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Everything posted by Molly

  1. Picked up the first season of Dexter. You're not getting a pic. You can find it on Amazon or Google, if you're desperate.
  2. Molly

    Final Crisis

    I do enjoy Question's arc in 52. Well, until
  3. I dunno, exploding machetes might be cool.
  4. Zombie is just fine in his own realm. House of a Thousand Corpses and The Devil's Rejects were great for what they were. They weren't great filmmaking, but they were fine. They were creepy, visceral and violent, and honestly had a great sense of theme. ...However. Remaking something that a real filmmaker, like John fucking Carpenter, does is something he needs to stay far, far away from until he really grows as a filmmaker. If he wants to be taken seriously, he needs to hone his craft before he makes something that pales in comparison to the original. Granted, someone should have told him that two years ago, but whatever.
  5. Well, I got another week. Then I'm going on a spree of whiskey and Dennis O'Neill Question TPBs.
  6. Awesome. The best part is, that it's not a bunch of stupid flaming, but well thought-out arguments.
  7. By being home, (By which I mean my parents' place) for winter break, I realize why I was such a pissy teenager. There is literally nothing to do after 8 PM, here. Lord.
  8. Darkman does everything this movie tries to do, (barring the black and white) and about a million times better.
  9. Spectacular idea, I've only got three books with me until I'm back in Ripon, but I'll be contributing to this thread mightily.
  10. WGN has been running a "Honeymooners" Marathon today, and holy crap. I never realized how great this show was. Jackie Gleason *is* comedy.
  11. Happy birthday, Glancy. Sorry badwolf, I don't know you, but enjoy!
  12. ...I might have to injure Des. That's a shame. I *like* Des.
  13. Molly

    Happy New Year

    My New Year's Resolution is to not make any resolutions.
  14. Not as poorly as X-Men, but not particularily well, either. Also, Hank Azaria as Eddie Brock/Venom is weird. I just keep waiting for him to say something like, "Moe's Tavern, where the peanut bowl is freshened hourly..."
  15. Black Cat: Peter and Felicia have had a kind of dirty, sordid affair for years. It's a Batman/Catwoman sort of thing, in that Pete doesn't like some of the things she does, but is still attracted to her. Disease: Pete became Six Armed Spidey and Man-Spider a couple of times, but I think those resulted from him trying to take his powers away.
  16. I tried watching some of it last night/this morning. I think it was the ep that DCAU just mentioned, it was Cable-centric, I was bored in five minutes and went to bed.
  17. See, despite whatever Nick Frost may say, Bad Boys and Bad Boys 2 were awful. Will Smith is much better than that, and Martin Lawerence should be doing his shitty, unfunny stand-up somewhere that I don't have to see. Transformers had some great action, too many humans, but great action.
  18. Nah, it was fun, if not mindless.
  19. I'm going to the bar, for lack of anything else.
  20. ...Are you totally unfamilar with Ben and Johnny? And the second season is much, much better.
  21. I remember it, and I remember not caring for it as a kid. Spidey 94 and Fantastic Four 94 held my attention much more effectively.
  22. I won't even be close to Transformers big, and it'll likely suck, too.