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Everything posted by Professor

  1. Professor

    The Music Thread

    A few days ago I finished going through the Hank III discography. While I feel that their are gems (the above being an example), I find most of his output is disjointed and/or unfocused.
  2. Almost Famous: Director's Cut - Not a fan of this cut. The theatrical cut is already 2 hours, so adding in 40 more minutes makes this way too long. Not to say that everything added was bad. I did enjoy a few of the extended scenes, or more specifically a few lines. But, you can tell why all this was left out and it is just too long. I'll stick with my old copy.
  3. I did not know this existed until five minutes ago. I mean, why would it? But now I must own it. All I need is someone in Florida to get it and ship it.
  4. While not straight NFL, I'd suggest ESPN Fantasy Focus Football. Yes, it slanted toward fantasy football analysis, but it does help expand knowledge of the league in general. You get more talk about the players who are not the superstars, so it will expand your player awareness. It is 35-55 minutes in general and can be quite funny as well. Monday, Tuesday and Friday show are the most informative; Wednesday and Thursday are more nonsense and witty repartee.
  5. I'll counter that and say outside of the Traditional 5-on-5 match, Survivor Series was another awful WWE PPV.
  6. Mutant Texas: Tales of Sheriff Ida Red - This should have been a book full of bright colors. Instead it is just boring black & white. I Killed Adolf Hitler - Not what I expected, but I really enjoyed this extremely quick read. Marvel Fairy Tales - Looks nice and that is about it. Jinx: Little Jinx Grows Up - Written for twelve year old girls. I am not a twelve year old girl. Not for me. Tommysaurus Rex - I think I see the moral of this story. But I also think it is done horribly, misses the point and isn't as funny as it thinks it is. Comics - 208 Graphic Novels - 24 Trades - 41 (251)
  7. Today, my boss, who is the most unintelligent, incompetent man that I have ever had the displeasure of meeting, was fired. Or quit in the middle of his being fired meeting. Regardless, I don't have to deal with him ever again. I do not wish him well on his future endeavors. Best day at work I've had in a long while.
  8. Chris Hero has been released. Shame, but the writing has been on the wall for a few months.
  9. Just got back from watching. I enjoyed it.
  10. I've been watching nXt for a little over a month. While I enjoy it, it still has its flaws. The one hour format is a main draw for me, but on the flip side, I haven't seen most of these people more than twice. I haven't had much of a reason to care. The commentary is a mess, switching every episode and a needlessly crowed 3-person booth. I do not know about some of these gimmicks. Most of these scream 90s WWF or even Chikara.
  11. When the two near me closed down, it was really sad. I figured that I could get some cheap movies, but almost instantly all they had left were 125 copies of shit movies and 17 copies of Disc 2 of Season 4 of Dexter. Even in closing, they couldn't get it right.
  12. ProfessorFunaki I seem to be hitting the 'I haven't see both' button a lot these days.
  13. I am 500 films deep now. Apparent my favourite film ever is Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I think it might be broken. Ha. While not quite so deep, Forgetting Sarah Marshall is also my top movie for some reason. Also, I had forgotten I had an account. I now hate you all.
  14. Warning: Fantasy Football Rant Ahead. I created the term 'McNabbed' a few years ago. Basically, I draft a QB and he will, at some point, get injured early in a game and I will lose. Happened 3 out of 4 years with McNabb and the other year I had Tom Brady when he breaks his leg. McNabbed has been used by us in the league ever since: 'Man, you got McNabbed' and such. Today, we are all having a back and forth about the exact rules for someone to be McNabbed. And I, as the creator, clearly defined the term. And on MNF, Aaron frickin' Rodgers McNabbed me. I've been fucking McNabbed. I think this was some sort of Candy Man situation, that I typed McNabbed too many times and invoked the curse of the fantasy gods.
  15. Just watched three episodes. Seems like solid background noise. Very panel dependent tho.
  16. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly a Reverse-Hitler is.
  17. 100 Bullets - This took me way to long to finish. I was interested, but never motivated to continue if that makes sense. I would read, enjoy, but when I would stop for the night I was never like 'I must read more' the next day. And since I am the type to become obsessive about media I am consuming, I think that tell me a lot. As for the book itself? I enjoyed it, but the ending felt rushed, flat and a bit shit. The art fits (I guess) but I am not really a fan. Comics - 208 Graphic Novels - 22 Trades - 38 (239)
  18. Just finished the PPV. I am continually confounded by the booking of Daniel Bryan. I get the idea of a long build. And some people have an idea that this all comes together for Mania 30. But I have zero faith in this company to not panic between now and then. The open triple threat tag was by far the best thing on the show. Roman Reigns continues to impress me every time I see him work. Nice to see the Usos get on the PPV as well.
  19. Professor

    The Music Thread

    Been a good night with some good music.
  20. It just needed to be said again. Cry-Baby is awesome.
  21. According to my roommate, my left over pizza (from yesterday) that he ate is the same as the left over pizza (his) that is still in the fridge (from at least 10/9, possibly before). In related news, I am hungry and annoyed.
  22. I watched this last night and it was fun. It took a while to get going, but after that i was sold. It does go way more over the top than the original, which I think is the only thing they could have done. I am sold. Starting with the trailer for Machete Kills Again .... in Space was odd, but set the tone for where we were going. But I was not expecting this to end on a cliffhanger. Don't know how I feel about that to be honest. Sets up Space perfectly, but I still have doubts that it will get made. Hell, I am still surprised that Machete Kills got made.
  23. Professor


    Turns out that no one knows how old my grandma was. Seems like paperwork was not all that important in the 1910s. So, instead of 98 like we thought, she could have been 102. And everyone thinks that sounds about right.
  24. I'm sure this has happened slowly over time, but I have started to really notice this in the past 2-3 months. My sister has lost her damn mind and it is annoying me greatly. She isn't doing anything bad or illegal. It is more of the pretentiousness and oblivious thoughts that are getting to me. Also, the not-so-subtle digs at our childhood are just uncalled for.