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Everything posted by Doug

  1. Doug


    I'm a Peanut M&M guy! Also, because this is the Randomness thread, I have to get this out. Venneh... Your Avatar is creepy as hell. Seriously, am I the only one who thinks this?
  2. Doug

    2010 Resolutions

    Do you have enough to fill a long box? HAH! See what I did there?!? Aren't I clever?!? Dare I say... as clever as Saw?
  3. Doug

    Happy New Year!

    Wow... I cant believe I did that. The BTTF series has some of my all time favorite films.
  4. I hope it was a good one, James!
  5. I would be your better hope! Happy birthday Chris!!!
  6. I just got a FREE 1 terabyte external hard drive, because my neighbor is the owner of Apricorn and I asked nicely. > :]
  7. Ah, yeah. Great stuff. If you can get your hands on the Zelda Collection gamecube disk at Gamestop, it's a great deal. (though I guess it'd be the same price as downloading the games with the Virtual Console) Be sure and let us know what you think once you actually get the chance to play them. Back on-topic... I've been playing Spirit Tracks for a little while now. I think it may be the most adorable Zelda game they've ever made. I like the puzzles, though the story isn't really all that compelling or immersive. Still, though, the game is really good. Extremely well-made in every way, and never frustrating. Have you gotten to the second boss yet? I cant beat him... yet. Edit: Never mind
  8. The controls are almost the same, and the game play is to, only a lot less repetitive. Instead of having to retread old ground like you did in the ocean temple (I think that's the name), you pick up where you last left off in this games version.
  9. Anybody else have it, or getting it? I got my copy yesterday, and haven't stopped playing it yet.
  10. Why did you chose to host the forums on such an expensive host, instead of hosting it on you own server (IE: where E-2 is hosted)using a servive such as phpbb?
  11. Today, while showering, a penny fell out of my hair. I'm greatly concerned.
  12. Doug


    I typed out a great review on the new episode, and I lost it because Fire Fox crashed. Ugh. I don't feel like retyping it, so ill sum it up. That was a stupid episode.
  13. It's a timeliness issue. Let's say I mention five topics people should give a look. That's great if they're downloading the show the day or week it's been released, but what about people who find it in the archives a month or a year later? They'll have to go trudging through the forums, searching page after page for those threads. How about announcing POTD winners, and what the post said, so there will be no trudging? Another forum I frequent has wrestling and MMA prediction threads, with the winner getting bragging rights. I can see us doing something like that but with comic book events. Such as "Who will take down Norman Osborn?," "What superheroes will stay alive post-Blackest Night?," etc. I like that one. If you ever need some help with idea’s, or some one to come up with the weekly (or monthly) trivia, shoot me a PM, I’ve been looking for some ways to contribute to the site for awhile. :-/ The company that hosts the forums offers blogs, but I've never activated the feature 'cause (I think) it would cut into the limited server space the forums are allowed. You do realize you could simply download wordpress ( or give Blogger access to your FTP, and it wont interfere with forum space, but instead your web server space? A video podcast or reviews would be great. Though it's a matter of finding the right show and content. Would you want something like a Geek News show, or a gadget reviews, or …..? No. … Anyway, I have one more suggestion; get your live shows running! I just got done watching one, and it was a lot of fun.
  14. Doug


    Oh, so it became South Park. Yeah, it did. Im a huge fan of the show, and will continue to watch it, even though I know it's crap. I'm actually going to watch the newest episode in a moment, I'll post my thoughts later.
  15. Doug


    Wait, the series as a whole, or just this season is an 8? To me this season is ONLY an 6-7 right now. It has some really good episodes (Family Goy) but the rest of the episodes were more "plot" focused, with less "lol" moments (Quagmires Baby, Jerome is the new Black Guy and Dog Gone come to mind. I would like to believe this is a result of starting a brand new show (Wich is awesome! I love the Cleveland Show so far), but it really shouldn't be.
  16. Doug


    @Venneh. Im sorry to here about your rents. If you ever want to talk to some one who's going through a divorce rather than experienced one, you can reach me on AIM (Doug7172). Sometimes its easier to talk to a stranger.
  17. Doug


    Did you enjoy it? For me it was mediocre compared to Blue Harvest. Blue Harvest was disappointing as well to me. Anyway, I thought it was ok, but at the same time, it was poor in comparison to BH. Some of the jokes were good, but others were just terrible. I did laugh at the Meg joke and the opening dig at Fox was funny. You know, I cant think of a LOL moment for me from the entire episode. The jokes were flat out stupid to me. I mean really, Is it that funny that Peter mooned the camera when he was frozen? And why is Meg the bitch now? She was never portrayed this way until Season 3 (I think). Going off that note, Suave do you watch the TV show? And if so what are your thoughts this season?
  18. Good thing you asked my mike, because I'm the man with the answers . (This list is in no particular order) 1) E-2 "TV Club"- Similar to the Book Club, we would all pick one tv show to follow, and you would recap and discus the latest episode as a mini segment of E-2 the show. 2) E-2 Merch 3) More Forum Announcements- At the end of each episode of E-2 the show, you rattle off a list of whats new with the site, why not mention some forum highlights? 4) E-2 Video Game Club- See my Mario Kart DS thread. 5) Links to discussion threads- Next to the download option, put a link to the discussion thread. 6) Post "POTD" Winners on the main page- This might entice more people to come to the forums when they see posts being posted on the front page. 7) More Contests- Come on! They don't even need a prize, weekly trivia and contests are just plain fun. 8)Staff Blogs- They don't even need to be site related. 9)More Video Media- Anything would be awesome. 10)More of me!!!!- This explains it self.
  19. Doug


    Did you enjoy it? For me it was mediocre compared to Blue Harvest.
  20. I forgot to mention we discussed this with her on the due date, but she was "in" her bad personality (Bi-Polar), so she ended up yelling at us, hopefully when I have her tomorrow she will be on her good side.
  21. Shame on you, Douglas, lumping the entire gay community in with that asshole. (GET IT? "ASSHOLE"? GAY? HA!) But seriously. Divorce sucks. Hang in there.
  22. Hey, I have a teached question for you. We were assigned a new paper project in advanced history, and had three weeks to write it, edit and print it. I arranged ahead of time to have it printed on the last day at 430, so any one could send me last minute articles. This was also mainly for my 2nd partner, M. Through out the weeks before it was due, I continually asked for his articles, but only received 2 out of nine. Even after talking to him before it was printed, saying "SEND ME YOUR CRAP NOW". He said OK and logged off aim. Never heard from him again, that is until i was at Kinko's getting it printed. Because of a lack of articles we received a 56/100. My other partner and I think this is unfair to a degree, because we did our work. I want to talk about this with the teacher, to see if we can argue back points. Would you recommend this, and if so, what would recommend saying?