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Everything posted by Koete

  1. Boondock Saints: In Nomine Patris #1 - As terrible as the second film. Casanova #1 - A 21st century psychedelic spy story with a sci-fi twist. Loved it, can't wait to read more. Chimichanga #2-3 - Eric Powell's pencil art is fantastic, but his rant against pharmaceutical companies kills the stories. Cowboy Ninja Viking #6 - The story is going in a direction that was expected, but it'll be interesting to see where it goes. Still having fun and loving the art, so I'm sticking with it. Fist of Justice #3-5 - A fun throwback to the Silver Age Marvel style. Orc Stain #4 - The story is going a little slow, but Stokoe's art is great as ever. Thor: The Mighty Avenger #1-2 - Fun take on Thor with fantastic art by Chris Samnee. Total Comic Books: 87 TPBs: 3 HCs: 1 Graphic Novels: 1 Manga: Atlas #1, The Authority #2, Avengers vs. Atlas #1-4, Batman and Robin #7-12, Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #1-2, Boondock Saints: In Nomine Patris #1, Brightest Day #0, Casanova #1, Chew #1, Chimichanga #2-3, Cowboy Ninja Viking #3-6, FCBD Atomic Robo, FCBD Doctor Solar/Magnus, FCBD Iron Man/Thor, FCBD Iron Man: Supernova, Fist of Justice #3-5, G.I. Joe European Missions #3, Hellblazer #25-26, The Indomitable Iron Man, Invincible #1, Joe The Barbarian #1-5, Marvel Boy: The Uranian #1-3, Marvel Must Haves #1, 3-4, 9, 15, Marvel Must Have: Vengeance of The Moon Knight, The Mystic Hands of Dr. Strange, Orc Stain #1-4, Pinocchio Vampire Slayer OGN, Proof #1, Sam Slade RoboHunter #27, Savage Dragon #1, Secret Origins #50, Spider-Man: Fever #1-2, Spider-Man/Human Torch: I'm With Stupid Digest TPB, Thor by JMS Vol. 3 HC, Thor: The Mighty Avenger #1-2, Time Twisters #2,8,15,17,20-21, Weird War Tales #3, WildCats #1
  2. I'll be doing a post about Baltimore Comic Con tomorrow, but I had to share this piece of swag before I crash:
  3. I gave up on Lie To Me after the first season. Tim Roth is great, but I had no reason to care about any of the characters.
  4. I'm embarrassed to live in a state represented by a senator this ignorant.
  5. Just bought Sunrise, In A Lonely Place, and Die Nibelungen.
  6. From George Perez's Facebook page:
  7. Superman/Batman #75 features the masterpiece in Azzarello and Bermejo's collaborations.
  8. There's a group on Facebook petitioning that David Tennant dressed as The Doctor carry the torch in the summer 2012 Olympic games. There's no chance it will actually happen, but if it did, I think it would be the zenith of Who.
  9. You'd think this would be a Wii Sports expnansion, considering all the running you'll be doing in it.
  10. The next DC Comics character coming to Smallville is...
  11. Man, you weren't kidding about Superman, Mike.
  12. Koete


    He'll have to say "I'm the goshdarn Darkwing" at some point.
  13. I'm going to Baltimore Comic Con this Saturday.
  14. Koete

    Brightest Day

    Somebody needs to make a video with the theme song from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air out of this.
  15. Was Quesada involved in the creation of lines and the bringing in of talent responsible for some of the greatest comics of the decade? Yes he was, I won't argue that. But for me, I'm going to remember him for making the Spider-Man marriage a personal dragon to slay before I think of any of that.
  16. I wasn't particularly anticipating this film before, but I gotta say, getting a Marvel Comics film actually set in the 1960s has me really excited.
  17. Seventh Doctor wise, I know Tom Deja would recommend "Ghost Light."
  18. I honestly don't give a shit if it's in continuity; I just want a good X-Men film.