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Everything posted by Professor

  1. Professor


    I had a bowl of raisin bran for dinner. The bran to raisin ratio was 1:1, which is just wrong. I have spent the last two hours thinking of what the perfect ratio would be. I think 15:1 sounds the best. Time well spent I think.
  2. Try and do my boss a favor. Now, I hate my boss but extra hours are extra hours and, in the end, extra cash. As such, I have not been doing my job, but helping covering vacations of others. And when my boss's boss comes for a visit I explain why I am a bit backlogged, I get yelled at by my boss for... I don't know what. I did what he asked and I am not taking shit for him doing something he apparently shouldn't have done. Not to mention the fact I said I would be caught up before lunch and, shockingly, I was in fact done well before lunch. In conclusion, I hate stupid people.
  3. I think it worked better with Hello than a rap.
  4. I still cannot see how this movie is anything but a clusterfuck. I await watching this glorious train wreck.
  5. You can even go as far as setting the movie entirely on the island. I just really want a sword and sorcery type epic. Hell, make Hippolyta the focus for all I care. I just want so Amazons on an island kicking some ass with sword and spears. I that too much to ask for?
  6. I don't know why it is so hard to do a Wonder Woman movie, specially if it were to lead directly into a JLA movie. It could be something different and interesting. A Flash movie doesn't interest me and I really don't think it will translate well.
  7. Spider-Man: The Next Chapter (Vol. 3) - Forgettable. I read this last night and today and just flipped thru it to remember anything that happened. Beyond MJ 'dying', nothing happens. The art sucks and way too much Venom. Comics - 108 Graphic Novels - 22 Trades - 38 (239)
  8. I actually watched the entire TNA show this week as Destination X has been a surprisingly good PPV the last few years. And this sucked. The X-Division 3-ways are just so unnatural and off. At no time in that main event Sabin come off as anything other than a fluke. When Ares won last year it felt like a hot act getting a push. This feels like normal TNA stupid. As soon as the match was over, I checked the spoilers for next week because I felt this was a Jericho/HHH 'title win'. It's not, but still. That match was horrible, slow and boring. The big company wide storyline is Aces & Eights vs. Main Event Mafia, with the entire goal of the MEM to bring back the title to TNA. Well, that is over. Yeah, Bully most likely wins it back and faces Magnus at Bound For Glory, but so what? They killed the whatever heat that had. And that is a problem I have with this X-Division cash-in: it happens in the middle of the BFG Series. Do it before or after and I think it would flow better.
  9. Spider-Man: The Next Chapter (Vol. 2) - Better than Vol. 1, but still not good. Mackie is trying to do too much at once and it is not working. Setting up future stories is great and all, but when you have twelve pots on the stove everything is going to be cooked wrong. And that is all I can really say about this. Nothing has room to breathe and I am left indifferent to it all. Comics - 108 Graphic Novels - 22 Trades - 37 (224)
  10. Just finished Money in the Bank. Overall, I give the show a thumbs in the middle, leaning down. The World Title MITB match was the best match. Interesting dynamics as the crowd treated everyone in the match (sans Swagger really) with babyface reactions. A few innovative spots and no real lulls. Cena/Henry was one of the slowest matches I've seen, but it was entertaining. Henry figured out how to not do much and make it work. Divas match was okay and not 98 seconds which is nice. Then the other MITB match happened. I don't think putting all the older guys in one match was a good idea in hindsight. Everyone looked beat to shit in the first three minutes. Punk just doesn't look right since he came back. RVD looked just like TNA RVD and old. And I don't think I like the matches coming out of this. Once Bryan was taken out of the match, the crowd was done. That was a perfect end to the match with Bryan doing his hot tag routine at x3 the speed. Now it seems like he would go into a feud with Axel at SummerSlam, which is just lame. Everything else I skipped because I skip pretty much everything involving Del Rio, Ryback & The Miz.
  11. Red - Re-watched this because I remembered nothing about it. And I can really tell why. While calling this bad would be incorrect, it isn't anything above average. The action wasn't anything special, the characters were all one dimensional and the plot was, well, forgettable. Shame, as I remember this as being a fun movie, but I was rather bored this time around. The Crow: Stairway to Heaven - I watched the first seven or so episodes years ago when it was still on Netflix. Finally got to finish watching the series and I really enjoyed it. Sure it has flaws (episodes end on odd beats, Mark Dacascos is not the greatest actor) but I was entertained. Really feels like Crow: Texas Ranger at times, but I think that is part of the charm for me. Glad I went back to finish this.
  12. Professor


    I have the sudden urge to play four player chess. I have no idea why.
  13. Amazing Spider-Man: Ends of the Earth - Been a while since I left this series. Not really all that hard to pick it back up, which I always appreciate. That said, this felt needlessly long and was mostly boring. I really enjoyed the Caselli art, but if you need a fill-in for him, Ramos is just not the right guy. I'm not a Ramos fan, but the two art styles do not work together at all. Spider-Man: The Next Chapter (Vol. 1) - Collects the 99 relaunch. And it really sucked. It never really feels like a relaunch. A main plot point is from the last story-arch of the old series. In addition, this feels more like a Marvel Team-Up than Amazing Spider-Man. Way too many team-ups right off the bat. And setting up a spin-off in issue #1 is just peachy. And I did not like the way the two titles are handled. If they wanted the one writer, then just call it Amazing Spider-Man and ship twice a month. By connecting the titles with non-stop two part stories just makes me think of the endless Clone Saga crossovers. The first box of comics I got had a late 80s/ early 90s Spectacular Spider-Man run. I was able to read those start to finish (many, many times) without every feeling I was missing anything happening in Amazing or Web of. Yeah, a bit of 'back in my day', but just comes off as marketing ploys and it annoys. Comics - 108 Graphic Novels - 22 Trades - 36 (211)
  14. Professor


    Agreed on the Sandlot. I'd even put Little Big League ahead of Rookie of the Year too.
  15. Blood Song - I don't get it. Another no words book, and I don't get it. 20ish pages in I thought I got it. But it didn't. I thought 'maybe I missed something' and 'read' it again. Didn't help. Reading the cover blurbs, I seem to be a very stupid person for not getting the meaning. I'm okay with that because this book is a waste of my time. Comics - 108 Graphic Novels - 22 Trades - 34 (189)
  16. Professor


    Rookie of the Year is 20 years old. I had forgotten how tiny Barry Bonds was in the movie.
  17. Watched the new Mick Foley documentary and found it rather pointless. His story is just so well known at this point that I don't think this really added anything. It also falls into the same 'last 20 minutes are paced horrible' trap that every single WWE documentaries does. Side comment: The Miz. On these sets of Attitude Era guys, Miz seems like the perfect person to get because he was the ultimate fanboy during that time. But he just comes off as such a tool that it isn't worth it.
  18. Finished X-Men tonight. Overall, it holds up better than I expected. Except for that last season. That was shit all around. And the finale is kinda a downer.
  19. The Number 73304-23-4153-6-96-8 - I don't get it. And granted I got this from the library, but this thing costs $29. No words and it took five minutes to finish. That would be a waste even if I did get it. Which I didn't. Comics - 108 Graphic Novels - 21 Trades - 34 (189)
  20. I've been sick the better part of the past two weeks. Common cold and turned into a bit of a cough. Only truly affected me one day, and I was finally starting to feel better last night. And then today, I felt nauseous all morning, didn't eat anything. Sucks, but I can deal. But the past six hours of my life have been trying to relieve this extreme back pain that I am in. Seems like I cannot lay down, stand up, walk, sit or think without a nifty shooting pain in the back region. All in all, this sucks a whole bunch of donkey anus.
  21. Ant-Man: Season One - Not very good. Bad plot and I was not a fan of the cartoony art. Hulk: Season One - I enjoyed this one. Great art and a new to me take on the Hulk. Avengers: Season One - Bad. Never feels like an Avengers story. Art is inconsistent and reminds me of Heroes Reborn. I think that leaves me with liking three of these Season One books. Not a good overall average. Comics - 108 Graphic Novels - 20 Trades - 34 (189)
  22. I randomly watched the trailer yesterday. I thought 'that looks like a fun movie'. Yet just now, for the life of me, I cannot remember anything from the first one. Not a single thing. I liked it well enough, but it apparently did not leave an impression.
  23. I'm hoping clones. Lots and lots of clones.
  24. The Shield: Kicking Down The Door - At first look, I thought this would be DC Captain America. After reading it, it was a DC Captain America/Iron Man mashup. Not to say that is a bad thing per say, but this wasn't good. The first storyline shows promise, but it doesn't feel like an introductory story. And then Nazis show up in the second story and I tap out. Science Dog - Seems like I am missing something. Or lots of things. Feels like a bad What If story based on characters I know nothing about. And Google just told me he is in the Invincible universe. That makes more sense. Still isn't good. Comics - 108 Graphic Novels - 17 Trades - 34 (189)