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Posts posted by prez

  1. Have we seen both Atoms yet? Could it be one of them?

    Also, since we're not sure which stories from before are canon - because DC fucking hates its fans - could it be someone who had been dead before? Ted Kord, Ralph Dibney (trolltastic decision that would be), Aqualad/Tempest. Other Justice League members I don't think we've seen yet include Metamorpho (probably not big enough), Plastic Man (he's only been seen on a TV screen so far), Geo-Force, Max Lord ... man, everything seems to point toward Wally.


  2. Fuck them to death if it's Wally. One of the happiest families of any DC character, so why not erase them? Fucking bastards.

    Do you think that in 20 years we'll look back at DiDio's reign at DC as the Dark Ages?

  3. My biggest issue is the way they're painting Cyclops. He seems psychotic. If this isn't Emma and Magento's doing, by the end of the series, they'll have done to him what they did to Iron Man in Civil War.

    Agreed. Cyclops is batshit insane the whole time and all the X-Men are like, "OK! It's way easier than thinking for myself!"

  4. Um, I doubt The Mentalist can be preempted by football. The late game on CBS is at 4PM and I have never seen anything but 60 minutes be joined in progress.

    The whole night is moved back. My wife and I routinely missed the end of 'CSI: Miami' on the DVR because of the football overrun, even after we put on a 30 minute extension.

  5. I'm stil pretty pissed about Stormwatch.

    Yeah, what a horrible piece of shit that was/is. Oh yes, there's another couple of characters I liked that were ruined - Martian Manhunter and Jack Hawksmoor.

  6. Why is it that every DC character I loved, pre-reboot — Booster, Power GIrl, etc. — has just been totally ripped apart and shit on by this thing? I mean, did you read World's Finest #1? What the hell was that?