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Everything posted by MaxPower

  1. I like grumpy old Harrison Ford... this could be very cool.
  2. MaxPower


    Yeah, but Adolf was pretty popular 80 years ago in Germany as well.....
  3. I hate Subway. When they ran that add saying they were doubling their menu because you could get everything toasted was just stupid. It wasn't doubling, it was adding another option. By that argument any addition to the choices was a doubling of the menu.
  4. MaxPower


    Wait... wait... wait..... Darth Vader was Luke Skywalkers dad!
  5. Hard to tell from that, but looks ok, Kilowog looked awesome though.
  6. Great article. I always argued it was silly for actors to be more than one comic book character, but my argumentative side spoke up as I was reading your article. Really enjoyable read. Could the fact that this is happening be an indicator that comics as a source material are becoming more mainstream? Is Gary Oldman playing Jim Gordon and Sirius Black any different to Halle Berry playing Catwoman and Storm?
  7. But what would make the women watch the movie? I mean all they care about is romance in a movie, so if you don't have that what's left? A whole sub plot of washing dishes or doing my ironing
  8. Black Ops has the record for the biggest enterainment opening day sales in history. Bigger by almost triple the closest movie, bigger than any music release. I wish I had shares in Vivendi, owners of the following franchises - Call of Duty - Guitar Hero - World of Warcraft
  9. It could be Ivy, that guy is just saying Catwoman 'fits' better in the Nolanverse. It could be Talia and Selina isn't even in it. This is going to be the final one though, so I can't see them setting up a future villian, ie having Selina as Selina and just teasing Catwoman. I like the idea of Weisz in this, but I'd much prefer to see her playing a Villian to Craigs Bond.
  10. Source - Aint it Cool There was a rumour earlier about Weisz being a baddy in the next Bond. Maybe the rumours got mixed up. She could play and awesome Talia Ghul....
  11. Funniest clip I have seen in TV in quite a while. From the new show Rake, that I mentioned in the what are you watching thread.
  12. I think the argument that 'its too hard to classify violence, therefore we shouldn't do it" isn't good enough. I mean what constitutes 'enough'? Everyone would agree that a movie or game showing a 12 year old kid being dismembered with the rusty meat cleaver isn't suitable for kids. But what if it were a 30 year old man? What if it was a dog? What if it was a cyborg? I loved Kagan's comment that it needs to be clear so developers know where they stand before making a game or movie. The guy couldn't even answer that. They argue it's the interactive nature of games that makes them dangerous to children. But I acted out 'The Karate Kid' with my brother a lot more than I ever did Street Fighter. Acting it out in a video game quelled the 'monkey see, monkey do' impulse, not enhanced it. I would love to watch the video of that hearing. I was engrossed reading it.
  13. This isn't about banning violent games though, it's about rating them like movies are rated, correct? I don't have a problem with that. As long as they don't want to ban violent games for adults, I don't mind. Of course if you're scared that this is just the beginning, then yeah I can see that.
  14. MaxPower

    PS3 news

    Anyone cleaned their PS3 themselves or have you sent it away? I think the dust is finally starting to cause some issues with overheating.
  15. MaxPower


    Hahaha, touche. I'll keep an eye out for a youtube link over the next 24hrs and repost...
  16. MaxPower


    Hilary Clinton is likeable? Interview she did here in Australia with our most popular radio show hosts. Starts at about the 5minute mark of the video.
  17. MaxPower


    Haha, that's gotta be the jacket cover quote for the inevitable Greatest Hits book.
  18. Borrowed Assassin's Creed from a friend. Wow, what a pile of dog shit... putting aside the graphic issues that just shouldn't happen on a next gen game, it's so damn repetitive. The storyline progression is barely keeping me interested, and if it weren't for the the sequels (which are apparently far superior) I would have ejected this game a while ago.
  19. I read that he ate every 4 hours to keep his metabolism going, including waking in the night, to get the Wolverine physique.
  20. MaxPower

    The news thread

    Fantastic post, she made all the points I would have, about sport/college culture and about her daughter dressing as Batman no one would have cared.
  21. New show on ABC here in Australia called Rake. About a guy who is a really good lawyer but terrible personal life. Stars Richard Roxborough, but the first episode had Hugo Weaving as a cannibal economist as his client. Definitely well worth the download if you life abroad.