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Everything posted by Pan-dub

  1. I like the look of it a lot. It's like Sam Raimi's Spiderman meets Heroes.
  2. There is currently a Humble Bundle ( with a big ton of Doctor Who comics and a mobile game. $15 for a big ton o'Doctor Who stuff!
  3. Every month I e-mail 'For Better or Worse' about the casting of Doug E.Doug. Every month snubbed. We're not women: we can (and did) pee separately when visiting the cinema!
  4. Gordon from Sesame Street begs to differ. Isn't it called Coronation Street over there? Totally. Here's our version of Elmo:
  5. So I know that I like about 25% of the car, 75% to sell me on
  6. And Cannibal: The Musical is a bizarrely odd romp including G-Fresh as chief of the Japanese Native Americans
  7. Always HAA responsibly, kids
  8. Dude! I totally missed that! =p you sneaky bassist, you!
  9. How do you feel about Legally Blonde, oh Bristolian Oracle?
  10. I'd love to see a serious take on the middle-aged Power Rangers coping with life without power, living in the shadow of their super-powered teenage selves until they are called back to the aid of a dying Zordon by a beaten and sparking Alpha after being warned of the return of Lord Zed - hell bent on revenge. Shape-shifting Putties start inhabiting Angel Grove in the forms that they recall: the 90s. Thrown back into their golden age the newly reformed Power Rangers must learn to over come their demons in order to bring Angel Grove back into 2014. All the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers cast return as the original rangers - including the controversial black and yellow rangers, and Billy who accused the whole show as being homophobic. Al Pacino stars as Lord Zed - Twisted from his years of imprisonment: a tortured leader obsessed with reclaiming his throne. Kim Kardashian as Rita Repulsa - Awoken as if nothing has changed but this time with the power to both make her evil monsters grow and shrink. Morgan Freeman as Zordon - Who else? Sean Penn as Alpha - Still annoying as fuck. No longer says 'Ayeayeaye' but has been reprogrammed to say 'Mountain Dew' Val Kilmer as Mega-Zord - Cruelly over looked for years, this is surely Kilmer's break out role as a motion capture master. Jim Carrey as a Giant Crab - Cast to compliment Kilmer after their electrifying chemistry on the set of 'Batman Forever' Tenacious D as Bulk and Skull - ...come on this would be brilliant I submit: the greatest ensemble cast in the first film to win every single Oscar in one year, including Best Foreign film and Best Short Film - there will be a proper length film and a half an hour edit in Flemish.
  11. It was good because I was 7. They're going to have to make a film with its tongue pushed SO far into its cheek that it frankly looks rude or pull some "Power Rangers Begins" with this shit.
  12. Ohhhhhh right! That'll explain Kristen Stewart's career then.
  13. I smell a winner! Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim vs the World) Roxie Richter (Scott Pilgrim vs the World) Dragon (Shrek) Kevin the Snipe (Up) Mayday (A View to a Kill) 8 to go...
  14. She's a legal badass, as I'm sure Mike'll agree!
  15. Evelyn O'Connell (The Mummy Returns) Anck-su-namun (The Mummy Returns) Mrs. Brisby (The Secret of NIMH) Colette Tatou (Ratatouille) Elle Woods (Legally Blonde) Debbie Jelinsky (Addams Family Values) Think I'm just trying to bulk up the numbers now...
  16. True about the 'Gotta dance' section: at Fort Wilson that where Mother presses fast-forward
  17. Clarice Starling (Silence of the Lambs) Xenia Onatopp (Goldeneye) Ginger (Chicken Run)
  18. Totally. What a brilliant opening number that film has too...
  19. Astrid (How to train your Dragon) Knives Chau (Scott Pilgrim vs the World) Mystery Woman (Carrie Fisher in Blues Brothers) Miss Piggy (The Muppets)
  20. Written by Joe "Ant-man co-writer" Cornish
  21. Goddamn it, Brother! Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind vs Kill Bill Vol. 1