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Everything posted by Professor

  1. Silver Surfer - The only 90s Marvel cartoon that I did not watch as a kid. I am not a fan of the cosmic corner of the Marvel Universe. However, this was decent. The Surfer is a bit whiney (a la 90s cartoon Peter Parker). But, it is nice to see characters I barely know (Adam Warlock, Beta Ray Bill, Thanos) in a cartoon. Not anything special, but decent enough. Witchblade (Anime) - I really enjoyed this. For something that I thought would be pure cheesecake, it has a huge amount of heart and surprisingly little cheesecake. Granted, it is there, but it is limited. What is also limited is the action, but getting fully formed characters makes the action better. My only complaint is the ending is incredibly rushed. The last episode should have been two. But it is one and is lacking true epic-ness. Still a good watch. The Tick (Live-Action) - I love this show. Being only 9 episodes I should be left wanting more. However, as much as I love this show, I can see how it could have gone downhill fast. Also, Batmanuel.
  2. Forgive me (as I believe a few of you work in this field), but fuck customer service line people. While help would be nice, if not expected, I know sometimes things are not going to end up in my favor. That said, what is expected is a consistent message. If I call three times, I expect answers that follow a set logic. I do not expect three separate answers to my questions. Those answers: "I've never heard about this issue." "We know about this issue and are working on a solution." "Wrap it in tinfoil." Yep.
  3. I found myself watching Santino's debut. As for a cold debut, I would say it was alright. But that crowd in Italy was awesome. I know that there is a big expense/hassle in doing so, but more RAWs outside of US/Canada would be welcome.
  4. I am out. I just couldn't make it work out well enough. So, that's fun.
  5. Yes it does. Works perfectly.
  6. Professor


    Apparently, the first house I lived in exploded. Cannot say that I am surprised, as it was used as a meth house about four years ago. So, what did we learn? I am glad my parents moved to the country.
  7. Just finished the episode at work. A few thoughts: As much as you both liked Smash & Ixnay, I go for Americana/Conspiracy. Are they better albums, probably not. According to iTunes, I haven't listened to them since 2008. But these are my introductions into the band. I played the shit out of the Americana cassette copy I made from my friends CD. I remember being excited for Conspiracy when it was released and being somewhat disappointed, but eventually liking the album overall. D.W. - Your idea of a band of time travelers has somewhat been done. I give you Chris Jericho's band, Fozzy. When the band started, they had the storyline that they had been trapped in Japan for the past 20 years. When they returned to America, they find that other bands had stolen all of their songs. Also, Moongoose McQueen. Looking forward to the next two albums. I only have listened to Splinter once and hated it, and I have had their last album for 3 years and have yet to listen to it. So, fun?
  8. Professor


    First song I play on new iPod? "Remember Me" by Randy Savage. Oh Yeah!
  9. And somehow, SOMEHOW, at 7PM on Friday March 16, 2012, Best Buy has managed to piss me off even more. I didn't think that was possible. Yet, here we are. I would applaud this achievement, but I am not in the mood. And yet, I believe when they tell me to go fuck myself for the 900th time, I will be even more pissed. So, I have that going for me.
  10. I have been listening to my wrestling podcasts today. A few have brought up the idea that the reason for The Rock not having his greatest time with promos is on purpose. The purpose being that if Rock wanted to, he would crush John Cena. I've had my problems with Cena (being Superman, always Mr. Smile, ect), but the man can bring it in a serious way when the time calls for it. I think his recent promos with/at The Rock somewhat validate that statement. So, to me, the idea that they are holding The Rock back is just plain stupid. Now, I thought the Rock Concert on RAW was bad, bordering on terrible. Fuck your mom jokes? We Will Rock You? It was really straight bad in my eyes. But I have also not been a fan of most of what The Rock has done since coming back post-Survivor Series. Seeing Rock in the ring is not really that special 'omg' moment that it was around last Wrestlemania.
  11. Currently on hold with Best Buy. Why? I never received my phone call on Monday as scheduled. And now they hung up on me. EDIT: So, 1.5 more hours of my life wasted on these bags of douche. And, yet again, we'll call you tomorrow. FUCK THIS SHIT IN ITS FUCKING SHITTY ASS. Yeah, never buying another damn thing from this store. EDIT 2: Mike, I don't know about any newspapers, but the local news does something similar.
  12. Fuck Best Buy in their fucking eye sockets. I buy an iPod Touch in 2010 with the extended 2 year warranty. I ask specific questions about the warranty. "What happens if I need to use it?" Answer: "You get yours repaired or we will give you a NEW one." I capitalize new for a reason. Turn the clock to 2012. Headphone jack on the iPod is not working. Warranty is still good until 3/22/12. Sweet, right? Nope. I can only get a refurbished iPod. "But that is not what I was sold." Answer: "Fuck you." I try to explain this to the store manager, nothing. Come back a week later, get told by the Geek Squad member I would be sent a NEW, NEW, FUCKING NEW, iPod within 3-5 days. Oh, well that is good. 4 days later, REFURBISHED iPod on my doorstep. Damn. Charge it up, use it. Got it on a Friday. Headphone jack broke on Sunday. Go back to the store: "I want a NEW one like promised." Store: "FUCK YOU." Contact corporate. Answer: "FUCK YOU". Get another refurbished sent to my house. 4 days later, REFURBISHED iPod on my doorstep. Damn. Charge it up, use it. Got it on a Thursday. Headphone jack broke on Sunday. Call corporate. Person who makes these decisions is, naturally, not in on Sunday. They will call be back tomorrow, but they are very doubtful I will get THE FUCKING NEW ONE THAT I WAS PROMISED WHEN I BOUGHT THE DAMN WARRANTY. Their logic is that the warranty does not cover giving of new iPods. This is true. However, that is for warranties now. When I bought the warranty, the policy was to give new ones. So to type the analogy I used on them: I went to a restaurant and ordered a steak and got a bowl of lucky charms. Their only solution was for me to BUY a new iPod, but with a discount. The discount? $20. Cost of warranty: $70.
  13. Professor


    I think what happened to the Colts was a perfect storm of sorts. Yes, Manning getting hurt, well, hurt. But when Brady was hurt, the Patriots did turn into stale goat cheese. I think the signs were already there that the Colts 'window' was closing during the '10 season. - The defense has never been good, just got HOT during one playoff run. And even then, they were really built to play with the lead. - The Texans got better. I really do believe they would have won the division last year, Manning or no.
  14. My roommate is sick. Not something that I would generally be annoyed at, but the fact he has done nothing about it pisses me off. I got sick two weeks ago, I got some medicine, took said medicine and got better in a few days. He got sick two days after me, hasn't taken anything (for no other reason that he is lazy) and has not gotten better. At this very moment, his non-stop coughing have made it impossible to concentrate on anything. Worse yet, he is watching some stand-up on his laptop. EVERY FUCKING TIME he laughs, he has a coughing fit. Now I am stuck in the situation where I have told him it is annoying me yet he still does nothing. I even gave him the pills I took to get better and he won't take them (and he will not give me any reason why). I cannot just go to another room, as there is only three rooms I can go and I can hear him in all three. I could leave, but my house is where my stuff is.
  15. Professor


    I think in the ideal situation that would have happened. However, if losing one player leads to your worst season in years, you have more than a few needs. Financially, not paying Manning his roster bonus, or salary, you allow yourself the ability to work on filling out your team. Remember, Manning started from game #1 and he turned out fine. Luck could do just the same.
  16. Professor


    I don't understand the outrage about this. The Colts are a spots team who mission is to win. If they feel that Manning does not give them the best chance to win, they have the right to make a change. I am a 49ers fan. They once had a guy who played WR. He was pretty good. His name was Jerry Rice. In 2000, he was getting older (38) and had a few years left in him, but probably not at the high of rate he/the team were used to. The team had a younger guy (T. Owens) at the position and felt like Rice was not the best option (projected production for the money) and he was not brought back. He signs with the Raiders, has 3 great years and even makes it to a Super Bowl. The reaction I have heard makes it sound like Manning will never play again. He will find work and he has a chance to be very successful.
  17. I qualify for the professional pricing on a weekend pass to C2E2. That is nifty.
  18. While I my Touch was broken I was using a Nano. I will admit, the smaller size (and weight) was surprisingly helpful. However, I recently started to get very annoyed at not being able to have my entire music library on it. If I am stuck at work and say, Prince gets stuck in my head, I want to be able to listen to the Purple Rain soundtrack. So glad that I have a working Touch back.
  19. So, there has been what I have been calling a "corporate restructuring" at work. I really hate these types of things, as Corporate tends to forget some things are not possible. With any philosophy change; some things work, some things don't. They want A-Z done, but only give us enough payroll to do A-M. For me, this has meant not much as I moved to a position that hasn't changed much. But morale is low and that is starting to get on my nerves. I can only take so much bitching from co-workers.
  20. Yeah, I was still having problems as well. I did that thing Will said and it fixed it, for whatever reason.
  21. Elimination Chamber was a one match show. Cena/Kane was as expected, the women's match was meh and the bonus match was Swagger/Gabriel and forgettable. The RAW chamber was just missing something. It just never clicked for me. The Smackdown chamber did click. The Big Show chain spot was nifty and MY GOD was Santino over. Crowd made that match.
  22. I have been watching Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation. I'm about half-way done and I have a few thoughts. - I remembered the Turtles all having different uniforms. But, outside of the bandannas, they all look the same. Which is a same, as I liked the idea of them growing into individuals. - Venus adds nothing to the show. Beyond the intro, she is more or less an afterthought. - The Rank & The Dragon Lord are just horrible villains. In fact, the good episodes have been the ones with out them. I think Dr. Quease and Silver are both in line of classic TMNT villians. Bonesteel is a cross between Kraven and Randy Savage and is fun. And the annoying hand puppet sidekick is very off putting. - The line in the first story arch of them nothing being brothers would annoy more if they mentioned it past the first mention. It was clearly a way to make Venus not a sister and thus not creepy if they set up a romance. I went in thinking this would be god-awful. But to my surprise, I would say it is on the same level as the 80s cartoon (which do not hold up looking back). Plus, since this existed, we got the TMNT/Power Ranger crossover that made my childhood complete.
  23. Professor

    The news thread

    Yes, it is a racial slur. However, chink in the armor is commonly used phrase that has zero racial overtones. Can the phrase not have been use because the media (mainly ESPN) have been building this guy up to be Superman or the Knicks 'Knight In Shinning Armor"? I just read this. So, if it is a go-to sports cliche, then why cannot it be used in this sports story? I'll leave it at this. Think back to the story about Kilowog last year. Someone saw racial overtones in the name. Doesn't make it true.