James D.

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Everything posted by James D.

  1. Kazaam is technically a comedy too, really. I guess I'd have to watch it to see if it would work for the show.
  2. They aren't on sale yet, but I'm going to find out when they are.
  3. Um...was that Megatron?? I mean that seriously.
  4. I've always found that the best way to deal with these wastes of carbon-based matter is to play into their insults. If I'm playing Modern Warfare 3, and they call me a "fag" or whatever else, I simply send them text messages over Xbox Live that agree with them. For example: "I love u. Your skill really turns me on. Srsly I want your dick so badly. Msg me back??" I can tell you that that kind of shit gets in their heads infinitely more than just name-calling.
  5. Are you serious? Good lord, Microsoft is dumb.
  6. Beyond the Wiki page, the greatest one I saw on the Rock Band leaderboards was: The Sonic Boom Initiative.
  7. The only way that could have been better is if you could see his car keys up there on the summit.
  8. We should really try to do a Dragon*Con get-together in 2015 if there's interest.
  9. Hmm, what's the phrase I'm trying to think of? Refried hell? Yeah, refried hell.
  10. Has anyone taken a cab from the airport to the hotel before, and if so, can you give me a ballpark estimate on how much it ran you to get from A to B? Also, should I be looking at tickets into Midway or O'Haire?
  11. As a huge Jeremy Irons fan, I am ecstatic at this news.
  12. Someone at the Oratory said it best, and I'm paraphrasing: Wrestlemania is no longer about the climax to months-long feuds that many times propel the next big star into the limelight. It's now just a Hollywood-style extravaganza designed to have as many big names attached to it as possible.
  13. My League of Extraordinary Gentlemen has a leader, a detective, and an adventurer. It needs someone with untold amounts of combat and stealth experience. B.J. Blazkowicz
  14. I thought Punk had a concussion. Is he actually quitting???
  15. Special request to any of you guys: Can anyone with detailed knowledge/memory of the original Saw movie make character pages for the "redlink" characters listed under the Saw movie page on the Wiki? (Tapp, Zep, Adam and Steven all need pages.)
  16. The crowd's rabid booing when he didn't come out at #30 disagrees with that.
  17. Totally disagree. If Daniel Bryan had at least participated in the Rumble and been eliminated, they would have gotten mega-heel heat on whoever eliminated him, and they could build something off of that. I didn't watch the PPV, but other than Heroes of Wrestling, I personally cannot remember a big PPV being this universally shat upon. (Granted, I don't know anything about WCW PPV's from back in the day, so I'm working from a limited knowledge.) But even Mick Foley tweeted something to the effect of "Does @WWE hate their fanbase? I've never been so disgusted by a PPV." Anyone with a pair of eyes and ears knows that the fans want Daniel Bryan and they want him main eventing immediately. Unfortunately, Vince McMahon and HHH have their heads crammed so far up each other's asses, that they are digesting each other's meals. I have never seen a company that is so stuck in the past and afraid to embrace change. And yes, I am fully aware that Cena sells more merch than Bryan, but if your business decisions are based on who sells the most T-shirts and not what your customers VOCALLY tell you night after night after night, then you are failing. On a cataclysmic level.
  18. If you were so inclined, you could briefly discuss Pocahontas, but that's a pretty minor one on his resume, I suppose.
  19. The newest page on the Wiki, which I really want all of you to contribute to: http://tranquiltirades.wikia.com/wiki/Saved_by_the_Bell
  20. With the new page for the 2013 Retrospective episode, we now have 666 pages on the Wiki. Luc Death Crash III, esq. would be proud.
  21. I'll admit I have been tempted at times to go back into certain episodes (BEVS) and not completely remove him (that would cause those episodes to become really confusing), but considerably cut down the amount of times we hear him. I've long since decided against that. I'm not going to just Tabula Rasa everything involving Michael. He was part of the show, so we aren't going to just ignore everything he was involved with. I'll be the first to admit it was a mistake allowing him to just be on the show out of nowhere, but keep in mind, when I made that decision, he and I were best friends. I thought it would be good to make it a 3-person show, and obviously, there have been at least a half-dozen episodes that proved it can be. Still, when you get down to it, the show has dramatically improved in quality, flow, and intelligence without him there bantering and interrupting with stupid, pointless shit constantly. He will still have his place in the annals of our show's history and on the Wiki, though.
  22. There are moments during the BEVS episode that are quite funny. It's just that you have to wade through so much drunken stupidity from Cole that it's hard to find them. And I agree--there are several very high quality episodes during "that" era--Chun-Li, The Room, Wicker Man, Kazaam, Birdemic, even the Showgirls one I think is really funny.