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Everything posted by Professor

  1. I believe Crow Sting was a Scott Hall idea.
  2. Having just finished watching the rematch I'll say the original is better than the sequel. Now, I watching both know the result (and I HATE knowing) but I felt it hurt the rematch more. Still great fun. That Okada guy is having himself a year. Also, Cyrus doing his 92 Royal Rumble Bobby Heenan impersonation got old real fast.
  3. This week on Lois & Clark: Our heroes find themselves in quite a pickle when an evil businessman learns to harness the powers of photoshop. I am so happy my laptop decided to play DVDs again. I've missed this.
  4. So that didn't go as bad as it could have. So, I got that going for me. Bad news is the bills have already started to arrive and it is an absolute mess. Not having insurance has turned this very 'interesting'.
  5. So, I'm off to have a bit of surgery in a couple of hours. Nothing life threatening or the like, but something that does need to be done. Yeah, not exactly the best of times. I've been dealing with things since NYE, so a bit of time has passed. Yet, it didn't really hit me until I woke up this morning. Yeah, not happy about this. Not at all.
  6. I'll echo that. The two women behind me were clearly having the greatest time with the movie. I quite enjoy that. I really want more Diana & Her Howling Commandos, with the war fighting and badassery. One thing
  7. reMIND - Two graphic novels that looked really nifty at the library. I quite enjoyed this. The ending got a little random, but I didn't mind too much. While looking up the creator, I found he put up the thing for free. Worth a look at that price.
  8. To be fair, the last ten minutes was fun. Lion-horse-bat shooting lasers? I don't own a van, but I'd slap that on the side in a second. It was just everything else that I found boring.
  9. Sorceress (1982) - This was a Dread Media review some seven months ago, I listened about a month ago and watched it just now. Darryll calling it basically 'badass sword & sorcery van art in movie form' made me need to watch this. And it disappointed. I was bored mostly. But I didn't grow up with these kinda of movies so I don't really have a fondness for the genre.
  10. Overall, I cannot say I was bored. Finished stronger than it started and I'll be along for the second season. I will echo Will in that I hope it stays at 13 episodes.
  11. My laptop randomly decided it wanted to play DVDs again. So I did what anyone would do: Bust out Lois & Clark. Great fun. But I still have one unanswered question: Who the fuck is Mike?
  12. I'll pile on the Rooker praise. The last 5-10 minutes of the movie are most excellent.
  13. A couple of thoughts. First: Second, I agree with Tom: The Three Levels of Hell is not good. Triple H vs. Austin never did it for me. Third, Clumsy by OLP is a really good album.
  14. I was unaware that the season was only 8 episodes. So I watched the last two today. And they may have been the most straightforward of the season. And I still really do not know how I feel about this show. Really feels like it slipped into style over everything. They Bond sequence, the silent movie and the Pink Floyd all felt inserted just to be weird. I have no idea. Polly in for a season 2, but maybe not weekly.
  15. Play It to the Bone - I have no idea why/how/why this popped into my head last week while at work. None. It doesn't make sense. I remember watching the VHS once when I was like 14 and thinking it was okay. Guess what? That was incorrect. It is quite bad. And long. And bad. The highlight was seeing an unexcited Bruce Buffer for ten seconds. And I still have no earthly idea why I randomly remembered this movie. That is starting to annoy.
  16. Poison Ivy: Circle of Life and Death - Didn't really get the Ivy character. Granted, my knowledge base is an unrelated cartoon from 25 years ago and some comics I read 10 years after that. Outside of that, this was just bland. Amelia Cole and the Unknown World - Now this, this I dug. Standard 'character thrust into a new world' story, but with a likable hero and sidekick duo that makes this a fun little story. Already have the next two coming my way. Single Issues: 11Graphic Novels: 4 Trades: 38 (263)
  17. Hawkeye - Had a real fun vibe going for the first two trades. Then the Hawkeyes parted way and it lost pretty much all the fun. All-New Hawkeye (both of them) - Never regained the fun. The dual narrative in both series didn't work for me (and really, the flashbacks were the best parts). And the entire thing with the children never engaged me. Overall, I never felt like I completely knew what was going on. Like Avenger-y things. And I don't think Kate is every really explained in any detail. Kinda felt like I started watching Season 3 Episode 7 of random TV show. Yeah, I can catch on after a while, but I will miss things. And since I have complained about these things before, I like that Marvel collected these in a simple, easy to follow manner, even with the re-numbering of the series. Single Issues: 11Graphic Novels: 2 Trades: 37 (257)
  18. I didn't watch Wrestlemania live last night. Mainly because I know better. I knew they would go long and that 4AM alarm would have come mighty quick. So, stay off the internet and watch it after work today. So I got off work, drove home, got some dinner. Started watching. And watching. And watching. Still watching in fact. I'm just over 4 hours in and it says I still have an hour left. I don't care what it is. 7ish hours is too fucking long for a wrestling show.
  19. Alabaster: The Good, The Bad and The Bird - I enjoyed this, but I have little idea as to why. This has many elements I dislike, yet somehow I didn't. What I did dislike is that this is Vol. 3. It is not noted anywhere in/on/near/around this book, except one line in the legal fine print in the beginning. Such a shame. Riverdale: One-Shot - A prequel to the show, centered around the four leads. Standard tie-in book really. Does make the Grundy thing more awkward tho. Single Issues: 11Graphic Novels: 2 Trades: 31 (222)
  20. So, I watched the first five episodes in the span of roughly 30 hours about ten days ago. Came back around to watch episode six and holy fuck was that a mistake. Not the episode itself, which I think is par for the course (with bonus weird dance Bond opening for some reason), but the show in general. I had forgotten just how 'different' the show is and it took me awhile to adjust. And I don't think I did. I'm out until the season is over. Still interested enough to finish the season at least, but I think I need to watch it over a few days rather than week to week. Randomly: Is this set in current time? I'm getting a big 1977 vibe and don't know if I'm supposed to.
  21. We Can Never Go Home - Bad thing happens and things spiral from there. I was enjoying this until the rather sudden ending. Almost like this needed a sixth issue or a rethink of pacing from the start. Super Sons #1 - I've never read any Damien before. Seems annoying. Batman #18 - I'm sure this plays fine in context. Out of context, not so much. Would have been nice if it said Part 3 at some point before the last page. Single Issues: 10Graphic Novels: 2 Trades: 30 (217)
  22. I think I've softened on my views of OMD. The story itself isn't the greatest, but I like the run (BND) that spun out of it. Until #700. I did not like the Superior Spider-Man run at all. Could have been a nifty five part story, but went on way too long. Just took the fun out of the book for me.
  23. Black Jack Ketchum - I'll be honest, I have zero clue what happened in this. I tend to zone out a little when things get mystical, but even so, this was a step beyond that. Iron Fist: The Living Weapon - I thought this would sorta pick up where the Immortal Weapon series left off. I guess things happened in the in-between time and I am a little lost on the Ku'n Lun of it all. This might have been an okay book. But this art is some of the worst I have ever seen. I want to say this looks all 90s EXTREME~!!~!, but that would insult the 90s. Single Issues: 8Graphic Novels: 2 Trades: 29 (212)
  24. Power Rangers: I think we watched different movies. Short version, I was whelmed. Pretty much as I expected going in, an okay movie that only got made because it says Power Rangers on the poster. Unlike the new TMNT movies, this just wasn't fun enough for my liking. Longer spoiler-y version: Oh, and as for the Rangers themselves: