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Everything posted by Dread

  1. I'm a little late but I'm visiting the in-laws. Happy birthday!
  2. So I take it my offer of 2 Reese's Peanut Butter cups and a lock of Corey Hart's hair has been turned down? I'll be sitting in the corner with me Reese's PB cups playing with Corey's hair...wearing my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I can,so I can so I can, ...........
  3. Will you reveal yourself to be Darkseid and steal all our candy? You've been hinting all along! You'll have to leave a smoking crater behind if you want my wine gums, mister!
  4. Ok, I get what you're saying but whjy not use villains already established in the universe and already linked to Vandal Savage historically? I kind of prefer that. Make up a big bad too. That's cool. But I enjoy the in-continuity stuff. DCs got loads of great villains that go unused so why not brush em off?
  5. I don't know. I just prefer to learn more about characters as time moves on. I'm thinking he'll develop them and I trust that. I am sick of "My name is Super Dingo and I have a super baby eating power ever since I was bitten by a genetically engineered dingo. But really I'm a softy at heart." That's why I don't read Claremont actually. The wholesomeness? Let's not fool ourselves into thinking that kids are actually reading this book. I enjoy seeing super Nazis tearing innocent people apart. It makes the Nazi-smashing that much more fun.
  6. But they were both in WW2! More likely, they killed more nazis than the Invaders! I thought the team-building was great seeming as all of those villains were out to extinguish legacies. They were protecting the legacies of their brothers who have been lost over the years. There's nothing dishonourable about that.
  7. And I'll disagree with that. This is not a retro book. This book is the elder statesmen of the DCU involved in the modern world in the only way they know how, recruiting and training new heroes. I haven't read #4 yet but I haven't been as excited for a non-event book in a while. Wildcat, Alan Scott and Jay Garrick are three of the most compelling characters in the DCU and they, along with Mr. Terrific, are being made A listers with this book. Thanks God for that! Justice League was plodding, sloppy and ridiculously drawn out. I got my money's worth with the Society's books and that is saying something these days. Complaining about blood and violence in this book is along the same lines as blood and violence in a Captain America book. You don't seem to mind that. I have a major soft spot for Eaglesham but I do understand that art style can be debated back and forth without any conclusion so I'll leave it at that.
  8. With all the talk of Justice League I thought I'd ask about the elder statesmen. I followed JSA when I lived abroad because I wanted to try something new. I went back and got all the trades too. I fell away from it just before Infinite Crisis. The new series is the best book DC has published in years. It's written for the trade but there's so much story packed into each issue it makes Justice League of America 1-6 look like a filler issue in comparison. I looooooove Dale Eaglesham's artwork too. It seems Johns has lightened his workload after finishing 52 and really gone into overdrive with this series. It's brilliant and it's the only DC book you need to read.
  9. Exciting stories, Previews, boobie talk? Damn it! I have to wait about a week for this one due to a backlog of stuff and I'm ordering a new iPod. Can't wait though.
  10. Yeah...worst is a little excessive but I go to extremes to not buy anything with his covers. I think they're awful. I think he's derivative. Now that I've read the first 6 issues of Justice League of America and didn't really like it, I am dropping it to be free of Turner's covers.
  11. If there is someone well versed in the comics, go with them but otherwise I can do it. I've got an amusing anecdote abouit trhe novelization of the second film.
  12. Is it wrong of me to think that Michael Turner is the worst thing to happen to comics in the modern age?
  13. I now know what my wife feels like waling into a comic store... Good review, even though I haven't played an FF since NES.
  14. Check out Tim Waggoner's site here. Check out David Agranoff's site here. Go buy yourself some horror/sci-fi for a good cause here. Let me know what you guys thought of the show
  15. Thanks James! It's been a slog but I'm done with Romero until Diary comes out. It's safe to say that he's a director I don't need to do a spotlight on a la the Del Toro column. Thanks for reading and if you have any requests please let me know.
  16. Pleasze tell me you aren't watching that Hasselhoff film for a canonical representation of Fury...
  17. Yoda: Thanks for posting that pic. It would look cool if he wasn't 42 feet tall! Tyler Mane didn't even speak in X-Men! Why is he speaking in this movie? God, I hope Zombie comes to his senses. James: Thanks again, sir! If you have any requests feel free to go to the Article Help section and post under the thread there. I need all the help I can get.
  18. Dread


    Too bad it is winter. I'm not really a huge fan of 300 but I feel the LotR comparison is unfair. I despise LotR in their movie (and book) forms. 300 was better than that. Nerd blasphemy I know, but LotR compares to Star Wars in that aspect. The source materials create great stories... but are told horribly. You're not alone. LotR sucked. They were ridiculous and drawn out. I was merely saying that if you took all the battle scenes from Lotr and put them together it might be in the league of 300.
  19. Dread


    Saw it last night and I've got to say it's the best summer blockbuster type flick I've seen in years. The ONLY one I've seen in a decade that I feel I NEED to see again. It was better than if they took out all of the 'I've never been this far away from the shire before, Frodo" bullshit from all three LotR films and condensed the best into 2 hours. Better than that. I was supercharged after leaving the theatre. Lena Headey made me slack-jawed every time she was on screen and Butler was fucking fantastic in spite of his Edinburgh accent. I can only think of one better way to spend 2 hours but that involves chocolate syrup and Monica Bellucci.
  20. I was just going to say that. You need to enable cookies for this site.
  21. I'd make a suggestion but i'm now frightened that Yoda will eat my brain and steal my powers...
  22. I have to wait for both iTunes to list the show (the subscribed version came out at 12 minutes) and to pick up #7 next week to listen but I'm psyched about the renewed regularity of the show!
  23. Love the fast reply too. This is looking schnazzy! Yoda, did you do this all yourself?