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Everything posted by Professor

  1. Marvel Adventure Spider-Man: Secret Indentity - Nice brain cleanse before the final clone saga trade. Simple, fast read of high school Spidey. Nothing special, but it killed my break at work, which was needed. Comics: 25 Graphic Novels: 1 Trades: 152 (869)
  2. Professor


    In what may be a world first, Taco Bell cured my upset stomach stomach. I don't understand the how or why, but I am really shocked.
  3. Spider-Man: The Complete Clone Saga (Book 4) - I was trying to be nice and not completely hate on this. I really went into this with an open mind. But fuck this book. Let's start with the 1st third of this collection. Filler. Hey a Gwen clone, sweet? A new Green Goblin (I do remember liking his solo title when I read it years ago), because why not? Judas Traveler and his stupid, never explained powers and lame "I must know the nature of things' motivations. Just go the fuck away we will all be happy. Like in Book 3, I did enjoy the Trial of Peter Parker idea. Even the execution, except for the OMG SWERVE!!~! And then Maximum Clonage happened. This is about as nonsensical as a 2000 edition of Vince Russo's WCW Nitro. I'm surprized Peter and Ben didn't have a 'mask on a pole' match in the middle of it and join the nWo. It is like someone thought to themselves "You know what this needs? More clones, the Punisher and that team no one cares about." Also, Kaine. He gets built up for his 'final' hurrah, and then you switch writers, and all that characterization is lost, swept under the rug and then he 'dies'. So sad. Also, I have complained about the art on the Spectacular issues, but it bears repeating. While every issue has a different artist, the shift from Web/Amazing/SpM has a flow. There are differences, but they are not jarring. The Spectacular issues are like trying to watch a movie, but every fifteen minutes you turn the brightness up, color shift, spin around ten times and stand on your head. It does not work. And I still have another volume to go. Fucking Comics: 25 Graphic Novels: 1 Trades: 151 (865)
  4. Just finished the Punk documentary. I'll say it is the best WWE documentary that they've produced on a single wrestler. Not perfect, but I cannot say I expected it too be.
  5. Spider-Man: The Complete Clone Saga (Book 3) - *sigh* The Clone Journal - Why include this? I get its purpose. I catch new readers up on the Clones before you get too far into the shithole. But, that would be the case in 95, not to start Book 3 of the $35 trades. So why? Players & Pawns - Two issues of nothing. The final page of Ben choosing his fate was needed, but a little late. Planet of the Symbiotes - Again, why? Yeah, Scarlet Spider is there. But this does absolutely nothing for/is absolutely not about the f'n clone saga. It doesn't jive with continuity with it's placement here, and I will go out on a limb and say it won't ever. And the Joe St. Pierre art in the 2nd part is so, so bad. Amazing #400 - I like the first 4/5ths of this. The reveal feels a bit rushed, but kinda fits. The death is nice, in the non-violence of it. I guess I could have done without the ending in this issue. I get the need for a cliffhanger (make the money money), but an ending at the funeral seems like a better move. Aftershocks - Classic mistaken identity story that works in the context of clones. However, it all feels rushed and padded out at the same time. Also, why the constant Carnage cameos? Mark of Kaine - Again, rushed and padded. And fuck this 3rd (actually 5th, but who is counting) clone. Only good that came from it was the black mask making a cameo. Also, overall, fuck Buscema & Sienkiewicz for the absolute shit stains that they call art on the Spectacular issues. That has to be the worst art I have seen all year, if not longer. Comics: 25 Graphic Novels: 1 Trades: 150 (849)
  6. I've read the 'Maximum Clonage' part before, so I have an idea.
  7. Spider-Man: The Complete Clone Saga (Book 2) - Let's break this one down to its parts. Back From The Edge (Peter) - A four-part story that really felt like two two-parters. And what they hell was Daredevil wearing in 94? Web of Life (Ben) - Nice story, but I think it would have worked better being a solo Grim Hunter story. Kaine's inclusion directly was a bit much. Web of Death (Peter) - I like this one, but the shifts in Doc Ock are annoying. In the Amazing issues, he is an introspective character who feels compelled to save Peter. In the Spectacular issues, he is a bit mad scientist. Also, the Spectacular issues look like complete ass. And that may be an insult to asses. Funeral for an Octopus (Mini) + Unlimited #8 - Filler. Does nothing to further Peter or Ben, and only serves to annoy me. Both are on the same 'adventure' and never cross paths. Lame. Smoke & Mirrors - I'd say this is where the 'Stupid Clone Shit' starts. All the double-talk and, well, smoke & mirrors did not build a mystery you want solved. It just annoyed. Also, Spider-Man & The Scarlet Spider meeting up is a 'meh' moment. Having kept them apart for so lone, it should have been a bigger deal. Two books down, three to go. I have a feeling it is about to get worse. Comics: 25 Graphic Novels: 1 Trades: 149 (833)
  8. ESPN 30 for 30: The 16th Man - Meh. The Morgan Freeman narration pulls me out of this. Also, I just get a feeling that this is a PC version of events. ESPN 30 for 30: June 17, 1994 - I can look at this in two ways. As a documentary, this is really well done. Using nothing but existing footage of the days events, Brett Morgen made something different than the others in this set. So for that, kudos. As for the subject, I so do not care. I did not care when I was 9, I still do not care. As such, the film making was what kept me watching.
  9. Spider-Man: The Complete Clone Saga (Book 1) - I've never read the thing straight thru, so why not. Really a collection of three stories: The Lost Years, Power & Responsibility, and Web of Life. I enjoyed the first and last. The P&R portion suffered from the crossover of four titles syndrome. Way too much recapping and things did not 100% jive. Maybe a symptom of being a modern reader. Oh, and I still love the Scarlet Spider costume. Comics: 25 Graphic Novels: 1 Trades: 148 (813)
  10. There is also the Hogan Knows Best porn parody.
  11. In an effort to move things along, I will wave the time limit for my pick as I am sleepy and me brain no worky. I'll pick at some point tomorrow. So Suave, you are on the clock.
  12. Honestly, I have no idea what I am doing now. When the draft started, my inner 10 year old needed a Ninja Turtle and a Power Ranger on this team. That accomplished, I got nothing.
  13. The Black Power Ranger (w/ control of the Green Power Coin) The man under the helmet? Adam Park
  14. Leonardo Side note: I love the above picture. Done by Swedish artist Mustardo. The other three can be found here.
  15. Professor

    The Music Thread

    I now have the complete Buckethead collection. I have two thoughts. 1) He has made a metric shit-ton of music. 2) I think my brain will melt during this. Bring it on.
  16. Professor


    Don't forget the Tim Horton's exception. Yes, I am still cranky about it.
  17. Hey, new WWE stuff steaming on Netflix. Let's go. ECW: Extreme Rules - I serious hope that no one paid money for this. This was barely worth my time. While being two discs, only one is ECW (the other is 'WWECW'). Granted, I am not a huge fan of ECW, but this shit. Bottom line is this feels like an infomercial for the new ECW. The video promos for everyone probably didn't help much. The Kelly Kelly one was my favorite. AWE: Night of Legends - Just sad. Not Heroes of Wrestling bad, but yeah. I fast forwarded most of this. A main event of Kevin Nash vs. Ricky Morton was not a draw. And everyone needs to stop booking Terry Funk. I love the guy, but it just hurts to look at the man these days. Just damn.
  18. Dylan Dog: Dead of Night - Brandon Routh is not good in this, he has the charisma of a dry mop. The story is interesting in concept, but not execution. Sam Huntington as Marcus is the bright spot in this as the zombie sidekick. Also, Kurt Angle shows up for some reason. I think I liked this more last night when I watched it, but twelve hours later, not so much.
  19. I keep getting calls from 1-800-123-4567 telling me that I have issues with my 'windows device' and they need to take control of said device to fix the problem. Yeah. I am not stupid. But this is getting borderline harassment, as I am getting calls up to five times a day from these people. I tell them to take me off whatever list I am on. Today, I have gotten a call at 11AM, 2PM, and 7PM. This last time I used the word 'fuck' and its variations to express my displeasure in these matters. Seriously, fuck off.