that Eliza Dushku (Tru Calling), who initially read for Mary Jane, will audition for the role of the Black Cat for Spider-Man 3. However, I would take this with a grain of salt, considering Sam Raimi and his brother are currently plotting out/writing the story. Raimi has made it known that he wants the Cat in the third film (and that she was supposed to be in the second), but I highly doubt they're looking to fill the role this early.
  12. The Hollywood Reporter and Warner Bros. have now confirmed that McG is no longer attached to the next Superman movie. Due to disagreements about the shooting location (he wanted New York, they want Australia) and casting, the director and studio have parted ways. A thought: Metropolis is not New York City, and it's crazy to think so. Nor is it any Australian city. It's based on Toronto, and should be filmed there.
  13. They could easily change that. Ben could be the high school/college kid who protected the younger Reed from bullying, and that's how their friendship formed. Much of the original FF origin doesn't make sense now, so they're going to have to toy with it -- a lot.
  14. I found a walkthrough for you: (source) Click "FAQ/Walkthrough by SStrife_" to access the complete walkthrough.
  15. I don't think anyone in the entire history of gaming has ever beaten any of the Ghouls & Ghosts/Ghosts & Goblins games. Sorry I can't help.
  16. What you have to remember is that Reed and Ben are considerably older than the Storms. With Ioan being ten years younger than Michael and eight years older than Chris, they seem to placing Reed right in the middle. Ben, on the other hand, they can play up as the grizzled older test pilot/astronaut. (That's if they're going to use the space story and not the Ultimate Fantastic Four origin.)
  17. No, but I've heard nothing but good things. Depp has been rumored to play Lex forever now, but no one has ever confirmed or denied his involvement. I doubt it, however, because his plate is very full with upcoming projects (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Pirates of the Caribbean 2, The Rum Diary, and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly). He's 18, and Jimmy should look young. As of this moment she's not even 20! I know they want a young cast, but she is a bit too young for the part. He's supposedly been dropped from their list.
  18. Because he loves the property and can bring some attention to comics.
  19. It's now rumored that: Shia LaBeouf is reading for Jimmy Olsen. Scarlett Johansson is wanted for Lois Lane. Johnny Depp is once again being sought for Lex Luthor. As for Superman himself, word is that they now want an unknown.
  20. I read that some time ago (during the Batman v Spider-Man thread at the Oratory), and it made me want to go back and read the whole Clone Saga.
  21. Never said it was new. I'm just tired of it. The video game industry instituted their rating system because Lieberman said "either you do it, or we will" (or something along those lines). So, because they didn't want to be government regulated, the industry created their rating system, which, as I said before, has been praised by the government as being the best ever. But it still isn't good enough for them.