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Posts posted by Dread

  1. Having finished the show, I have to say that this interview was quite excellent! My only suggestion would be to not "Uh-huh" and "Yeah" over your guests. It didn't seem to throw Phil off, but others it might.

    Also, again there were volume issues. You and the music were great. Phil, however, was very low. Next time you might want to boost your guest(s) up a little.

    Thanks. Will try and stop doing that.

    The audio for the interview was already boosted. It's the problem with calling out to landlines with Skype. My controls were fucking with me during the interview so I decided to say screw it and fix in post.

  2. Fragile: Love Never Dies, is one of my favourite horror comics. No, they are not normal zombies and this is no normal zombie tale.

    I love this!!!

    Without giving too much away can you explain how the zombies are?

    They retain their intelligence and personalities but their bodies are slowly rotting and, as a result, very fragile.

    There's sci fi elements too but that would be giving stuff away.

  3. No THAT was an episode.

    I think Peter was right on par with Hiro there.

    I loved the disarming thing. I was actually a little disappointed with Kenzei's return to battle and then he got filled with arrows and I was all like "GO HIRO!" but then, of course, he has healing powers too. I thought that was dumb. I don't like that guy in the slightest.

    But Hiro's battle and Petrelli's bar ass-kickery made that one of my fave episodes to date. Still not knocking my socks off though.

  4. According to an interview I listened to, Bloodrayne three will be the third in the trilogy (with a new actress because this one didn't get naked, yes I"m serious) that will have Rayne taking on Nazis like in the game.

    And, that has always been the plan according to Boll.

    In other Boll news, if I can clean up the audio, episode 5 of Dread Media will feature a Q&A that took place at a screening of Postal with Uwe Boll and leading man Zach Ward (who plays a vampire Billy the Kid in BR 2, yes I'm serious).