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Everything posted by Delete

  1. Best variant cover ever. Frank Quitely is great.
  2. Yeah I loved the last page of Batman and Robin. Always a fan of the villain turning around to see just how fucked he really is.
  3. Superman/Batman was worth it to see Supergirl dressed as a Pink Bunny and Damian dressed as Matches Malone at a Halloween Party.
  4. The only way this makes sense for Paramount is if there are real red flags going forward for The Avengers.
  5. Delete

    Batman Beyond

    I just don't get this weird hybrid thing they are doing for the ongoing Batman Beyond which seems to be DCAU yet mentions stuff from the regular DCU, and then introduce Terry in the proper DCU with Damian as his mentor. If there is going to be an ongoing I say explore the Terry/Damian stuff.
  6. Delete

    Batman Beyond

    I called it not being Dick Grayson. Basically.
  7. Now the rumblings are over just how bad Thor is to cause this move.
  8. I love how alien they are designing everything to look
  9. That story only involves Red Robin and The Outsiders. The Batman and Robin and Batgirl ones have nothing to do with it. I did like that the Batgirl one explained why Cassandra quit being Batgirl.
  10. I am really enjoying the Rip Hunter/Booster Gold/Superman/Hal Jordan tie in.
  11. Best part of the picture is The Joker having the Supermullet.
  12. Just watch Prior's standup. If you never have seen that and only watch the movies he was in you'd never know he was the funniest man who ever lived.
  13. I sorta remember liking the Smallville stuff in Superman 3. Haven't seen it in forever so I may be misremembering.
  14. Namor is a mutant? I always assumed he was just an angsty version of Aquaman.
  15. Why? Probably because that was the only character that even remotely acted like a decent person. But he was also very bland. The only person who really stood out from the crowd in the film was Spacey. He was cheesy. Spacey can be great. American Beauty, Se7en, and Usual Suspects spring to mind. Very different then what he had here. Here he hammed it up.
  16. Why? Probably because that was the only character that even remotely acted like a decent person.
  17. The guy who played Cyclops in Singer's X-Men movies was the only thing I didn't hate in Superman Returns.
  18. Not only did I think Routh was terrible I thought Kevin Spacey was even worse.
  19. By slam dunk do you mean resembling cardboard?
  20. I'd prefer an entirely unknown actor. Or Jon Hamm.
  21. Filming has start before 2012 to hit the December 2012 release date.
  22. They people who, in my opinion, made the two best comic book movies of all time are behind this. So have faith. This comment made me go back in the thread and check to see if it was still Zack Snyder directing. Really? I thought Watchmen was ok, but hardly one of the best ever. I'm pro this because its such a complete departure from the norm, but I wouldn't put Zack high on my list of great directors. I was referring to Nolan and Friends who came up with the story and chose the director. They made the two best comic book movies in my opinion. BB and TDK.