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Everything posted by Professor

  1. Professor

    The Music Thread

    I have restarted my Buckethead listen-thru after abandoning it a few months ago. Two Death Cube K albums in. I am confused and a little lost but wide awake. I have made the decision to classify this in the Buckethead genre, because I have no idea what the fuck else to call it.
  2. At first I was all excited, but with each passing casting announcement, I fell this will indeed be a gigantic clusterfuck.
  3. Is it sad that I watched that and immediately thought, "Hey, that is the font used in the Lois & Clark TV series"? While I know the answer is an emphatic yes, I will delude myself into thinking I just have an eye for detail. Carry on.
  4. X-Men: Blinded By The Light - Good, but holds true to my 'X-Book Hate List'. There is no team by the end of this. After Supernovas, which introduced the team, I was looking forward to seeing this team go forward with a 'crazy' Rogue. But no, we have an event to get ready for. Such a shame. Also, random heel turns that, while make sense, came a bit too early. Is it too hard to have an X-Team together for more than twenty issues? X-Men Legacy: Divided He Stands - This was enjoyable, which is surprising, since I have little love for the Xavier character. Although, I can already see how this can/will get old as it goes along, as I have heard. Comics - 59 Graphic Novels - 6 Trades - 13 (72)
  5. The Spy Who Loved Me - I quite liked this. Best I've seen Moore, a Bond Girl worth a damn and a decent plot. I don't get the love for Jaws tho. He is too powerful and I is kinda painful to watch him move sometimes. Like most Bond movies, I feel this could have been tightened up in the editing room. Could easily shave 10-12 minutes and that would fix the parts that seem to drag. While the gun battle is good, it goes on too long and feels like a tangent, rather than a pivotal scene in the movie.
  6. Professor


    I'm randomly looking at stuff on ebay that I cannot afford. While reading a description, I come across this: I don't really care about the item, but I want to bid just because of that.
  7. 30 for 30: The Real Rocky - The things I took from this. 1) Sitting at a table with old sport writers and listening to stories over drinks would be an incredible time. 2) How sports commentators can approve of boxing yet take issue with MMA is beyond me. People be crazy. 30 for 30: Charismatic - Well done, but I really do not care about the horses. Going to the track can be fun. Watching this was not. 30 for 30: The Dotted Line - A look at the world of sports agents. It was interesting enough, but too surface level. The history, the low level guy, the corruption, ect. All these issues are touched, but I feel there is a good documentary there and this did not get there.
  8. X-Men: Supernovas - Finally something that doesn't suck. Not saying that this is amazing, but it is a breath of fresh air. Actually having what feels like a team for the first time in forever. I have never been a fan of Bachalo, and this did nothing to change that fact. I think if I liked the art better I would be fully behind this book. Also, seems like a bit of a disconnect between issues 187 and 188. Change of writers will do that, but this left me feeling like I missed something. I don't like that feeling. Comics - 54 Graphic Novels - 6 Trades - 12 (67)
  9. Professor


    My cat is 15 and will still fight groundhogs. Sure, he gets his ass kicked, but he don't take shit from anyone. And thus, is awesome.
  10. Professor


    I just had to watch a YouTube ad for the video I was trying to watch. I have no idea how that happened.
  11. X-Men: Decimation: The Day After - With Uncanny and New X-Men, when I got to M-Day I was disappointed. It ruined all moment that the books had and made the books worse. Here, not so much. This title had no momentum and that continues. Again, no team and random plot points happening at random, with no driving force. X-Men: Blood of Apocalypse - Thankfully ending the crap run of Peter Milligan. Poorly written and poorly executed. Good riddance and hello Mike Carey. Comics - 54 Graphic Novels - 6 Trades - 11 (54)
  12. Dredd - This grew on me as I was watching it. Little (or very) light on plot, but this didn't need to be plot driven. Was not a fan of the slow motion, but it wasn't overused and had a point. Enjoyable, but I feel it will be forgettable after awhile. Seven Psychopaths - It was a movie. Nothing like the trailer, which made me want to watch this movie. Amusing at times, but overall just boring.
  13. 30 for 30: War Eagle / Roll Tide - A total surface level documentary that is entirely boring. Easily the worst 30 for 30 I have seen so far. Searching For Sugar Man - A movie I learned about thru Colt Cabana of all people. Fascinating story of musician Rodriguez and his random popularity in South Africa. This is something that could never happen today. A PSY song randomly gets popular in the US, poof, wikipedia page of ridiculous length. (Seriously, the Gangnam Style wiki is longer than some novels. Scary.) At any rate, this is a great little documentary that I highly suggest. Trailer for those interested.
  14. X-Men: Gogotha - I have no idea. All the doubletalk and such made me not care. And to have it end in space, where everyone is wearing matching astronaut-ware, is confusing as all hell. And when did the X-Men need NASA to go into space? X-Men: Bizarre Love Triangles - Re-reading this in context, and it is still stupid. I don't get Mystique's motivation. This team sucks so much. Too much soap opera and not enough action for my taste. X-Men: Wild Kingdom - Random crossover happening randomly. Storm is not on this team. She has zero reason to be here. And this does a horrible job explaining the Storm/T'Challa relationship. Correction, this does a horrible job at everything. Comics - 43 Graphic Novels - 6 Trades - 11 (54)
  15. Mighty Ducks - Has been forever since I have watched this. What struck me this time was how much this was about Bombay. I remembered it being 60/40 focused on the coach, but it is 80/20. That is really odd for a kids sports movie. Half the team is completely forgettable. Technically the best of the three, but not as much fun. Mighty Ducks 2 - This is my favorite. Got rid of the useless kids and added better ones. The kids are also older which instantly makes them less annoying. Still, the first half of this film feels like it is missing 20 minutes of story (or not playing hockey). However, this has one of the all time Disney villain; Wolf 'The Dentist' Stanson. He is a Bond villain coaching junior hockey. Just awesome. Mighty Ducks 3 - Less sporty and more kid hijinksy. Also, focused on one of the kids, which is new. Coach face turn makes no sense, weak bullies and a random death just because. Meh.
  16. Hey, one of these things were I've seen the movies. Nifty. Favorite: Aladdin Best: Lion King
  17. Professor


    I have spent the last hour playing games on my TI-83 Plus. Party.
  18. X-Men (#157-#165) - This Chuck Austen run was ass. I don't get the point of bringing in the 'real' Xorn. And stuff just happens. No build, no real reason. Just happens. Whatever momentum was built with this team on Uncanny was completely lost in these issues. And to top it off, in #165 Claremont just waves his hand and undoes most of what happened. (He does this in one of the worse, disjointed, clusterfuckiest single issues I have ever read.) Comics - 35 Graphic Novels - 6 Trades - 10 (49)
  19. So instead of moving onto Time Force, I instead went back and watched random episodes from past seasons. Random observations are as follows. MMPR Season 1 - Tommy loses his powers and stops hanging out with his friends. So either, he has bad friends that do no recognize his depression or he is a bit of a dick. - Lokar was under used. He was scary looking for a big blue floating head. - The original Megazord is still the best. You know why? He guts Dragonzord and wears him as a hat when you piss him off. MMPR Season 2 - I can never watch this season again. Once I realized the clever (or completely horrible) editing they did, it was ruined. - Aisha may be my least favorite Ranger. Yes, worse than Justin. MMPR Season 3 - I know it is obvious to the sighted community, but they look old. Billy is the worst, as he looks like a 30 year old high school student. Zeo - Rocky got stupid. I think I said this before, but he ate a big bowl of stupid flakes during this season. Turbo - This Megazord has an awesome finisher & pose. - I think this would have played better had Alpha 5/Zordon not left. Dimitria/Alpha 6 are garbage. Also, when they transition into PRiS they can show Zordon being captured (which really never made much sense) and still change the voice of Alpha 5. This gives the eventual Space Rangers more of a reason to find Zordon. Space - Still awesome. Lost Galaxy - Trakeena does got thru a very well done story-arch. Not quite Astronema, but closer than I originally thought. - Speaking of Karone, I don't know if this was intentional or if I am reading too much into things (I am. Clearly.), but her attire is an interesting choice. She is good now, but still dresses in black (p)leather. This could be a way of showing that even tho she is no longer evil, her time being evil has effected her. Or, you are only allowed one outfit on Terra Venture. Because you know weight being an issue. Can't have a closet full of clothes, we need to send mountains thru space. - And, Terra Venture is still stupid.
  20. Various Marvel Age: Spider-Man issues - Retelling the original issues of Amazing Spider-Man. Poorly. With inconsistent art. And no heart. Sad. Comics - 26 Graphic Novels - 6 Trades - 10 (49)
  21. Marvel Age: Spider-Man Team-Up - Not as much fun as I wanted. Except Thor. That guy is fun. Comics - 6 Graphic Novels - 6 Trades - 10 (49)
  22. Professor

    The Music Thread

    One trip to the used record store later and I now own this on vinyl: