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Posts posted by Garfield

  1. So it turns out she stuck it under the register to hide it. Hope it was worth losing your job over, lady.

    I've lost count of how many people of that ilk with whom I've worked. People do things like that without the slightest bit of consideration for others.

  2. I'm with Jack on this, it was an awesome film. Sure it was a bit over the top, but it was awesome. I have no problem with a sequel to this at all.


    Yes. This x10,000. That movie was all kinds of awesomeness.

  3. Also, Mike is right. It is by no means out of bounds for Alfred to have a gun.

    Out of curiosity, has that been the case since the "Public Enemies" storyline or does that precede the Superman/Batman line?

    Well, given that it was in two separate continuities (the Burton film and BTAS), both of which precede Public Enemies, I would think so. Then again, I don't know if that was the case in the comics themselves.

  4. I'll be interested to see what they do with this. Murakami is making it, and he does have a good track record on superhero treatments. He does, however, have a very mixed record on the rogue's gallery. Teen Titans had numerous weak, sometimes bizarre (not always bizarre for the bad, mind you) villains, like Mumbo or Control Freak. The Batman, for as good as it was, did almost none of the Bat-villains any favors. Then again, this doesn't look like anything I've seen from Murakami before, so maybe he's finding his stride with that aspect of the series.

    Also, Mike is right. It is by no means out of bounds for Alfred to have a gun. There was a gun rack at Wayne Manor in the 1989 movie, and he also had one in BTAS. This is no issue for me. I'm not sure if Alred being a former secret agent is part of DC canon, or just DCAU, but if it is canon, that would also reinforce that.

  5. I might be stuck out here now until Tuesday because my goddamn father can't figure anyone other than himself into his plans worth a damn.

    In related news, my littlest sister is a racist bitch, my father is an instigating dickwad, and I'm in the middle of it all and am slowly going insane/considering killing them.

    There's really no accounting for family. Sorry to hear yours is so difficult.

  6. You sound like Homer Simpson after he had a crayon shoved up his nose to lower his I.Q.

    Ah, one of my favorite episodes because it's so true to life in that smart people are discriminated against in society/pop culture.

    In terms of humanity and life, it is my favorite episode of that show.

  7. E-mail I just received with the header "LOAN.":

    We offer all types of Loan (Business, Personal, Consolidation, Car, Investment, etc) @ 3% annual rate.

    Do you need a loan and have been turned down by your bank due to bad credit?

    Do you have unpaid bills or in debt? Do you have dreams of setting up a business?

    Contact us for a loan today and put a stop to all your financial barriers. CONTACT email.

    We are fast and reliable and honesty is our watch word.

    Well, if 'honesty' is your "watch word", then how can I refuse?!??!

    You sound like Homer Simpson after he had a crayon shoved up his nose to lower his I.Q.

  8. That's a good website to get information about DC shows from. Just don't read their reviews.

    Agreed. They praise a lot of irredeemable episodes like "Mean Seasons" and "Unity", though I think their review of the last episode of The Batman is spot-on.

    Don't forget Prototype. They liked that one too. But they give good coverage of DC show, and even have a sister site for the Marvel animated shows.

  9. My first inclination is to say that those people give Christians a bad name. But that's too narrow a criteria. They give human beings a bad name. Having them protest you is like getting hate mail from Hitler.