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Posts posted by Skyle

  1. If one really wanted to, you could make several Bruce Wayne movies. There is so much material that can be used from the pre-Batman Bruce Wayne timeline. It is impossible to show all of that in one movie and still have time for Batman, villains and the like. I thought Batman Begins did a good job of showing enough of Bruce's training.

    I always wanted to see Bruce in Japan.

  2. I was already sad when BTAS WFP ended.

    But we still have Justice League (YES!)

    And Batman Returns :evilgrin:

    When that is all over, hand me the Kazoo. I'll play the BTAS on it. And maybe James and Mike can do one more "I don't want the world to know...I ...CAN'T...SEE!!" impersonation.

  3. There was a guy who I'd just started seeing who invited me to see his apartment. Once I walked in, all I could smell was pee. He had two dogs but never trained them, and he let them jump on the bed with their wet paws. It was a short visit.

  4. Unlike all of you, I'm not pathetic. I recently broke up with my girlfriend of two years, and shortly after (and am still currently) seeing her much hotter ex-roommate.

    Worst part is, I'm not even good looking. :P

    I thought this was a dating horror stories thread.

    I got distracted reading that by imagining you saying it as The Question.

  5. This is way personal, but I need to vent. Don't read if you don't want to see Selina mad.

    Phone rings.

    "I found a condom in my car next to your old credit card statement."


    "That's NOT the *brand* that we use."

    "Then it's not mine."

    "No one else has sat in my car before."

    "Except the friend who you bought the car from."

    "It was next to your credit card statement."

    "I'm not cheating on you."

    "It's not our *brand*."

    "You're an asshole."

    Two things I can't stand:

    1) False accusations

    2) Passive aggressiveness


  6. Suave, you didn't actually act like a dick. If you did, she might have apologized.

    DCFan, Hasselhoff scares women, and I think it's the mention of the name.

    Boston Dan, better off without her. That goes for all three of you.

  7. Bruce was way too good for Barbara and that's that.

    When I was young, 14-15, I had a huge crush on my piano teacher who was in his early 30's. He had a poor temper, but he could do no wrong in my eyes. But to actually go out with him when I turn 18 would be wrong on so many levels. He was friends with my parents too, and well--you get the parallel.

    Barbara Gordon was about 18 and Bruce was 35+. She's Commissioner Gordon's daughter, batGIRL, and she's a kid. Bruce is like her uncle. I'll never understand why the writers pushed that angle so much in the DCAU.

    The only way I can see them getting together is if Bruce was 60 and Babs was 40, and they've grown lonely. Even then, it would be more companionship than love.

    Dick and Babs were perfect for each other, and the writers somehow didn't want to tap into that. Instead, they fabricate this pedophilish relationship btwn Bruce and Babs and it was awkward as hell to watch.