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Everything posted by Professor

  1. See, as a math guy, percentages do matter to me. If on a quiz you get 9/10 correct, on your scale that is an A, on mine it is a B, thus making it 'harder' to get an A. Anyway, I basically just needed a reference to point to interpret the grades.
  2. No D? Mine was: [0-59 - F] [60-69 - D] [70-83 - C] [84-93 - B] [94-100 - A]. I knew my school was harder, but damn.
  3. I must ask, what grading scale are you using for your letter grades? I have never seen such a thing. 50% as a C-? That is an F were I come from.
  4. About Brodus Clay: I am still not liking this. While yes, monster heels are in vogue at the moment, I think you should go serious first. Look at Mark Henry. He has had a great year and is doing his best work as a serious, badass monster. Yet, the crowd will still chant "Sexual Chocolate" at him and that gimmick happened in 1999. Better yet, look at Rikishi. He had already had is run as a serious character. Then the fat guy dancing gimmick that the crowd loved. What happened after that? The serious "I did it for the Rock" character didn't work as he was still the guy who did the stinkface. I'm just saying that the more this gets over, the harder it becomes to take him seriously down the line.
  5. Professor


    That was an awesome game. Alex Smith really stepped up in the 4th Quarter leading two TD drives after not doing anything all day. EXCITEMENT!!
  6. During my run-thru, I was surprised how much I liked Jason. Specially after Tommy loses his powers, Jason firmly asserts himself as a leader. Plus, he carries the guilt (deserved or not) of not saving Tommy's powers even after he comes back which really adds depth to the character. It was sad that he left the show when he did, as he was really doing a great job.
  7. Secret Wars - Having never read this, I figured why not. Not exactly what I expected. First off, way too wordy. I get that that was the style back in the day, but damn, this took me all day to read because I kept putting it down do to being so wordy. All the characters, sans Doom, were jokes. The Wrecking Crew? Really? Seems like bigger names could have been used. And this may be the 90s cartoon's fault, but I thought Spider-Man was a much bigger deal in this than he actually is. Yeah, he gets the costume, but that is about it. I was kinda shocked that we never see the Beyonder. I think that works in the story's favor, as the design they came up with in the sequel is really lame. All in all, glad I finally read it, but I am never reading that again. Ever. Trades: 7 (45.5)
  8. Flash: Crossfire - I have no idea. I know I've heard somewhere about how good Geoff Johns was on The Flash. After reading this, I don't get it. Everything is blah and the Rouges are beyond a joke. This was very much 1995. Trades: 6 (33.5)
  9. The Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Jackpot - Who loves random death for no reason? Not me. So this sucked. Add in the art of cheesecake and Spider-Man looking like a linebacker, and this sucked harder. Trades: 5 (23.5)
  10. Will, I would disagree. Angel Grove High is the place to send your kids if you want them to get a head start on their future. Zack, Jason & Trini are chosen to go a World Peace Conference. I assume this would be somewhere in Europe. And that has to look great on any college application. Kimberly does go train for the Olympics. However, most Olympic hopefuls at that age would have private tutors. Plus, Angel Grove had a gymnastics program to begin with, which is rare. Bulk & Skull? I always took them joining the Junior Police Force as a post secondary option for school. You see them as students after they join, so while they might not be gaining a traditional education, they are gaining training for a possible career. Billy does graduate early and then do nothing. But think about it. Billy did not graduate at the end of the school year. He showed up one day and was told "You Graduated. Now get out." Thus, he would not have applied to college yet. So he just hung around until he got college shorted. (Also, look at all the shit he built while in high school. Does he really need college all that much?) Expanding it to the Space Rangers, they kinda outed themselves so going to college is kinda awkward at best. Plus, Astronaut > College. As for the rest? They all graduated and either had a job (Adam, Tanya), went to school (Kat, Tommy, Justin), or went to Africa for some reason (Aisha). Forget that last one, that is just lame. Edit: I forgot about Rocky. He got stupid, so he is working at the Circle K. Just a hunch. I think I thought about this too much.
  11. Cyborg Santos tested positive for steroids. Link
  12. It turns out that the Jericho return happened during half time of the Fiesta Bowl. If in fact true, that explains a lot and makes a ton of sense. If I gave two shits about either team, I would have been watching football and flipped over during halftime to see RAW. On the other hand, that would have not persuaded me to stay for the main event.
  13. Just finished Dhani Tackles the Globe. It follows Dhani Jones (now former NFL player) as he tries different sports around the world while somewhat gaining some culture. The second season is better than the first, but I think the sports are better in the first. Best episode was Mexico City (Lucha Libre). Side Note: I have no idea how he was able to do this and not violate his NFL contract. I know some have clauses that players cannot even ride motorcycles. Yet, here he is in a kickboxing match, playing beach volleyball and playing a Lucha Libre heel. At least he didn't smoke pot in Jamaica.
  14. Fantastic Four by JMS Vol. 1 (#527-532) - A bit too much talking for me. Even the climax is just talking, in space. And I haven't read much FF, but The Thing seems really stupid in this. Torch is non-existent and the Child Services sub-plot is really forced. I don't think I will read Vol. 2. New Mutants: Back to School (Vol. 2 1-6) - Story was your standard team building arc. The only thing that stood out was the art, which I was not a fan off. People's faces will look different page to page, and the any female wearing pants looks like they are wear depends. I love classic New Mutants, and am somewhat saddened that this shares the name. Ender's Game: Battle School (#1-5) - I liked this. Only real complaint is that, while the art is stunning, I did have a bit of a problem telling most of the side characters apart. Given that everyone is dressed the same, it may be a 'me' problem. But didn't really matter in the end as the side characters really are not important. Sucks that it ended on a somewhat cliffhanger tho. A Wizards Tale - Really cliche. Nothing complex about it; you can tell the 'twist' from page two. The art is pretty tho. I good children's comic that has no higher level for adults. Trades: 4 (20)
  15. My take is this: Jericho said repeatedly that he would only come back if he came up with a new approach. I believe he has and will reserve full judgment until this plays out further. That said, taking the segment by itself? Not a fan. I have been told by a few podcasts that I didn't like it because I "didn't get it" and because "I am not smart." The entire thing just seems off. Doing it before the main event seems really odd. As in, I don't think it was referenced during the main event and then that Kane thing happened. Like I said, I want to see how this plays out. Not in the Punk promo aftermath kinda way of "I need to see where this is going", but in the "that was weird. I wonder why" kinda way.
  16. Professor


    100,000 Toothpicks
  17. Another gem of a conversation with my roommate: Him: "You don't need to know that names of people to be their friend." Me: "You've known these people for 5+ years. You should have a handle of their names by now." Him: "Doesn't matter." I don't understand.
  18. Don't misunderstand, I have zero problems with Brock retiring. I think his health problems in recent years have had taken a toll on him, body and mind. Specially in MMA, if you are not 100% focused you are putting yourself in a very bad situation. So better that he retires than get hurt trying. I'm just saying that it is a somewhat big loss for the UFC, business wise.
  19. Once you have a party concept, stick to it. My friend's annual NYE party was an ugly sweater party this year. Wear an ugly sweater you found at a thrift store an such. I thought it was lame, but whatever. Now, his NYE parties are always no booze and low key. We watch some Bowl Games, play a video/board game, watch the ball drop and carry on our gaming. Occasional confetti poppers. However, his wife decided to invite some of her friends this year. They did not get the no booze memo. So instead of a fun night, we get myself, the party host and his brother sitting in the other room being annoyed by the drunk people in the other room. Highlights include: - vomitting - drunken cheating (and drama thereafter) - shitty pop music - grown (subjectively grown. 25ish years old, maturity of a cabbage) men punching each other in the junk. Repeatedly. And to top it off, my friend has to let most of them crash, while I ended up playing the DD. Seriously, if the party is started as a no booze affair, LEAVE IT THAT FUCKING WAY.
  20. Looking at this strictly from a UFC position (as I care little about possible WWE returns), Lesnar retiring is a somewhat big hit. Just looking at it from a business standpoint, Brock was a draw. He was a name that even the most casual of fans knew. Even after this loss, there were money fights left on the table. Lesnar/Mir III anyone? And I can only imagine what a Lesnar fight on Fox could generate ratings wise. I could have seen Lesnar in almost a Tito Ortiz role, of not being in title contention, but a name fighter for a card. Let's face it, UFC has too many shows. Add in re-upping the Strikeforce deal with Showtime (to basically block anyone else from getting on Showtime), and you have a shit-ton of cards to fill out. Losing one of your most recognizable fighters is not a good thing.
  21. Professor


    I would assume one of those outdoors events was ComFest? Worst festival ever.
  22. It is really late and I am really tired. And at this very moment, this is the greatest thing ever. I am such a math nerd.
  23. You know where you shouldn't have a heart to heart with someone you haven't seen in a while? In the doorway to the super market. In addition, you don't get to yell at me when I say excuse me. I said excuse me, not "Get The Fuck Out Of My Way".