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Everything posted by Professor

  1. It struck me about a half hour in that I don't think that I have ever watch any Scooby Doo before. This movie tells me it was the correct call. Outside of the randomness of Sin Cara, I was bored.
  2. Has anybody bought anything from
  3. I think it was the lack of network/management input. Without those, which they tried but failed to get, it was only one side of the story. Yep. That would be what was missing.
  4. I have little idea what/how/why I sort like I do. I sort some by characters (Spidey, All-X Titles, Batman, ect). I also sort by company (Valiant, Crossgen, ect) and even by imprints (Marvel 2099, Epic, Vertigo). But then I kinda go autobiographical and put TMNT and Power Rangers together because that just makes sense. The drawback I have found with by character is that sometimes I can confused as to what goes where. The Havok/Wolverine mini published under the Epic banner. Should that be with Epic comics or with the X-Men? Things of that nature. I tried straight alphabetical and I hated it. Somewhat illogically, I felt it took longer to find what I was looking for.
  5. GLOW: The Story of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling - It was entertaining and touching documentary. It never dragged and at only 76 minutes it did not overstay its welcome. But I just cannot shake the feeling something was missing to make this a more complete look back.
  6. Maybe a boozed up 1930s detective Terminator?
  7. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure - Fun. And I actually noticed a few jokes that I never picked up on before. Also, I want a Billy the Kid/Socrates movie. Them hitting on women in the food court is my favorite part of the movie. Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey - Not as much fun. I get what they were doing with the lighting, but at least on my DVD copy, it looked horrible. Best part of the movie is Death. I love that guy. The Girl Next Door - For some reason, this movie is on my self. I didn't buy it. My roommate claims it is not his. I have no idea where it came from. I have less idea why I decided to watch this during a power outage. I do know that it sucked and I would have been better off sitting in powerless dark trying to read.
  8. Due to the finding of cheep transport to Chicago, I am thinking it would be possible for me to join in the festivities. But on the Sat-Sun only. I am weighing my options, but it isn't like I am going to do anything that weekend. This does require me to sleep on the bus both ways, but I've done worse. And if I do go, I am thinking of hitting up the White Sox game on Sunday since I have never been to whatever that stadium is called. I need a mini White Sox helmet full of ice cream. Worth it?
  9. I have no idea what Adam Rose in nXt is supposed to be, but I like it. Woo.
  10. A few weeks ago I found out there was a live action BIll & Ted television show. I will say, it was most excellent. Yes, it is stupid and altogether pointless, but it was fun. This was very early 90s. The guys they got for Bill & Ted were surprisingly good. Other people, not as much. And they dropped Rufus about half way thru after realizing he wasn't needed. This reminded me of The Tick. In that, at only seven episodes it never lost the fun. And that was going to happen sooner rather than later.
  11. The Cutting Edge - This was one of the five movies my UPN station would play every single weekend. For whatever reason it got stuck in my head this week, so I gave it a rewatch. There are so many montages in this thing. I think at one point I got a montage inside a montage. Also, this is not good by any standards. Demolition Man - Another UPN weekly classic. Still as awesome as ever.
  12. So, TNA. They wanted to put the tag titles on The Wolves before Lockdown PPV. All TV tapings leading up to the PPV were taped in the UK at the end of January. Ultimately they thought against such a move thinking it was too soon for the title win. However, in an agreement with Wrestle-1 in Japan, a tournament had been set up with the winners getting a TNA tag title shot. The Wolves were scheduled for this event. The current tag champs (The Bro-Mans) were not. To fix this situation, the Wolves won the tag title at a house show last weekend. The Impact (tapped around 2/1) was then edited in such a way to reflect this change. Now it turns out that the Bro-Mans won the TNA tag titles back after being a late addition to the Japan show. Bless them for trying. Failing, but gosh darn it, they try.
  13. Professor


    I thought the ending to 243 was excellent as well.
  14. Caught NXT Arrival. I was hyped for three matches going in and they all delivered to various degrees. Neville/Dallas was a relatively safe ladder match (contradiction of terms really), which is what I want to see in a ladder match these days. I don't want Hardys/E&C insanity these days. I expected Neville to do something flippy off of the really tall ladder, since they set one up. I'm glad he didn't. Wasn't a need. Paige/Emma was a really good women's match. Shame that on the main roster they will never get the time they do now. But the star of this show was Cesaro/Zayne. I think this was a better match than their 2/3 falls match. Cesaro is on such a roll right now and Sami doesn't look to have any rust from his knee. As of now, it is either this or the Wyatt/Shield tag for my match of the year. And if they insist on doing a three man booth, Regal should always have a seat. He adds so much and is the best color guy in the company right now. Plus, Tensai is horrible and I do not wish to hear him anymore.
  15. Professor


    This week has been an all-timer for my roommates daily 'You Know What Grinds My Gears' rants. He may be going insane.
  16. Was listening to the Steve Austin podcast while at work today. His guest was William Regal. Austin asks about Regal's opinion on Savage/Steamboat WMIII. Regal then say (I'm paraphrasing here) 'It was great, until I talked to Ricky about it'. Then both kinda dropped it. I have never heard anything bad about that match. Just struck me as really odd.
  17. Watched Elimination Chamber. Wanted to see two matches and one delivered. If this is then end of The Shield, that was one hell of a way to go out. Of all their many excellent 6-man tags, that may have been the best. It is one of those things where I know the ending, yet still bite on every false finish. And then we have the chamber match, which I am generally not a fan of. Some nice spots, but once it got down to the final three, I knew exactly how it would play out. And unlike earlier, I didn't bite on anything. I am really not looking forward to the Mania main event.
  18. Apparently, the problems I am having with internet speeds are entirely based upon my choice of internet browser. Somehow this choice also affects my iPod and Netflix thru the Nintendo Wii. I say this with no hyperbole: Time Warner customer service are the worst people I have EVER had to deal with over the phone. I was hung up on thrice. I was blatantly ignored while I was talking. Over the past three days they (as in a different person each time, naturally) have narrowed the problem down to: - the modem - the wireless router - my laptop - my internet browser - my Wii - Nintendo - Netflix Good thing I called. I thought my lack of milk in the refrigerator was causing everything to slow down. Thanks TWC.
  19. White Tiger - Felt like I was out of the loop for not having read Daredevil. A little inconsistent issue to issue as well. And that final issue was a total piece of garbage. Trades: 1 (6)
  20. The Wolverine - Just finished this and I have an overwhelming feeling of nothing. It was just moving images on my screen. Parts really dragged and the climax was just a cluster. It wasn't a bad film by any means, but not something I will watch again. The Replacements - Keanu. And they really didn't get anything about football right. Also Keanu.