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Everything posted by Professor

  1. Fantasy Football rant. I know the rule 'no one cares about your team except you'. So, just break it down to its core. It frustrates me when faced with a logical argument backed with facts and numbers (even a graph at one point), all I get in return is "Blahhhhhhhhhhhh YOU SUCK". I am the person who would have been screwed over, but I still think it should have been done. Just saying things akin to "Collision because you two are friends" and "No one offered me a trade" are not logical. They are in fact stupid. Fantasy Football is supposed to be fun. This is not. I don't think I will rejoin this league next year.
  2. Spider-Man: The Complete Ben Riley Epic (Book 1) - Yeah. Plus side: No Clones. Cloneless. However, the route they chose to go with the Scarlet Spider titles was poor. Virtual Reality? That is weak. Plus weak, no-name villians and I do not care. Again, why are New Warrior issues included? I read an issue about Speedball and his cat. Seriously. Scarlet says "Hi. Bye." And that is more than the other NW issue. I don't know why they did not just reprint the specific pages like the did at the beginning of the first Clone Saga book. Main gripe is that the reasoning to get Riley out of the sweatshirt and into Spider-Man proper is just plain stupid. "Oh, whoa is me. A villain impersonated me and slightly annoyed some people for 10 minutes. I can never reclaim my reputation. Guess I should put on this Spidey costume since he has a perfect image." He stayed Scarlet as to make his own way into the world, yet first time people yell at him he changes his mind. I can only guess these Scarlet issues were trying to boost sales by ripping off of the AOA interruptions of the X-Titles. Comics: 25 Graphic Novels: 1 Trades: 170 (979)
  3. Bubba Ho-Tep - Not as much fun as a remember this being. I think watching this in a group initially was were the fun came from. Ten years later by myself, it was just kinda boring.
  4. X-Men: Deadly Genesis - I don't really have an opinion on this. It is just kinda there. I knew all of the twists beforehand, and without those, this seems pointless. And I don't think I like this Vulcan character. X-Men: Emperor Vulcan - I enjoyed this. Didn't really give me much in back story and was basically just an action trade. Was enjoyable and a nice, quick read. Comics: 25 Graphic Novels: 1 Trades: 169 (964)
  5. X-Men: Dream's End - This just seemed odd. Lots of talking, not a lot of action. Colossus sacrificing himself wasn't handle all that well. The Kitty 'Eulogy' issue to end was a nice touch tho. Comics: 25 Graphic Novels: 1 Trades: 167 (953)
  6. X-factor (except during Secret Invasion) is awesome and I'll hear nothing to the contrary. Annoying future girl is Layla Miller, she knows stuff. Don't get me wrong, I will most likely read this series at some point. But these issues did nothing to entice me to. I will paraphrase Mike on this: 'Every comic is someone's first.' If I had not had prior knowledge I would have been 100% completely lost. Not saying that I need a full bio, but simple introduction boxes would have been nice. Layla Miller is a perfect example. I knew who she was because I listen to the X-Cast. However, this issue itself does nothing. I think it comes down to be view of what a event tie-in should do. These should introduce new readers checking out Civil War to X-Factor and make me want to buy it. It made me regret my 'purchase'. Not good.
  7. Finished the Undertaker The Streak set on Netflix. I gotta say, it was not that great. Interesting look at the evolution of the character, but the matches lack in quality. I would say two are epic (Michaels I & II) and a few others are good (Batista, Edge, Triple H III). But most are average (Flair, Triple H I, Sid, Orton), below average (Show/Albert, Nash, Henry, Kane II), to downright shit (Snuka, Roberts, Bundy, Gonzalez, Kane, Bossman, Triple H II). I knew this going in, but I was still let down with his matches, mainly post Mania XX. Randomly, his best entrance was vs. Batista. Had the druids, walking out of a room of light with the long coat and hat. Awesome visual. I was never a fan of his black robe & hood.
  8. Secret Invasion: X-Men - Pretty much follows what I have heard about Secret Invasion as a whole: not epic and over rather quickly. Still, this was nice to look at. Specially a page with Iceman/Northstar/Aurora. So pretty. House of M: Uncanny X-Men - I guess I anticipated something more important happening. Add in that I know very little about Captain Britain and crew and I was bored. Also, the art change (Davis to Bachalo) was not very smooth at all. Comics: 25 Graphic Novels: 1 Trades: 166 (945)
  9. Civil War: X-Men & Civil War: X-Men Universe - Seems rather pointless and added nothing to the Civil War story. At least with the X-Men issues, I could follow the gist knowing little of the set-up. X-Factor I have no idea who is on the team and who the annoying future girl is. Deadpool & Cable? When the hell did Cable become Jesus? Comics: 25 Graphic Novels: 1 Trades: 164 (937)
  10. Black Lightning - This movie was exactly what I wanted it to be. Awesome.
  11. Having seen Kevin Smith do one of these Q&A, it was an enjoyable time. Kinda like a stand-up act. It was funny in the moment, felt like you had a good time and forgot 95% of everything the next day. Granted free ticket and I wasn't annoyed with him yet, but still.
  12. Marvel Age Spider-Man: Spidey Strikes Back (#17-20) - Human Torch + Spider-Man. Fun times. Marvel Adventures Spider-Man: The Black Costume (#21-24) - Really bad retelling of how the symbiote and Venom. Marvel Adventures Spider-Man: Thwip! (#53-56) Spider-Man: Marvel Adventures Amazing (#1-4) Spider-Man: Marvel Adventures Spectacular (#5-8) - I enjoyed these most out of all of this line I have read. I think actually having continuity makes for a better trade. Reminds me of early Ultimate issues, in that it is a clean high school Spider-Man universe that is just fun. Dark X-Men & Siege: X-Men - I have no idea what is going on. I understand the placement in the course of events, but that does fuckall to help my understanding of these issues. Comics: 25 Graphic Novels: 1 Trades: 162 (928)
  13. Argo - Well done film. Saw it on a whim when asked if I wanted to go along. Even at two hours, I never felt that it dragged and was always 'into' the film. The somewhat lighthearted moments were needed and a nice surprise. Don't think I would have lost anything by waiting for the DVD, but a nice night out all the same.
  14. Marvel Adventures Spider-Man: Fiercest Foes - Four issues. Two were fun, one was amusing, and one was alright. Perfect for my time wasted in a doctor's office. Also, thumbs up for them having this among the magazines. Comics: 25 Graphic Novels: 1 Trades: 155 (899)
  15. So, Hardy turned heel then? Cause only a heel would think that belt is a good idea.
  16. Professor


    I never failes to astonish me how much of a black hole youtube can be. An hour after a Gangham Style review, I find myself watching a video of Mos Def & Bill Maher discussing 9/11. Odd.
  17. Recently, some personel changes have happened at work. As such, the last two weeks have been a drawn out dick measuring contest. As such, I am watching the place burn to the ground. Gotta get some marshmellows.
  18. Bunraku - Story was a bit light and predictable, but it was fun and the visual style really held my interest.
  19. I vote Clone Saga. Someone should have to share my recent brain pain.
  20. Why do I get the feeling that the top of that helmet is going to light up at some point?
  21. Professor


    Go to Great doodle that is not on the .com version.
  22. Spider-Man: The Complete Clone Saga (Book 5) - Filler. This entire volume is nothing but filler. Three New Warriors issues? Because Scarlet Spider is in 13 panels? Spider-Man Team-Up? Because Peter says clone once? The only non-filler is the 3 issues 'The Greatest Responsibility' ending. Bleh. After finishing with these, I cannot help but think of wasted potential. I feel the major failing of this was the lack of forethought. If this had been shorter (with less goddamned stupid), you could have ended up with two marketable characters. Maybe my timeline is off, but at this time it seemed like every Marvel mainstay had a 'jr.' around (US Agent, War Machine, Thunderstrike) so it would not have been unheard of to have the Scarlet Spider stick around. Heck, It could have ended the same way (Peter going away to be a dad - Ben taking up the mask) if the path chosen to get there had not gone thru a big forest of shit. Comics: 25 Graphic Novels: 1 Trades: 154 (895) Up next are the Ben Riley trades. I know the first one is going to suck (the AOA style Scarlet Spider replacement titles), but I have hopes that it will get better. It has to right?
  23. It has been a while since I have seen it, but I agree that this film got a bad rap for the Affleck/J-Lo happenings at the time. And George Carlin is the best part of that movie.
  24. Marvel Adventures Spider-Man Vol. 1 (#1-8) - When I read Marvel Adventures books, I just want fast, easy fun. This was not quite enough fun for me. Also, I find I enjoy these better in digest format. I read this as an oversized hardcover, and I found myself wondering why would this get such a release. Digests works so much better. Comics: 25 Graphic Novels: 1 Trades: 153 (877)