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Everything posted by ragernok2002

  1. I have the same problems with those games after a while I just get bored plus what exactly is a real game?
  2. Assassins Creed for me at the moment and then Mass effect and Ace Combat are out next week along with UT3.......................... someone is going sick from work for a long time:whistle: Does anybody else think we should start a little Earth-2 clan for all things 360
  3. Gambit can't do that anymore after he burned himself out fighting New Son while Torch at this moment and time in comics can destroy the planet
  4. way to kill any interest in the eternals for me, I loved that mini series by Gaiman
  5. Pity Marvel is losing one of their most consistent artists, but I didn't read Ultimate Spiderman and I don't read DC comics anymore.........so no problem to begin with?
  6. Is the juniur member of on of the worlds oldest super-teams. The man has been practically a sidekick for decades. Really the most powerful are Dr Strange or Silver Surfer. Can also go Nova and burn up all the oxygen in the Atmosphere of the Planet
  7. It was the first or second issues of the Order that dealt with Anthem's background
  8. Sweet, I need a new Castlevania game.
  9. This is the bat utility belt! Its has got Galactus Repellant Batspray, suck on that Reed Richards and your Ultimate Nullifer. Plus the Galactus Repellant Batspray fits into the belt with room to spare so no need for unstable molecules or Pym particles to shrink it down.
  10. but the bat belt can do anything its user desires
  11. You mean to say the bat utility belt isn't a power?
  12. I don't know about you guys in the States but over here in warm sunny Ireland Sony have some of the stupidest ads around. On the sides of buses there is an ad for the PSP, in which two dustballs are talking, dustball 1 says the weather is bad(or something to that effect) and dustball 2 says yeah we should have stayed in. Then beside them is a PSP, and the slogan is slim and light. Another is talking about the how bad the traffic is. There is also a PS3 ad. It just says Playstation 3 and then this is living. Thats the ad. At least Nintendo have a really hot girl playing the DS or people playing the Wii and Microsoft have some cool ads for GOW and Halo. So do Sony have any really bad Ad's in the States?
  13. ragernok2002

    PS3 news

    The really big problem for Sony is nearly that all the really good games like COD4. Pro Evo, Ace Combat. Assassins Creed etc are mutliplatform and cheaper on 360 so people buy the 360 cause of its bigger game library, its cheaper price and then you have the Halos,Mass Effects and bioshocks. A couple of my friends were on the fence about which to buy, but in the end went with the 360 cause of its larger game library and cheaper price. I think having to fork out a lot more cash for Backwards Capability since its only available on the 80gb model now pissed off a lot of potental buyers as well.
  14. ragernok2002

    PS3 news

    "He congratulated Microsoft on the "great release" of Halo 3 but said: "My question for Microsoft would be, what's after Halo? We think there's a void in any other kind of offering for the Xbox." Um Mass Effect? Call of Duty? Ace Combat? Assassins Creed? Pro Evolution Soccer? Why does Sony insist on every FPS on their Console is a Halo beater, why the mad hard for FPS's in the first place?
  15. I picked up the game and so far I really like it, The graphics and music are awesome and the combat system is nice as well
  16. could be cool but most likely will blow big time
  17. at least they remembered to use it from the first one
  18. Much better from previous eps. Still can't stand Clare and West, Monica is growing on me slightly. Its makes sense that the future in string theory is gone since no bomb or Nathan being elected into office. I said to a couple of friends at the start when we saw Maya's power that she could be the bomb this season. I like how Sylar is willing to corrupt her and turn her into a killer, apart from Sylar we haven't really seen anybody be corrupted from using their power and turn to the dark side so that could be cool.
  19. Ah crap yet another classic horror icon raped and turned into 15's movie so they can get the younger crowd.
  20. As we saw last night, he kills because he has a compulsion to do it. He killed a non powered guy when he heard the "clock" ticking in his head. I think taking the powers and his killing are two different things. He kills because he feels a need to, and takes powers because he wants to be the only person with powers. If it was just about powers, then he wouldn't kill regular folks. I thought he killed Derek because he was going to call the cops about the twins. Sylar knew something was up with them and he wanted to know what.
  21. So she has powers like Echo or Taskmaster, a waste of a cool power on a character that more than likely won't be there for season 3. Plus doesn't Sylar realise that he shouldn't take every power he comes across.