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Everything posted by Professor

  1. I find that to be the problem with all of these. The last 1/3 always feels rushed, glossed over and tinted with kayfabe.
  2. My boss. He was going off on both of the assistant managers today, and I felt like slapping him for the way he was talking to other people. Yeah, he is stressed because he is most likely losing his job on Friday, but that is no excuse. He dug the hole he now stands in. Instead of trying to climb out, he is trying to pull enough people in so that he can walk out over their broken bodies. Example: He is bitching about a box being in a certain spot. 'Why is this here? Who is stupid enough to put this here?' It is things like this that are getting me in trouble. Serious, who put this here?' Then three people (including me) say in unplanned unison 'You did'. But that is all window dressing. My hours were changed, my duties were expanded and my hours cut. I still have yet to been informed about any of these changes. I know of them because the HR director told me when I asked why I had Friday off. My boss will not speak to me AT ALL for whatever reason. Not that I want to talk to him, but I cannot do my job properly if I am not told things. He has made 7 assistant managers quit already. Seven. Number Eight is putting in their two weeks and Number Nine is waiting to hear back on another job. I understand some turnover is expected, but the numbers just speak for themselves. Fuck this guy.
  3. Looking back on it, The Miz's title reign is eerily similar to that of Chris Jericho's Undisputed reign. - Both won the title at the end of the year. - Both were overshadowed by a return (Triple H and The Rock) - Both were afterthoughts in their Mania main events. - Both were shot down the card afterwards. And remember, Chris Jericho was only a 1 time champion until he took a break and came back to 'Save Us'. From Mania X8 to SummerSlam 05, he was in entertaining fueds (Michaels/Christian), but he was never champion. Now I don't believe that Miz has as much talent in ring or out as Chris Jericho. However, I do think that he could rebound and be at the World Title level IF he could figure out his face character. I don't see him ever becoming a 2-time WWE Champion.
  4. I did a midnight screening of The Room last night. It was a fun time at the theater, but over-hyped. I was told repeatedly that the midnight experience would be better than seeing Rocky Horror. And it just isn't.
  5. At the moment, I see myself in the same boat. I, however, make no apologies for being poor.
  6. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - Bland. Bland animation and bland voice acting in a bland adaptation of an over-hyped book. And absolutely zero reason for this to be two parts. Just a complete money grab that annoys.
  7. Professor

    DC reboot

    Marvel also has Northstar, who is oft forgotten.
  8. Daredevil: Director's Cut - Ever since the 'Ben Affleck as Batman' news broke, I felt like re-watching this. And it didn't hold up to what my brain made it into. This cut really disjointed doesn't flow at all. And I think that if this movie was made in a post Iron Man world, this story would have been broken into 3 movies and not 'Spider-Man 3'-ed.
  9. I was not a fan of a remake and that trailer did nothing to change my mind. Of the changes that I noticed, I cannot say that I liked any them. Yeah, I hold the original in high regard and that is probably playing a part. But, it still just looks like Iron Man armor to me (specially with the flip down helmet) than being a cyborg.
  10. Exactly. The match at the end of this will most likely be Bryan vs. HHH. Since that first (technically second) Undertaker match, HHH has forced his way into wrestling the hottest acts. Remember when he beat CM Punk for no reason? Or how about wasting Brock Lesnar's time?
  11. My boss done fucked up. We start with that. He is inept and has finally been called on this fact by his boss. His job was threatened on Thursday of last week and, in response, he did something? No one is quite clear as to what he did to fix the problems. One would assume he would do as told, but .... maybe? It is unclear. Fast forward to today. His boss's boss's boss's (possibly boss's) boss pays us a visit. Every since word out of my boss's mouth was complete 100% Grade A BULLSHIT. During their tour, the question was raised as to why my job wasn't done. My boss gave the explanation that I under preform and that I am on probation. I overheard this and offered the truth of 'I have never been placed on probation. This is all from over the 3 day weekend. I have spent my entire day covering someone's vacation. The receiving area was not clear for today's shipment so I had to clean it up so that this shipment could fit into the door. I have had no help today and will not for the rest of the week. I in fact had to cut my lunch break short because I am the only one here. My job will take a backseat this week while I cover this area. If I can, I will, but I doubt it as I have been tasked to help in another area as well leaving me no time for myself. Next week, I will catch up, by Wednesday most likely. This is what happens when ------- goes on vacation." The assistant manager backed me up 100%. I knew my boss threw me under the bus on the regular, he has even told me so. But to catch him in the act just sent me into a world of pissed off I rarely get to. I so hope he gets fired. I really do. I would throw a fucking party. With ice cream cake.
  12. Three weeks later and I have yet to be a fan of any of this. Delayed gratification works, but not on the path they have chosen. Bryan is not winning the title back so soon. He has been beat down every single show. I'm sure he will get a glimmer next week and then fail at the PPV due to some sort of dirty means. Underdogs are great, but that is not carte blanche to beat the guy every week. But what this really boils down to is HHH. Now, I am no fan, but I like him in the corporate role more than Vince at this point. But the entire 'Good For Business' tagline this feud has just falls flat. And, his heel turn has totally overshadowed Randy Orton. Orton is non-existent in this feud. It could be JTG and nothing would be different. Yawn.
  13. Kids today, with their fancy Legos.
  14. We're the Millers - The definition of cliche. And massively unfunny. In other words, exactly as I figured it would be. At least I got in for free. R.I.P.D. - Disappointing. I like the people involved in this, but everyone seemed rather bored and phoning it in. The really bad CGI didn't help matters much either. About ten minutes I realized this is 'Men in Black, but with dead people'. Pain & Gain - The trailers really didn't reflect what this movie was. I thought it would be a bumbling heist comedy with some jacked guys. What I got was a slow, long, boring movie with some jacked guys. The attempts at comedy fall very flat. Being two hours is way too long and I lost interest around the 70 minute mark and just skimmed that last 50. (Tangent: Wahlberg looks ridiculous. Then the Rock shows up and makes him look tiny. Just damn.)
  15. And I just found the two issues I was missing. Makes me less enthused to read.
  16. Just finished SummerSlam. Pre-show of Ambrose vs. RVD was a great opener for the live crowd, but didn't quite do it for me. RVD just looks old and slower and still trying to do the same style. Kane/Wyatt was bad, but I expected that going in. But this was really bad. I get why it opened the show (more logistical than anything), but it had no heat. Pun. Sandow/Rhodes and Christian/Del Rio were both solid. I skipped the divas match as well as the mixed tag. I doubt I missed anything. Poor Dolph. Punk/Lesnar was excellent. Nice pace, some great spots (kamura into triangle and random Masato Tanaka spot) and a really hot crowd. Initial thought is that this is Lesnar best match since his comeback, but the only real competition is the Cena match, but I think that might be the instant factor talking. And the main event. It was good, but it felt off. I just never felt comfortable watching. The finish to the match itself was rather sudden to me, but that is more due to Bryan not having a non-submission finish. The ending to the show was predictable, which isn't a bad thing per say. It is really all about the follow-up. If this was delayed gratification then it works. If this was a blow-off, then it doesn't. I myself was hoping for a Jericho-style 'beat both in one night', but whatyougonnado. All in all, a solid show with a must see match in Punk/Lesnar. Side note: I never realized how hard I have to work to avoid PPV spoilers. It was weird.
  17. The Blues Accordin' to Lightnin' Hopkins (1968) - Found this randomly on YouTube just now. I must say, I am rather confused as to what the point of this film was. Most of this the film is just Lightnin' songs played over footage of his hometown. What narration Lightnin' gives is sparse and rather generic. I wish this had been more like the first five minutes of Lightnin' (and friends) sitting in his living room, sharing a fifth and just playing. Still, it is only 31 minutes long and it could have been a black screen with Lightnin' playing and it wouldn't have been a waste of time. Worth a glance if you like the music. WMAC Masters - Finally, one of the more obscure kids shows I liked that is actually still fun. Simple concept of taking stunt martial artists and making fake fights. Basically a live action Mortal Kombat (even includes the health bars). What I noticed this time around was that this took from UFC as well with an emphasis on the different fighting styles going head to head. I was impressed with the continuity of the fake fighting league and how they always added a little nuance into the show to never let it become stale. Pure cheese, but I loved every episode.
  18. I'd like to imagine that it plays the theme song while you are playing.
  19. By all means. And I'd wager 50-75% would notice a difference.
  20. Got the official invite to my 10 year reunion. Being held in a dairy barn. Sounds like a great time. Shame I won't be there. Such a shame.
  21. Something is off with the eyes on the new mask. Just looks way too white and out of place.
  22. Covert Affairs - Being mostly caught up on Burn Notice & White Collar, I figured I would give another USA show a shot. This is not on the same level as the aforementioned series. The entire time I am thinking this is a 'real world' version of Chuck (having a main character be CIA Agent Walker sure helps the thoughts along). I just finished and it hit me. This show just never stops; never gives you a chance to breathe. There is no lighthearted moments. Just grim and gritty. Which is the point, but after the 3 seasons in six days, it gets old. Shasta McNasty - I remembered this show for some reason. It lasted one season and I have no idea why it stuck in my head. So when I found this (ripped from VHS no less), I figured it would all come back to me. It didn't. I had some weird tastes as a kid. Two Guys and A Girl - Again, this stuck in my head for some reason. After watching, I still do not know. Ryan Reynolds is turned up to level 11 of annoying. I might have dropped this early in the second season if not for Fillion joining the cast. Like Water - Documentary on Anderson Silva right before his first fight against Chael Sonnen. Not sure how I feel about this one. I liked it well enough, but it felt real surface level. Also, felt like it was edited after it was finished but before release. Better than the other MMA documentary I watched that I cannot recall the name of, but lower end of sports documentaries.