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Everything posted by Professor

  1. I'm of the opinion that all three Punisher movies are very good. It just depends on what you are looking for in a Punisher movie. And I like the face that they are all distinct, rather than being slighty altered copies of each other.
  2. Thor: Son of Asgard - This was just wonderful. Basically, Thor in high school, but well done. Of all the Thor books I have read, well ever, I think I would put this as the best. Trades: 70 (405)
  3. Okay. His name is Dr. Mindbender. He is bending your mind to make you think he is gay with that outfit. Because that gives him an advantage somehow. That's all I got. Carry on.
  4. Mystique by Sean McKeever Ultimate Collection (#14-24) - I understand this is a spy type story. However, I liken this to I Spy in that if motivations are never clear, then no one will care. Also, each storyline could have been an issue shorter and tightened up a bit. Spider-Man: Family Ties (#1-3 + Fear Itself) - Nice little collection of shorts. Most work, a few don't. The art in the Fear Itself tie-in is awful. Thor: The Mighty Avenger Vol. 2 (#5-8) - I like this Thor. Good read. Captain America: The New Deal (#1-6) - Not a fan of the inner monologue driving the story here. Luke Cage: Noir - I loved this. First one of these Noir series that works on every level. I have no complaints. Trades: 69 (393)
  5. Professor


    I have begun to collect all versions of Trivial Pursuit. With the catch, I have to find the game at Goodwill and pay no more than .99 for it. Already got five. In related news, play the Goodwill game. It is my theory that all Goodwills have a copy of Trivial Pursuit (more than likely Genus I) and a 2-VHS copy of Titanic. Been a year since I came up with this theory and it has yet to fail me or my friends.
  6. My laptop seems to have something broken inside of it. Since I am too much of a pansy to open it up, it will now be my new desktop. Fun times.
  7. Captain America: The Koruac Saga - Nice easy read. I'd call it popcorn. But good popcorn. The Tale Of One Bad Rat - Nice break from the superheroes. A bit predictable, but doesn't take any missteps. Superman/Shazam: First Thunder - Meh. The threat was never a threat and the art was a bit shit. Also a twist for the hell of it. Meh. Wolverine & Jubilee - Jubilee is a vampire. Shit happens. Jubilee is a vampire. I get the point of this, to have her except the change and grow as a person, or something after-school-y. That didn't happen. No character advancement happened, which annoys. Thor: The Trials of Loki - I guess this is the predecessor to For Asgard (that I really liked), but it didn't do it for me. It just never felt epic or 'Asgardian Big'. Also, Thor needs more villains. Trades: 64 (364)
  8. Marvel Adventures Thor: Bringers of the Storm - Boring. I am tiring of Loki being tied to every Thor story I pick up. Marvel Adventures: Thor & Spider-Man - Fun. I think that is due to it seeming like old Marvel Team-Up and it was Thor's month to show up. And hey, classic MTUs added to the back. Thor: For Asgard - Pretty. The art is stunning. Big panels give this an epic feel, which I think absolutely works for Asgard. The Thor speak did not bother me much, and I was able to follow the supporting characters with little prior knowledge. I am impressed. Trades: 59 (344)
  9. I've spent the last month going thru my Lois & Clark sets. Anything with Tempest is just made of awesome.
  10. About a month ago, I had a meeting with my boss about problems that he had since I changed positions at work. Fair play. Two days ago, I have a meeting with my boss. He agrees that I have busted ass and I got things done. However, I am being moved to another position because I was given a situation that was not ideal. I'm fine, but the people I have been given are not working good/hard enough. So, his solution is to take me (the guy getting shit done) away, while leaving the others (thumbs up their asses) where they are. I'm not really that heartbroken about changing positions. I am just a little annoyed at the logic of the situation.
  11. X-Men: Phoenix - Endsong - Seems like something I have read before. I have no love for the Jean Grey character. X-Men: Phoenix - Warsong - I have very little idea what is going on. I have only a very base knowledge of who the Cuckoos are. This book does not help further that knowledge. This is the definition of a book that assumes you know and makes no attempts to help you along. Trades: 56 (332)
  12. Undertaker from WWE 13. Am I the only one who thinks that looks more like a Kevin Nash/Worf hybrid than Taker?
  13. X-Men: Noir - I was a fan of the Spider-Man mini. This? Not at all. This was trying to do too much at once and, as such, becomes a jumbled mess. The art is just bad. I spent the first two issues trying to figure out who was who and I failed. Just a mess of a book. Spider-Man: The Real Clone Saga X-Men Forever (#1-15: Picking Up Where We Left Off, The Secret History of The Sentinels, Come To Mother.. Russia!) Sigh. These books are not very good. I went in knowing what they were: Extended What If...s? But, still, these are not good. The Clone Saga takes the entire story and reduce it to six issues. Yeah, the original story went on way too long, but this was cramped. Also, If you are going to retell the story, do not include modern pop culture references. American Idol? No. Macarena? Yes. The X-Men books seem to be a bit off. The point of this series is for Claremont to pick up where he left off and continue his story. Yet, given what happens, I 100% am sure things would not have happened like this. Again, this feels way too rushed. Way too much is happening at once. I read 15 issues. The material in these books could have sustained a run of at least 50 issues. Nothing is given time to breathe, and as such, this feels more like the aforementioned What If, rather than Uncanny X-Men #280, which was the intention. Trades: 54 (322)
  14. Professor


    I just purchased the MLB at bat app for the iPod. It has been five minutes. I love this thing. My AM radio just wouldn't come in without a high pitched buzzing sound. With this app, crystal clear audio and I am so very very happy.
  15. Wonder Woman: Odyssey Book 1 (#600-606) - I liked the costume. Beyond that, meh. Spider-Man/Fantastic Four - The same thing as SpM/X-Men. Nifty as one of the issues it set during on of my first comics. Has a little more heart than the X-Men one. X-Men: First Class (The Wonder Years, Band of Brothers, Mutant Mayhem) (#1-16, Special, Giant Size) - I liked this. Simple Original X-Men stories that don't take themselves too seriously. Fun times. Trades: 49 (297)
  16. Roommate problem # 57467-5 Our washer/dryer just happen to be located in my bedroom closet. Poor design of the apartment, but it has been that way since before we moved in. So, I am falling asleep on the couch and head to bed. Before I make it to the stairs, he turns the dryer on. I say 'hey, I'm going to bed so that is getting turned off.'. And he gets all pissy. Turns out, he is going away for the weekend and needs these clothes. No simpathy from me. 1) don't leave these things to the last minute. 2) the dryer was not running for the last five hours. 3) it is my day off. I am going to sleep in. I will not wake up at 5am so you can use the dryer. 4) I will not stay up until 2am so you can finish. You did not fucking plan your shit out. Not my problem. Also, first time using my iPod to post. I do not like typing in this thing. Very ackward.
  17. X-Men: Divided We Stand - Nice series of mini-stories setting up things after X-Event #8750238590. But as such, I have little idea where this fits in. X-Men: Origins - Not anything special, but the Mike Mayhew art on the Jean Grey issue was just amazing. The JK Woodward art was almost as nice. Trades: 44 (268)
  18. Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do - I could really tell this was written by Kevin Smith. A little too talky, and seems to exist just for the 'shock' in the middle. Meh. X-Men: Die By The Sword - As someone who knows nothing about New Excalibur, The Exiles and The Captain Britain Corps (if that is even what they are called), this book does nothing to help you understand. X-Men: Worlds Apart - A nice little Storm story. However, she really needs a villain besides the Shadow King. X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back - I was completely lost. I only know the names of the characters from a podcast, so I have no idea what is going on and no idea who these people are. Pixie? I have no idea. She has dust, I think, and it does things, I think. Seriously, fuck this book. New X-Men: Hellions - The book does a much better job of introducing me to characters. Hey, I can remember their names, novel concept right? Reminds me of old New Mutants: young mutants have a minor adventure where their inexperience plays a big part. Best book of this bunch. Trades: 42 (260)
  19. TNA announced that Impact will be live throughout the summer, starting May 31st (also time change to 8PM). In the grand scheme of things, I don't think this well help much at all. TNA also hired Brooke Hogan to oversee the Knockouts division in both a backstage and on camera capacity. In the grand scheme of things, I am surprised it took this long for a Hogan spawn to show up. I really thought Nick would show up during the Eric/Garrett feud.
  20. Spider-Man: The Extremist (Web of Spider-Man #8-12) - A little weird getting into this as I have little grasp on the post OMD/BND status-quo. Also, the art is bad. X-Men/Spider-Man - I am torn. I like the fact that this tells a story in four different points in time. However, these flashbacks do not work. The fight with the Marauders doesn't have the same tone as the "Fall of the Mutants" deathfest did. Spider-Riley did not go around telling people "Clone. CLONE. I had a clone. CLONEY!" Really did like the Mario Alberti art. Also, I thought the colors were great, and I rarely notice these things. Black Widow: The Name of The Rose (#1-5) Black Widow: Kiss or Kill (#6-8) I really enjoyed this, Vol. 1 more so than Vol. 2. A nice change of pace from Super Heroics and getting spy stuff. And I loved the Daniel Acuna art. Trades: 37 (237)
  21. I cannot see this ending well. Combining the roster being thin and 3 hour Raws feeling unneeded, I just do not see the need for this. Part of me hopes that this would lead to longer matches, but I know their is about a 0.04% chance of that happening.
  22. Amazing picture posted on Colt Cabana's twitter.!/ColtCabana/status/202092646573948928/photo/1/large
  23. Um, I doubt The Mentalist can be preempted by football. The late game on CBS is at 4PM and I have never seen anything but 60 minutes be joined in progress.
  24. I have this sneaky feeling that my life is about to change. Not anything major, but I have this feeling that I am heading for some changes that I do not believe will make me all that happy. Fun times. Fun times indeed.