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Everything posted by S-T

  1. What I find interesting is how many characters in the "book of the dead" are alive again. I remember when Marvel had a rule that dead characters don't come back. This discouraged killing characters willy-nilly and meant that a death in a story actually had real stakes. Death is meaningless any more.
  2. Goldmember is better. It gets a lot of heat, but I liked Die Another Day. It did try too hard to be XXX, clearly influenced by the Vin Diesel movie. Pierce Brosnan* parasailing was hilarious and I don't think it was meant to be. *Or should that be Stab Bronkinson?
  3. S-T

    RIP Derrick Ferguson

    Very sad. Prayers to his friends and family.
  4. S-T


    Lost my other dog this week. He was a Beagle/Rat Terrier mix. Born May 2004, so he would have been 17 next month. He had been declining faster since the start of the year.
  5. Recently re-watched Beverly Hills Ninja. It was as funny as it was 23 years ago, but I was sad after watching it. Chris Farley was at the top of his career and died way too young.
  6. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/lawmaker-wants-to-ban-violent-video-games-like-gta-5-amid-rise-in-carjackings/1100-6487966/ According to FBI statistics, violent crime has dropped dramatically since the early 1990's. Given that we have a much larger population now than we did then, the crime rate has dropped even more. All this as violent video games have become more popular.
  7. This is hilarious. https://twitter.com/UrbanSpaceman61/status/1361177734437883905
  8. I forgot that Wesker was incinerated at the end of the fourth movie, and came back in the fifth movie. Was he a clone?
  9. I actually really liked the second Resident Evil movie. The first one is my favorite but the second is, well, a close second. Nemesis looks TERRIBLE though, and I thought that at the time. I wasn't all that fond of the third one because Alice was very overpowered, and I hated the final one. The fifth one seemed like they were just desperately trying to get Capcom to make another game based on that movie, as they moved from obvious video game level to obvious video game level. And Alice (who is supposedly human) getting shot in the abdomen and no-selling it throughout the movie was just laughable. No. Gut shots are very bad. You get infected and you die.
  10. Robocop: It makes no sense that the ED-209 growls, or that it squeals when knocked over. That said, fun action romp, heavy on satire. Not nearly as heavy handed as the reboot, which took itself FAR too seriously.
  11. Very glad to hear you guys are doing something else at some point. I have greatly enjoyed listening to you.
  12. S-T


    I am still getting a weekly notice on my Outlook calendar at work reminding me to empty the trash can at my desk. I have not had to do that in ten months. However, I am keeping the calendar notification as it represents a sense of normalcy.
  13. Oldest son and I watched the episode of “X-Men: Evolution” where the kids steal the X-Jet. So, this thing has no security protocol at all? Ok even if you don’t install retinal scanners or something, you cannot lock up a set of keys in a secure location? You can’t lock the door? My car has more security than this fighter jet! I’m not nitpicking! This is a major plot hole.
  14. Fair point. 🙂 but the third season is much more so.
  15. I do not understand the plot of the second season of The Punisher on Netflix or the motivations of the criminal organization pursuing Rachel. Well, I get it, but the whole premise makes no sense if this is set in anything resembling the real world.
  16. Since I could not create a link in the previous post, here's the URL to "There are no police." https://tranquiltirades.fandom.com/wiki/There_Are_No_Police
  17. I finished the entire third season of Cobra Kai. General thoughts: There’s a level of violence that is expected in a show about karate fights, and then there’s the point where the cops show up and everyone goes to jail. This season went well beyond that. It's almost like there are no police! Now on to spoilers. This show has become stupid. Entertaining, but stupid. Don't get me wrong, I love the show. I highly recommend it. But Season 3 is nowhere near as good as the first two seasons.
  18. Karate Kid III: Another movie where clear communication would solve a relationship problem, something that continues into Cobra Kai series. Had Daniel simply explained what was going on - that a group of criminals was threatening to murder Daniel and gang rape his female friend unless he entered the tournament - much of the conflict between him and Miyagi could have been resolved. Also, buying a gun could help. After what happened at the ocean, put a bullet in Mike Barnes and his friends the next time they show up to attack Daniel. Justifiable homicide, in self defense and defense of another. Silver's plan depends on Daniel not wanting to defend his title and on Miyagi refusing to train him - neither which he could have known when he hatched the plan. It seems like this master scheme by this mega rich criminal leaves a whole lot to chance. Also - Terry Silver dumps nuclear waste, which has... what to do with the plot? Other than making him seem more evil and turn him into to a Captain Planet villain? Films watched: 43
  19. If See No Evil, Hear No Evil was made today, there's one scene in particular that would need to be removed - Richard Pryor forcibly groping Joan Severance. Yeah, um... sexual assault is not funny. I didn't think it was it particularly funny in 1989 either, when I was 15 years old. It was kinda uncomfortable. It was kinda nice to see Richard Pryor worrying about what "the guys at the club" would say when he discovers he is not white... when the clear implication is that the guys are perfectly happy with having a black man in the club. Great episode, BTW.
  20. The Karate Kid, Part II: Just how dumb is Daniel when he doesn’t realize a storm moving in is dangerous? Especially when people have told him about dangerous storms and he read a book about Okinawa? Daniel certainly grew as a character. Much of the conflict with Johnny was initiated by Daniel in the first movie, while Daniel actively tried to avoid conflict with Chozen. I really hope we get to see Johnny vs Chozen in Season 3 of Cobra Kai. Films watched: 42
  21. Regarding Mike's post on Twitter ... https://twitter.com/earth_2/status/1341218528691691520 I always thought it was to draw distinctions with the heroes. Contrasting primary colors of red, blue and yellow with purple, green and orange.
  22. I chuckled at @The Master's tweet, even though I fully sympathize with his mini-rant. You know, it's funny, all of my life I have felt the pressure to go into work when sick - stuff has to get done. That has totally flipped in 2020. Now, the policy at my job is that if you're symptomatic with anything, they want you to stay home. I'm glad I now have the option to work from home, when we do go back to normal and are in the office. Interestingly enough, 2020 has probably been the best year for me, healthwise, since before I had cancer in the mid 1990's. Not kidding.
  23. I liked The Last Stand. It has flaws, but I don't think it's nearly as bad as it has been hyped to be.
  24. Please bring Ian and @James D. along for that one.
  25. Not as entertaining as the takedowns of the Saw series on Earth-2 The Show, but Jigsaw as an ECW fan on We Hate Movies was hilarious.