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Everything posted by Doug

  1. Feeling real paniky, near an anxiety attack. Edit: Im also angry that the person who I mow there lawn for is bitches about my work to every one in the neighborhood, but me. I can do my yard right, Tell me what I do wrong, And I can do yours right also!
  2. Ah, the simple things. EDIT: Acording to Wells Fargo, I am 9% done with my goal of a macbook. . If anybody wants to donate to a (not so) starving San Diego boy, PM me and I will send you a link
  3. I finally made the jump to T-Mobile and got a Curve. I think I am in love.
  4. So I finally get home and make some dinner, but all of my noodles fell into the sink as I tried to strain them. I hate it when that happens!!!
  5. A teacher. Ok, To keep from getting banded, I came up with this amazing plan for you. Tell Niki she has to watch them, then go by mcdonalds and then home for a nap.
  6. Who dumped them on you? And are they old enought to be bribed to stay out of your thining hair?
  7. I'm more annoyed by the fact that he mentioned there's a big announcement and now, we being the curious people we are, are going to be on the edges of our seats wondering how big it will be. Curse you, Sims! Don't you know your ability to shift our every whim and fancy! Agh! The wait! How dare you do this to us!!!
  8. Just remember how good it felt when you were on the bike every day.
  9. Why do you cloud our heads with such scary thoughts?
  10. I'm going to be computer less on friday and miss out on the big announcement, Sigh. Unless somebody could give me an advance copy on thursday!* *(I kid.)
  11. Doug

    Things you want

    I got both. Super Mario Bros 3 is kicking my ass. Im kicking super mario worlds ass though. Win or fail?
  12. Doug


    This is's new tag line. Or, " Because real life is hairy, scary, and creepy." Make it so~! [/Jean Luc]
  13. Doug


    Links broken.
  14. Doug

    Things you want

    Mario 3 looks like its going to win, Based on the fact that NSMB for the DS was based off of it, and NSMB is my favorite game in my collection.
  15. Doug

    Things you want

    On a upcoming trip, I want to bring a new game, And I have 2 in mind. But I am unsure of wich to get. Should I get Super Mario Bros 3 (GBA Port) or Super Mario World(GBA Port)? The price is the same ($25), The only diffrence is that world has the box.
  16. Doug

    Things you want

    Good luck finding someone else to ship you free stuff Well then! I guess I have to go back to plan B, Sucking up to yoda. Then again, I've been doing that ever sinced I joined here. Hasnt really gotten me anywhere. Any body else have any plans for me to try? Try used game stores and eBay. Only thing I can really think of. I was thinking of a plan... more mad scientisty than that.
  17. Doug

    Things you want

    Good luck finding someone else to ship you free stuff Well then! I guess I have to go back to plan B, Sucking up to yoda. Then again, I've been doing that ever sinced I joined here. Hasnt really gotten me anywhere. Any body else have any plans for me to try?
  18. Doug

    Things you want

    Now that I own a classic gameboy, I am now after a super nintendo and super gameboy.
  19. Is there no longer a "My Assistant" or Private Messaging?
  20. Just go to gamestop and buy a used one for cheap and then turn rape whistle ronald into the police and collect the reward money and get a TV.
  21. Oh and if anybody else is wondering, It is ok to send me your old video game systems.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
  22. Acthully it looks like this was a problem on my end. *Emo Tear*
  23. I'm a proud to own a signed retro (hehe) game boy. Who knows, Maybe when MAP makes it big I'll be able to sell it for some big bucks!
  24. Today this arrived in my mail box. Niki, you rule. Let the classic gaming begin.
  25. I leave for the weekend and the whole place goes to hell... I kid. I do have two problems though, The forums take for ever to load now on my computer(s)and is there any way I can make it look like the old forums?