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Everything posted by Doug

  1. Doug


    Fine! Group chat! Or we could whip something up on meebo. Its an online chat service that doesn't require registration. We could possibly chat at
  2. Doug


    Anybody want to try the chatroom thing again later this night?
  3. Doug


    Lets all start a massive group AIM chat. If anybody wants todo this, IM me at Doug7172. Too bad you're offline. I had the sudden realization that my need for food out weighed my desire to be on AIM. But to be fair, I stayed on for about 20 or so minutes after I made this post.
  4. Doug


    Lets all start a massive group AIM chat. If anybody wants todo this, IM me at Doug7172.
  5. My LCS still has lantern rings! Awesome! Gonna go pick one up later tonight.
  6. Doug

    Lesser of Two Evils

    I'll go with the second. Its a burden, but I guess I'll have sex nonstop for a month. Go a month with out a computer, or a month in high school as a freshman?
  7. Doug

    Lesser of Two Evils

    Rainwater. I'll take my chances with pollution, I think Captain Planet made it safe. Would you rather sit through a marathon of Saw Movies, or a marathon of Captain Planet?
  8. Really, I just throw him out with the bathwater and get a new one. Suavestar... no one takes baths.
  9. I think you'll find that's mine. I lost £20 out of my pocket a couple of weeks ago. I know that you've got $20 there but I figure it must have shrunk in the wash. I just found 20 bucks on the ground .
  10. Doug


    I've never seen it rain so hard in San Diego... I've never been happier.
  11. Doug


    That's not randomly hilarious... and also should be in NSFW tags. I pulled this up while with my little brother was walking by.
  12. Doug


    It was probably less than a year, and you forgot. But yeah, those things last a really long time in sleep mode. The DS can last for ages in sleep mode, but I doubt it would last anywhere near a year. Wikipedia claims that it can last 7-12 days. But then again, it is wiki. (So it may be longer, or shorter) EDIT: Dread is a BAMF for all of you who didnt know.
  13. Doug


    Edit: Wow, that was negative!
  14. Doug

    The Rate My Space Thread

    Mike! I love what you did with your desk! To be honest, I never liked it that much before, but that new set up really works!
  15. Doug


    The majority of every one here is in their twenties.
  16. I leave for one afternoon and the forums go to hell. Typical. Indeed, I do. *Twitch*
  17. Gtalk: Aim: Doug7172
  18. Doug


    I don't think it should be a word either, I was just hopping to get a bigger rise.
  19. Doug


    No, in the wall! Jeez.. you have to think 4th dimensionally! Oh and Niki. Funner.
  20. Doug

    Things you want

    If only I was a little older, I've always wanted to visit Chicago. It's not a matter of "older." It's a matter of supporting one's self. They don't necessarily go hand-in-hand. And no, I'm not implying that you'll live with your mother until your Golden Years. I know, I was saying "If I was older and lived on my own, I would love to do a house swap for a vacation".
  21. Doug

    Things you want

    If only I was a little older, I've always wanted to visit Chicago.
  22. Doug


    We'll see about that! I'm going to start my own rival gang!
  23. Doug


    YES! Those are awesome! Can we name our gang the greasers instead? And each of us take a name from The Outsiders?
  24. Doug


    ...Hmm... I agree. I used the wrong choice of words.