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Posts posted by prez

  1. And Starfire went from a character who was comfortable with her sexuality and loved/never got over Dick Grayson (the man she was seconds away from marrying) to not even remembering who he is and wants wanton sex with people. Great. Wonderful.

    That bothers me more than anything else. More than Batman getting (what seems to be physically impossible, given clothing positions) sex from Selina. That pretty much ruins a great character.

    I never really held any stock in DiDio being a sexist piece of crap, but this reboot has me thinking that's exactly what he is.

    As the man said:


  2. I'm guessing that's a flashback. Because if it's not, then, yeah, Green Lantern: Rebirth has been written out of continuity.

    That brings up an interesting question: Did Emerald Twilight happen at all? Is Coast City gone? Did Hal ever die or anything?

  3. Maybe this is just me, but why does Dan Jurgens keep getting work? To me, him and Liefeld represent the two 1990s art styles that look most dated by today's standards. Of course, Shoulderpads Rob still gets jobs too, so maybe I'm just missing something.

  4. Flipped through Mr. Terrific #1 and it was pretty shit. One thing though:

    At one point, Karen Starr is crashing on his couch during a business trip. Apparently, they're old buddies who both just happen to be brilliant billionaire businessmen. You give boring ass Mr. Terrific a book, but Power Girl is a cameo, and might not be a hero at all? UGH.

  5. Why do any of this? It's not like anyone gave a shit that Ewoks didn't blink. All it does it take you out of the movie, the same as the first time he re-did these things.

    Because he wants to tweak it until he has what he wants the Star Wars films to be. That or with every new addition, he can put out a new version of the films, that people, no matter how much they complain, will end up buying.

    The only ones I bought, or will ever buy, were the original versions. I can't be the only one.

    EDIT: Just watched all those scenes from the link above. The only necessary change - maybe - is the CGI Yoda in 'Phantom Menace.' Everything else makes the movie a bit worse, honestly.

  6. Hannah, clarify. What's specifically wrong with his interpretation of Batman?

    Are you serious?

    What makes Green Arrow stand apart from the Dark Knight? Well, for starters Batman doesn't live in the world he protects. He's an interloper, and outsider - creeping in the shadows and waiting to pounce. Sure, he's got a good relationship with Gordon, but he's always distant and removed. If you didn't know any better, you might think he was an alien or something. Green Arrow lives in the world. He's not just about punishing the wicked. He wants to help people. He can see the world through their eyes, bringing a greater empathy than someone like Batman is capable of.

    I'd argue that at times Batman is the MOST human of characters, the most in-tune with society. He's a man who has seen the ultimate evil committed to the only people he loved when he was barely old enough to understand what he was feeling. He locks his pain away and uses it to fuel his life. Hiding your emotions and transferring that energy into something else is a very common, very human reaction. What's common about Ollie? I love the character, but I don't feel any sympathy for a spoiled playboy. Ollie is, basically, a crusading version of the "mask" of Bruce Wayne.

    And I don't consider Batman's approach to life emotionless or distant. He cares about his city, about the world, above all else, including his own emotional and physical health. He has created - or at least did in the universe I USED to know - a surrogate family which means the world to him. Ollie's "empathy" exists from what perspective? How does he have any more ability to feel for people than any other hero? Because he crusaded for civil rights in a world that no longer exists?

  7. Speaking of Stormwatch, the first issue was pretty hit and miss for me. Mostly miss.

    - I'll admit it - I was a big fan of "The Authority" when I was in college. I thought it was an awesome allegory to the Justice League. And it was pretty well written. But this comic basically did absolutely nothing to introduce the group. If the DCnU is supposed to bring in new readers, this was an abject failure.

    - The moon is going to attack Earth. The fuck?

    - I know there's a select group of people that have always had a hard-on for Midnighter, but him being able to decimate the group's heavy-hitters — particularly fucking J'onn!! - with basically a single punch each? Bullshit. Fucking bullshit.

    - Speaking of Midnighter, the only thing that made him and Apollo original was their deep, often tender, sincere love for each other. If they're just meeting here, then why do we need them in the universe at all? I get that Midnighter's like a psychically enhanced version of Wolverine, with a bit of Batman's wardrobe mixed in - but isn't that a bit much?

    - Is Apollo really going to be stronger than Superman? Are we really going to go there?

    - The best things about this book, for me, were the concept of Stormwatch being a legendary group of heroes that has been caring for the Earth for centuries and the return of Jack Hawksmoor, who I'm a total mark for.

    Anyone else read it?

  8. I've heard a few people praising the book for its focus on the psychological realism of being a home invasion/paralysis victim, ...

    I think that's the worst part though. We saw Oracle work through all that so, so long ago and now it just feels trite.

  9. Batgirl stank. This comic needed to justify why Babs was in the costume and it failed. The art was pretty to look at, but we have questionable dialogue with Babs trying to scare crooks, and Babs nearly wetting herself over fear of the Killing Joke incident which she has been well past in her life. She's faced the Joker twice since she was shot, but no. This issue has her basically saying "My life was worthless when I wasn't Batgirl!" What a fucking load.

    Pretty much totally agree. I fucking HATED this issue. Won't be reading more.

    The other ones I read were JLI #1 and Animal Man #1 because of all the hype. JLI left a lot of questions for me, and I'm wondering how much of Booster's story was left from the old universe, because Batman seemed to be trying to get people to take Booster seriously and trust him. I wasn't a fan of the art, however.

    Didn't like Animal Man either, honestly. Too gruesome for me. I don't have any desire to read horror comics.

  10. WOLVERINE #15

    Written by Jason Aaron

    Penciled by Goran Sudzuka

    Cover by JAE LEE

    In the wake of last issue's gut-wrenching ending, Logan has turned his back on humanity and retreated once again to the Canadian wilderness. Is this the end of Wolverine as we know him? Or the beginning of an all-new era for the ole' Canucklehead? Or perhaps even both.

    If you didn't know or weren't reading, in Wolverine #14:

    The Red Right Hand, the group that had been torturing Wolverine, sending him to hell and forcing him to fight and kill a string of new, specially altered enemies, killed themselves just as he reached them. The group - all completely demented, often evil, survivors of Wolverine's many victims - left him a message that they had never expected to kill him. They only meant to draw things out so they could reveal one thing to him, without Wolverine being able to get his revenge: the five or six new enemies he had just slaughtered were all children that he had unknowingly left behind during his long life.

    So now Wolverine gets naked and goes off into the wilderness to live with wolves? Again? Seriously, again?! Isn't anyone editing the Wolverine books? They even say in the preview "once again" for fuck's sake!!

  11. Has everyone seen this?

    So apparently...Renee Montoya was never the Question, there never was a Ted Kord, Ollie is in his mid 20s (SAME AS ROY), Young Justice has to be OOC now that Tim is meeting Superboy, Bart and Cassie for the first time I'm guessing, New Krypton is out of continuity, as is Zero Hour.

    I want to remain excited for this reboot, but this is seriously gutting me. It's so disingenuous, so stupid. It's like Didio sniper-shot every fun and positive thing from the 90s.

    Originally Posted by Dan DiDio on how "Death of Superman" fits in continuity now

    "We are keeping the "spirit of the story" in place. Superman died, and got better. But the events and people around it have changed including the fact that the Reign of Superman did not replace him in death but were inspired by it."

    Fuck you, Dan DiDio. This is such a clusterfuck. Picking and choosing from the landmark events in the DCU - and making them all happen in five fucking years - makes me more livid with each reveal.

  12. Although the art for JL #1 was gorgeous, I couldn't help feeling like something was a bit off. Like the characters were all posing to be future DC Direct statues, instead of actually being IN the story. Did anyone else feel like that?

    As for the story, I guess I liked it enough, even though it felt like nothing happened. But I really don't like the attitudes that Hal and Bruce seemed to have. Hal, especially, came off like a total dick.

  13. OK, so I read it and I gotta say: Disappointed.

    I'm definitely in the camp of "If this was the end of the DCU, it wasn't anywhere near good enough." And if the whole finish was going to be Barry, Zoom and "Batman," why have the big battle? Just so everyone else in this ultra-violent world could show up for three panels and then disappear?

    I think more than ever that they didn't think this whole thing through before a few months ago.