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Everything posted by Dread

  1. Dread

    Episode 47

    Hellboy 2 not at all. DK? Only if you have no idea who a certain character might be. You sir, should be just fine.
  2. In my eyes she was...
  3. Well, she wasn't wearing the costume at the time!
  4. TOTALLY forgot to mention this last week but before and at times during Hellboy 2, two girls sitting in the row behind us were talking about DK and about how one went to a costume party with a bunch of friends dressed in a Batman theme. She was talking about how long she took turning a bikini and leaves/flowers into a totally awesome but very revealing Poison Ivy costume. She went on to say how self conscious she felt wearing it and didn't have it perfect because she couldn't find a green nylon bodysuit so she got pale green thigh high stockings. I decided not to turn and lear both to see how hot she could ossibly be and to make it noticeable that people could hear her during the movie but after the movie, the credits are rolling and we stand up and she says, "I would totally go bi for Selma Blair" and I look behind to see the hottest redhead I have ever seen in my life, tv, movies, magazines and otherwise. Smoking hot. I almost said "I'd risk the poison"...you know if I wasn't a pussy or married.
  5. Not too sure. His replacement. But he shelved it until he moved to DC. Gotta love Mark Evanier.
  6. Dread

    Episode 46

    Thanks D! and cheers to you on episode 25. I'll be listening to it very soon.
  7. It's actually my second favorite! I would say the twist is pretty redundant seeing as the first film had it. But you can do no wrong with dancing Crispin Glover! Wasn't Crispin in #4, The Final Chapter? My bad.
  8. It's actually my second favorite! I would say the twist is pretty redundant seeing as the first film had it. But you can do no wrong with dancing Crispin Glover!
  9. I would leave out your favorite books. Not important. Otherwise, pretty good. Cathcart eh? I taught in Glasgow for a year, in Coatbridge and Lochend.
  10. best paintball footage ever.
  11. That's because it wasn't a superhero movie. It was a Scorcese crime drama featuring Batman and the Joker.
  12. Further than that, thanks for not bowing to peer pressure and panning Nick Fury. It's actually pretty good by TV movie standards let alone the piss-poorness of Marvel's TV output of the time. Fun Fact: a young Desmond Reddick saw The Amazing Spider-Man and the Chinese Web (with a re-done bad 80s techno theme song) at the drive-in with another film I can't remember for the life of me...
  13. Dread

    The Music Thread

    "Sieg Howdy" by Jello Biafra with the Melvins (The Jelvins) a fucking great modern rock album featuring Biafra's best vocals to date. Amazing!
  14. if you've worked at busy places, words like "high volume sales" and "high pressure situations" always work.
  15. Kirby's OMAC: One Man Army Corps for DC started out as a futuristic Captain America story he never got around to.
  16. You know, I can buy what i think might be what they're going for: Yorick becoming more and more legendary the longer he's alive. But it upsets me because for ages I have said that YtLM is one of the greatest comics ever written and now I have to take that back.
  17. Don't. I want to kick that last issue in the teeth and pee on it.
  18. Effects most likely not even done yet.
  19. The mere mention of Carla Gugino's name gets me...interested...let alone what she looked like there
  20. Fuck! At least they're announcing that Ultimate Edition before anything. I won't be double dipped...I won't be double dipped...I won't be double dipped...I won't be double dipped...I won't be double dipped...
  21. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=46928 I don't get it...