James D.

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Everything posted by James D.

  1. I like it when I use Kirby's giant mallet to send him into the next galaxy in Super Smash Bros.
  2. James D.


    Cumberbatch is awesome. Some old homeless guy was harrassing customers at my store yesterday, so I went outside to tell him to leave. He responds by ranting and raving while walking away, saying he was "the real Jesus Christ". I told him to have a nice day and he told me to go fuck myself. As he walked further away he threatened to kill me. The greatest thing of all is that was only the beginning of my insane day yesterday. This day included a 16-year-old cashier getting fired for repeatedly being high and coming to work. </facepalm>
  3. I might finally get to go to Wrigley Field. Failing that, I'll take in a game at U.S. Cellular.
  4. Pretty much exactly what I told my wife. Our wiki was vandalized! We've made it.
  5. I have no clue what last night's Raw was supposed to accomplish. The psychology of the main event was so ass-backwards I can't even comprehend it.
  6. So...Donatello has an entire frickin' Best Buy's worth of hi-def TV's?
  7. Jeong's character is such a waste of time, throwaway character that it really wasn't worth spending more time on him. I mean, look at how little time we spent on John Malkovich.
  8. Probably. I need to put in a vacation request for it at work.
  9. I reserved it because it basically sounds like replayability incarnate. And I haven't played a GTA since 3.
  10. Damien and I will take the spots in the room.
  11. Well, Porky is the straight man. It's hard to make a funny cartoon with a character like him going solo. But I absolutely agree--when he got paired with Daffy, he was great.
  12. Green Lanterns have a pretty weak rogues gallery, too, don't they? I mean, after Sinestro and Star Sapphire, who else is there that really stands out as a good recurring villain for them? (I ask this not knowing a ton about the GL mythos.)
  13. You don't need to be drinking to not know what the hell is happening in Toejam and Earl.
  14. I think Chicago has bitten the dust more than it's fair share of the time, too.
  15. Yeah, this has gotten ridiculous to the point of being outright boring. Every fucking show ends this way: Entire roster is brought out on stage and neutered beyond belief Daniel Bryan gets the shit beaten out of him by the Shield and others HHH and the McMahons circle jerk each other Randy Orton stands victorious over Bryan's corpse End show. I mean, literally, that is how each of the last three shows has ended. Bryan is going to lose steam so badly from all these beatings. This company has no clue how to write much of anything.
  16. Mega Blastoise looks like how I imagine Michael Bay would design Blastoise. Despite that, I'll gladly take one in my party. Wowsers.
  17. No. I don't wanna. EDIT: Although, judging by the title and by a plot summary I read on IMDb.com, something I stated in my Final Thoughts of tomorrow's new Tirades episode might turn out to be prophetic.
  18. w00t~! Not exactly a NIN fan, but I'm just glad to see the show returning.
  19. Best: Big Fish Brilliant movie that legit made me cry at the end. Favorite: Batman Returns It's a terribly thrown-together, stupid movie with a ton of problems, but I find it fun and quotable. Plus, Michael Keaton is still awesome. Definitely a guilty pleasure. I really need to rewatch Beetlejuice, though.
  20. James D.


    I reserved the Y version. No reason except that I unabashedly love this series.