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Posts posted by Garfield

  1. I'm tempted to bring up an Onion article. It's a picture of literally every other major religious figure in a massive grotesque orgy with the headline "No one murdered because of this image."

    It's too vulgar really to post, but I think the headline says it all.

  2. Can we get past this already? I don't know why it has to be sexist if a female character acts feminine. Note that I'm not saying that they should act like a Puritan wife or something. But yes, women get scared and maybe even scream sometimes. Somes they even-oh god don't speak of it-cook. *shudder*

    When a woman is depicted as being a domesticated maid, it's insulting. When a woman is criticized for being too feminine, it's more insulting.

    I think everyone here, is making fun of the sexist debate, and not taking it seriously.

    Oh, no. I wasn't intending to direct that at anyone here. I was just saying that I was sick of the argument being made.
  3. Can we get past this already? I don't know why it has to be sexist if a female character acts feminine. Note that I'm not saying that they should act like a Puritan wife or something. But yes, women get scared and maybe even scream sometimes. Somes they even-oh god don't speak of it-cook. *shudder*

    When a woman is depicted as being a domesticated maid, it's insulting. When a woman is criticized for being too feminine, it's more insulting.

  4. I never joined in the optimism of the Arab Spring, and it was out of the concern for exactly what's been happening. Just because someone deposes their own dictator doesn't mean the next leader will be better. A look at Vladimir Lenin over Tsar Nicholas best illustrates this. And I'm not willing to give the people there a pass. Say what you want about the religious right here, they don't have massive murderous demonstrations here over movies.

  5. Star Trek: Rise of the Lens Flares

    If "Into Darkness" means less lens flares, I'm all for it.

    Someone pointed out that since there's no colon in the title, it still could have another subtitle.

    Star Trek Into Darkness: Into Light

    Star Trek Into Darkness: Yes, Trek is a Verb, Look It Up

    Star Trek Into Darkness: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

    If the Doctor rides a triceratops in Star Trek, count me in.
  6. It was mostly Amy's reasoning for leaving Rory, and Oswin referring to her relationship with Nina as a phase put off members of the LGBTQ community .

    Were this anyone but Amy, who has a history of terrible impulsive choices in regards to her relationship with Rory, I might agree. The Oswin thing... um, people actually say that, all the time. I've heard the "phase" thing said by several of my friends, gay and straight, after they experimented with the opposite gender.

    See, this whole thing is why I avoid sexism debates on the internet. Once someone pulls the sexism card, it's an absolute judgment that can apparently never be revoked or rethought. Unless you agree with the "person X is inarguably a sexist bigot deserving of nothing less than the torment of hell" argument, you simply can't win, and are usually declared a bigot yourself for defending such an apparently-terrible person.


    It's also why I try not to discuss politics here.

  7. Not that I've heard of. I haven't read much of Green Arrow, but it really doesn't seem to be within his character.

    Either way, I am glad to see a DC hero get another shot on the small screen in primetime. So long as they get Black Canary all right, or at least better than Smallville, it shouldn't be too bad.

  8. Welcome to the forums, Bryan! And thank you for the kind words.

    If you like hearing people rip apart really, really bad movies, you can try mine and Damien Wilkens' podcast, Tranquil Tirades.

    But really, he should listen to WFP Epsiode 16. Anyone who likes your review of The Terrible Trio will love Tranquil Tirades.