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Posts posted by Rjoyadet

  1. The museum I volunteer at is releasing me. My last day's tomorrow. 

    I've been there too long anyway, but having something to do took some of the sting out of unemployment.

    As an employee and former employee of two museums I would like to say "Thank You". You may not realize it but volunteerrs are what makes museums affordable to the public and they motivate employees to be better.

  2. Have you ever really looked forward to a movie or comic, only to have it not be anything like you imagined it? Well, I am going to play with this concept by posting fan art of characters that I either never have seen or know very little about.


    My first one is Shang Tsung from the Mortal Kombat series.


  3. I've gotta say, I'm pretty blown away that Donnie Yen and Forest Whitaker are both in a fucking Star Wars movie. It's pretty bonkers.

    Donnie Yen revealed to the world he is a Jedi when he fought a swordsman with a feather duster in the first "Ip man" movie. I bet Forest Whitaker is hoping this washes away the stain of "Battlefield Earth : saga of the year 3000."

  4. About the Left Behind movie, I trust you guys would just talk about how bad the film is and not go on a rant against Christianity. The first time I heard that Nicholas Cage was going to star in Left Behind, I thought it was a joke, along the lines of people wanting him to play Han Solo in Star Wars: the Force Awakens. I did not find the movie very Cagey. He seemed to just mumble through his lines and always looked like he wanted out. Chad Michael Murray actually put in effort.

  5. Dear Wikia,

    Please don't fucking keep harping on the portable infobox thing then, when you decide to convert them, provide no support for the ways that changing it over fucks up the entire infobox and actively prevents editing it!

    Love and kisses,

    nice closing.

  6. The Fifth Season: The Broken Earth, NK Jemisin

    Go read this now. Go in blind, don't read any spoilers, and just enjoy the ride.


    Hidden Content

    I have heard people call N.K. Jemison the next Octavia Butler.

  7. I broke up with my girlfriend a couple of days ago. She has been messaging me hoping to save it but I had to be brutally honest. I hated smashing her heart a second time this week. I really hope she can move on because she acted like she would never love again.