Aaron Robinson

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Everything posted by Aaron Robinson

  1. That's... well, that's something. Somebody made that.
  2. Oh man, I just listened to the start of the episode out of curiosity. Nice work man!
  3. It looks good. I'm interested to see how Brad Bird takes the leap from animation to live action.
  4. Good god, I wish I could watch youtube videos at work. Punk’s “shoot” promo sounds amazing.
  5. Eh, I’d say Saints Row 2 got its share of love. I know I had fun messing around with it.
  6. Why would Ryan Reynolds be in a sequel to Mars Needs Moms?
  7. Aaron Robinson


    Dang it, I thought I could get chat to work at work. Ah well, it was worth a shot.
  8. I've loved pretty much everything I've seen from Brad Bird. The Incredibles is easily my favourite Pixar movie.
  9. With a bit of research, it looks like Cars made about 5 billion in merchandise, while Toy Story 3 made around 2.4 billion. So yeah, Cars is definitely the top dog in terms of merchandise, and that would easily make it Pixar's most profitable film. But 2.4 billion is still pretty amazing.
  10. Oh yeah, I've heard that Cars was very profitable on that front. It may well be their most profitable in terms of merchandise. I just don't believe it's the only film they can "sell the shit out of merchandise" with. Hell, I'm sure all the Pixar films actually did pretty well with the toys and stuff they created for them, even if Cars did the best.
  11. Man, surely Toy Story sells a ton of... well toys. And other stuff. I'm sure there are Toy Story lunch boxes and backpacks that sold well too.
  12. Shadows of the Damned is really fun so far. It feels like God Hand, Resident Evil 4 and No More Heroes had a three way and created a game that somehow manages to carry good traits from all three. It’s horrifying and gruesome but somehow silly and fun at the same time. And nobody will play it because nobody knows it exists. It’s also composed by some guy called Akira Yamaoka. I don’t know if that will mean anything to anyone on this board though…
  13. Man, I remember a while back you were saying how much you hated this game. And now you're trying to 100% it?
  14. Oh yeah, Easy A was pretty bad. Not because of Emma Stone or any of the actors really, it just felt like the writing was really lazy.
  15. I like Emma Stone a whole lot. Still no interest in this.
  16. Aaron Robinson


    Oh man. That's perfect.
  17. That suuuuucks. I wonder how Rocksteady feels about making content that their own friends and families won't be able to experience? (well, not for a while anyway)
  18. I... I know. That's all I was saying. I mean, I think he's great. I've kept my eye on him ever since Body of Lies, where he pretty much stole the show.
  19. I ended up seeing Thor despite not being all that interested, and ended up having a fun time. This though? I don't think I'll be seeing this. Man, Mark Strong is great and all, but he’s been in some crappy movies. Unless you happen to be a big fan of Babylon A.D.
  20. I don't think people are being all that uncivil.
  21. I sunk a few hours into Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands last night. I think the general critical consensus was “it’s alright”, aaaaaaaand I pretty much agree with that. From the early stages I wish it was a little looser and a little more inventive with its platforming, but it’s enjoyable enough. The Prince’s narration is awful though.
  22. It’s still going to be a big hit for Gearbox though.