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Everything posted by Doug

  1. Doug

    Things you want

    Well, Yeah. It was bound to happen. Who can resist this?
  2. Here, I edited it so you would understand.
  3. Time for another rant, that proves my age. The other night, I had the most offensive, gramaticaly incorrect (Hannah has horrible grammar, so we copied), and funny AIM conversation with a good friend of mine, Hannah. Every time we (Jason was with me the night of the convo) read through it, we couldn't stop laughing. So we printed it out to preserve it. Well, Big mistake. Mom got a hold of it. And out of all of it, she got mad at this one remark: You know the part that really gets to me? She didn't bust me on this:
  4. Are girls swarming around you yet, eddy?
  5. I agree with Des. Go out and try it knightwing.
  6. Breakfast Cub. Best. Movie. Ever.
  7. Doug

    DW is 25!

    Happy birthday Dubs!
  8. <br><br>^ Me and my best bud at universal studios.<br>
  9. Doug


    Yeah... it does. I meant to post.. Nah I'm not going to lie. I just miss-entered it into my calender. Going on 2 years, and still a noob.
  10. Doug


    2 year anniversary here .
  11. I'm starting to regret buying the play station... 220 bucks down the drain. :-/
  12. Doug


    Ah, But Des. We cant simply wipe out half of America. With out a ransom, laser and mustache at least.<br>
  13. Doug

    Things you want

    No, But it would be great to get one with some Nintendo points for the virtual console. Edit: Why? Do you want to send me one with nail polish and glitter sparkled all over? And your name written on the back? <br>
  14. Doug

    Things you want

    Classic gaming is the best kind of gaming .
  15. I have to echo what everyone is saying, That was an amazing article.
  16. Lock up the strippers, the whores and the golden girls! Its the perverts birthday! Happy b-day Suave Star!
  17. Yoda, I lovehow you have been doing this, and maybe you should do it with your other pod cast's as well.
  18. Flavored tobacco, but still. How did she even get in? The legal age to smoke tobacco is 18.
  19. Awesome fanmade Batman-Superman Movie trailer*: *Not worlds finest or public enemies
  20. Doug

    Hey, suavestar!

    Why havent you started a thread for me yet? *shakes head* ... Oh and I nominate Preston for POTD.
  21. Doug

    buying domains is pretty cheap.
  22. Doug


    Well Sims, Were not all evil genius' .