You Know Who

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Everything posted by You Know Who

  1. I'd be happy to join in on an Christmas Carol (where one of the Wilsons needs to be Fezziwig or the Ghost of Earth-2 present) or for 2005 film reviews (esp. King Kong and/or Chronicles of Narnia) but my viewing experience of The Simpsons is way too scattershot for me to contribute.
  2. Just as the future was the theme of the 10th anniversary, maybe Episode 1000 could be about alternate realities and have reviews of things like DC’s Elseworlds stories, Stranger Things, The Farnsworth Parabox, etc.
  3. The death of a character or the death of a series? Ice puns have been known to kill previous DC adaptations.
  4. I enjoy the MCU films more Des or Ian generally do, but I agree with them about the idea of a film trust. I don't think adding the Fantastic Four and the X-Men to the MCU would suit the franchise anyway if Disney acquired the film rights to them.
  5. He deserves a crossover with Evil Nazi Patrick Troughton. "Hail to the Chief" is in the public domain now, but perhaps it wasn't in 1969? They might have been playing a different tune from the 1800s time when Space Lincoln arrived on the Enterprise, but "Hail to the Chief" has been the presidential anthem since before real Lincoln became president. Also, was it just a trick of the lighting, or was the actor playing Space Lincoln practically in brownface during some scenes?
  6. Great episode as always, especially your reactions to Space Lincoln. This being the season that it is, any plans to do five worst episodes list in addition to the five best?
  7. To be fair, one of the other sings did influence Satan's song in South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut.
  8. Hippies AND anti-vaxers. Even worse. I honestly hope I didn't sound greedy or ungrateful when asking whether you'd consider doing three episodes per cast instead of two; I'm sure you'd both have incredibly busy schedules if even Mike wasn't the one running the site or Dan wasn't getting married soon. One final housekeeping question: Are you going to change the opening and closing music when you reach each show? Yes, you'll reach Enterprise at some point, but there's a decent alternate theme you could use:
  9. Well, that’s that Tomlinson Award decided. A suggestion for Liam Neeson month: Review Rob Roy for the purpose of comparison with Braveheart.
  10. Some Like It Hot The only other Marilyn Monroe film I know about is The Prince and the Showgirl, which co-starred Lawrence Olivier and is the film being made in My Week with Marilyn.
  11. If Wikipedia is to be believed, he was cast as Scarecrow when Tim Burton was still set to direct Batman Forever.
  12. Anyone else here a player or old fan of Age of Empires or Age of Mythology? I never owned the first edition but grew up playing Age of Empires II and Age of Mythology and later got into AoEIII. I've also been thinking about getting the updated AoEII and its recent expansion packs lately. With AoM and AoEIII, I was more interested in playing random maps than the campaigns. My favorite starter god was Loki and my favorite civilizations to play as were the British, the Iroquois, and the Japanese. With AoEII, I was more interested in the campaigns and my favorites were Genghis Khan and El Cid.
  13. It's currently at a whopping 7%. Of course, we won't know for sure if it's bad until we've seen it (or choose to), but the AV Club's review was a good read.
  14. Me three. That said, if we get to see more of then I'm in.
  15. There was no 2011 film. Does that then mean that it was worse than nothing?
  16. Days of Thunder, Lion, and The Hours. Maybe Australia and The Golden Compass, in spite of the fact that one of them is a Baz Luhrmann film and the other's an insubstantial literary adaptation. I wouldn't wish Moulin Rouge or Eyes Wide Shut on my worst enemy.