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Everything posted by Doug

  1. Doug


    ... *Checks Des's iPod thread* Ohhhhh. Why? You enjoying it?
  2. Its a great show in my eyes, but I would never spread it. On another note, I can find any more episodes on youtube, off to iTunes.
  3. Post of the Day! ...I second this.* *Even though I do enjoy reading stuff like this.
  4. Depends. What colour was he wearing? Black. Just this once. Nicolette, I'm sorry but.... fuck. No, its a vent, he can post it. Complaining about a site not being up is not a vent, but a dislocated shoulder is. And also this "Conversation" helps lighten the mood. Anyway, thats my two cents. Edit: Kellen, he got you also?
  5. Im watching the secret life of the american teenager and enjoying it.
  6. This comes soooo close to being my new wall paper, if only I didnt love my watchmen one so much .
  7. What game do you have to own for any console?
  8. What is do you think a must have is for a console? I think guitar hero.
  9. Doug


    Got a PS2 saturday, intend to get guitar hero and atv off road fury 2. And other suggestions?
  10. Doug


    Today I reliazed i make about 700 dollars a year from mowing lawns, sweeping the pool and keeping my room clean. I have it fucking made.
  11. Doug

    Cell phones

    I currently own a samsung sync but come mothers day Im switching to tmobile. ATT sucks. I dont know wich phone I will get, But I really want a crack berry... errr black berry.
  12. Fuck guys...Im sorry.
  13. In the comic the show was loosely bassed off of, richie was gay.
  14. And it's written by Warren Ellis ...I'll tune in.
  15. Doug

    Zune HD Price will be the factor in this one. If they can undercut the Touch they can force Apple to revise it. What the hell is a zune??? I only know of iPod~! :laugh: :laugh:
  16. Doug

    Choose Dread's iPod

    The iPod touch is kick ass, and has a lot of great features, But if your like me, 8gigs wont last you. You'll probably want to put more in it that it can hold. Also the I love the feel of the classic.
  17. Doug


    I'd sell my old one and get this one if I could still play guitar hero on tour on it.
  18. Its jennnnnnnnny! Hi! You ever going to post the picture of mike and pooh?
  19. Doug


    Whoa! Why's Crispin Glover dressed as Dracula at Universal Studios and why are you standing that close to him? ...dude...seriously...tell me that you have never dressed as a vampire and walked around in some theme park
  20. I just watched the deriectors cut of... water world. I strangly emjoyed it.
  21. Doug


    If any one cares, here is the link to my trip photos.
  22. Doug


    If these are your minimal problems, count your self lucky. I was having this, and much worse for awhile. Those problems, added to the fact it didnt always do the best at school when I wanted to email my self a file I was working on, I have switched back to gmail.