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Everything posted by Dread

  1. Dread

    Episode 43

    This version of episode 43 is hooped. I messed it up, fixed it, messed it up again, then fixed it again and Mike reposted it so if you want the fixed version, go to the iTunes page and download it there. Thanks.
  2. "Thor's is not a sled you want landing on your house." New favourite line. Great job guys. Except for the Avengers books Dan reviewed. I didn't read those because I'll be damned if I read any more of Toland's Avengers reviews! I kid. I haven't read anything past SI #1...
  3. Yeah the posters look cool but what I get out of that link most is that I want to jump Megan Fox's bones. That is all.
  4. Ah, I see. So if you don't know or care who's in the picture... Is that Twiggy?
  5. am I the only one who thinks that is one of the dumbest promotional images ever? It's fucking stupid.
  6. One of the better shows we've recorded I think...it's no Big Mo' but it's pretty damn good.
  7. Dread

    Confession Time

    I rip audio mp3s of a lot of commentaries for DVDs that aren't mine and sometimes listen to them when I'm not watching the movie. now lets pretend for a moment i would like to know how you'd do that? what!? I watch dvd commentarys with subtitles the cool ship has sailed! I use a program called Audio Hijack, it's only compatible with Macs. Alternatively, download Audacity (for free) and LAME Mp3 Encoder (also free), run a male-to-male input jack from your headphone out to your line in and hit record. Start movie, go watch another movie and by time that one is done, your recording should be finished too.
  8. Dread

    Confession Time

    I rip audio mp3s of a lot of commentaries for DVDs that aren't mine and sometimes listen to them when I'm not watching the movie.
  9. How long after they post a picture of the new Penny before Yoda gets all creepy?
  10. Dread

    Episode 40

    Yeah, much as I like Peeping Tom I was still a little disappointed in it. A Perfect Place is brilliance.
  11. Since you're needing to finish Bendis' Daredevil, grab Brubaker's CA books. Although, you can't go wrong with either.
  12. My wife saw the trailer (before Sex and the City of all films!) and is now too scared of the Joker to go and see this film...I can't wait.
  13. Stan Winston, Bo Diddley and George Carlin all in the past 10 days. It's like the world is telling me not to look up to anyone. George Carlin taught me that it was ok to be angry at stupid people. He taught me to expect more out of life that way and to leave the shitheads behind if they were pissing me off. I will miss you, Mr. Carlin.
  14. I'd try to be angry at Tom Jane but he is just the world's biggest geek with a lot of money.
  15. Oh FUCK no! At least it didn't happen when you were out at the post office...I'd feel guilty. Listening to more now.
  16. I have to wait til tonight to listen to this? :shakes fist:
  17. I have feared this for quite some time...Grant Morrison is now writing reality!!! Final Crisis indeed...
  18. I'll do it! Muhuhahahahaha... you can write one for my site if you want... Driven to exile in the Canadian wilderness, where it is not technically illegal to have your way with a werewolf... You sir, just got yourself the job!
  19. I'll do it! Muhuhahahahaha... you can write one for my site if you want...
  20. Bruce Banner, as laid out in Peter David's run, was an emotionally troubled man because of the abuse his father put him through and it is even implied, unless I'm mistaken, that the Hulk is more a reflection of his father than it is Bruce's dark side.
  21. Whoa there! I know a shit-ton of English Majors at uni who have little to no understanding of character or story.
  22. Yes. Yes I do. Yup. Tall invisible bunnies especially.