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Everything posted by Koete

  1. No, I totally get where you're coming from. I mean, All Star Superman is one of my all time favorite comic books, so I'd much rather it be a mini-series or a bigger budgeted animated film with more attention to the art style. I'm just trying to stay optimistic about it.
  2. To be fair, I don't know how you'd replicate Quitely's art style satisfactorily.
  3. It was very action heavy; I hope the heart of the story remains. As long as THE scene from issue 10 is in it, I'm sure I'll love it.
  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again: man I love the Silver Age.
  5. TFAW is running their Back To School sale. The discount is at 60% right now and will be at 70% in a few days. There are some fantastic steals to be had. I've already put one order in and might put in another when it's at 70% off: Mister X Archives HC Mister X: Condemned TPB Walk-in Vol 1 TPB Oh, and if you use the code word ZOMBIES, you can get free domestic shipping if your order is over $40.
  6. I'm wracking my brain, but I just can't figure out who picked that one.
  7. Got that in my Netflix que. Looking forward to watching it.
  8. No One Likes M. Night Shyamalan
  9. All Star Superman: This comic is (theoretically) better than sex.
  10. Not only that, you didn't pick Princess Mononoke.
  11. Genesis of The Daleks is so brilliant, it could have farting Raxacoricofallapatorians doing the can-can and it would still be one of the greatest Doctor Who stories of all time. This was one of the first classic Doctor Who stories I saw along with An Unearthly Child and The Two Doctors and it knocked my socks off. Davros is a fantastic villain, but like Dan said, he was never as effective afterward as in Genesis. I think the recent Season 4 finale came closest to re-capturing the greatness of Davros. The conversation between The Doctor and Davros and The Doctor's monologue are two of the greatest moments in Doctor Who, maybe the greatest. No mention of Nyder? I thought he was a good supporting character. Speaking of the Season 4 finale, I like it less and less the more I watch it, but something I'll give Davies is having the angry, unfocused, half-human Doctor essentially commit the genocide that The Doctor could not bring himself to in Genesis.
  12. The Guns of Shadow Valley Convention Preview - Good start to what looks to be a supernatural western with great artwork. Looks like I have a new webcomic to follow. Morning Glories #1 - Really good start to a new series. The premise is that six high school cliches arrive at a prep school with some dark secrets under the surface. About half of the cliche students are written well, indicating potential for all the characters to rise above their cliches. The story is also helped by getting into some of the crazy stuff right off the bat, leading to a "say whaaaaaaat" last page. The art is solid as well. There's a lot set up here for this to be a great series. Mysterius The Unfathomable TPB - Read this months ago, but never posted about it. The basic premise is a magician and his new assistant try to stop an arcane evil from doing what evil does. The story has Jeff Parker's humor and wit throughout. The title character isn't noble, but a real bastard, which is refreshing. Tom Fowler's artwork is gorgeous, especially his creature designs. I think all of the issues in the six issue mini-series are good, but the fourth issue, featuring a Dr. Seuss analogue, is fantastic and probably my favorite single issue since All Star Superman #10. Scalped #1 - This was okay. I see a lot of potential in it, so I'll probably pick up the first trade and see how I like it. Superman's Metropolis OGN - The 1927 silent classic Metropolis recast with Superman characters. It was a bit too close to the source material at the beginning, but it really picked up when the Superman elements started coming in. I was surprised how many of the elements really fit with the original film. Ted Mckeever's art is fantastic as well. Thor: The Mighty Avenger #3 - I love this series so much. It has everything I want from a Marvel comic: a fun story, great art, and the hints of an overarching plot. I hope this book goes on for years. Weird War Tales #1 - Okay stories, great art. This really should have been $2.99. Total Comic Books: 92 TPBs: 4 HCs: 1 Graphic Novels: 2 Manga: Atlas #1, The Authority #2, Avengers vs. Atlas #1-4, Batman and Robin #7-12, Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #1-2, Boondock Saints: In Nomine Patris #1, Brightest Day #0, Casanova #1, Chew #1, Chimichanga #2-3, Cowboy Ninja Viking #3-6, FCBD Atomic Robo, FCBD Doctor Solar/Magnus, FCBD Iron Man/Thor, FCBD Iron Man: Supernova, Fist of Justice #3-5, G.I. Joe European Missions #3, The Guns of Shadow Valley Convention Preview, Hellblazer #25-26, The Indomitable Iron Man, Invincible #1, Joe The Barbarian #1-5, Marvel Boy: The Uranian #1-3, Marvel Must Haves #1, 3-4, 9, 15, Marvel Must Have: Vengeance of The Moon Knight, Morning Glories #1, Mysterius The Unfathomable TPB, The Mystic Hands of Dr. Strange, Orc Stain #1-4, Pinocchio Vampire Slayer OGN, Proof #1, Sam Slade RoboHunter #27, Savage Dragon #1, Scalped #1, Secret Origins #50, Spider-Man: Fever #1-2, Spider-Man/Human Torch: I'm With Stupid Digest TPB, Superman's Metropolis OGN, Thor by JMS Vol. 3 HC, Thor: The Mighty Avenger #1-3, Time Twisters #2,8,15,17,20-21, Weird War Tales #3, Weird War Tales #1 (2010), WildCats #1
  13. $20 says Ryan Reynolds plays Steve Trevor.
  14. Community is going to do a Rankin/Bass-esque stop motion Christmas episode. I guess they decided that after the paintball episode, the show could made of even more win than it already was.
  15. That last page of Batman and Robin #12? Daaaaaaaamn.