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Everything posted by Professor

  1. I don't think they were ever mentally with Bryan. The entire Mania thing always seemed like a bunch of dominoes fell and Bryan was the one left standing. And I think this was the SummerSlam main event all along. Lesnar murderdeathkilling whomever happened to be the champion.
  2. Professor


    In visting the website, because I had no idea what the point of that video was, and I am finding these things hilarious, in a sad that it exists way.
  3. Saw this yesterday. It was okay. Little boring, but not bad. Just kinda there. Random thoughts: About halfway thru I finally figured out what the designs remind me of: Jim Lee TMNT figures.
  4. Kevin Steen has been signed to nXt. Hopefully he gets a chance.
  5. Via the Observer Meh. I haven't been into him, at all, since maybe his Mania match with Edge. Character never evolved, I found his style boring and he was just a nothing on the show.
  6. I've been watching TNA these last few weeks. Destination X is always generally a good show and it is my yearly TNA check-in. And what they have been doing lately has been different. TNA has chosen to go the 'Mick Foley title win' route of advertising. As in, they have been spoilering themselves. This weeks episode was centered around one thing: Dixie Carter going thru a table. And all week they have been using hashtags of 'It Happened'. And I don't know if I like it. I feel they went too far with the Dixie/table spot. The tease for next week by showing clips from 4 matches next week works so much better. Yeah, clips from the matches, but nothing important and nothing is spoiled. It is just a fine line to walk that I don't think it is wise.
  7. Went to the Ultra Screen showing last night. It was exactly what I wanted it to be. Fun.
  8. I listened to this, what, nine months ago? Glad to see it finally released.
  9. Since everyone is here already... I can only download podcasts thru iTunes one at a time. I do not subscribe, but rather update manually. When I try and do more than one at a time, it will either not download, or cause an error in the file. This error makes the podcast stop randomly when listening to it on my iPod Touch. It is altogether rather odd.
  10. KENTA has officially signed with WWE and will report to nXt. It has been rumored for a while, but still feels odd.
  11. For as goofy and nonsensical that it is, Cody Rhodes has gone 110% with this Stardust gimmick. Beyond the weird movements, he has added several new moves and altered some of his signature spots. Slightly interesting, but enough with Ryback/Axel. This best of 70,000 series has grown stale.
  12. He killed Zack Ryder once or twice. --------------------- That was kinda a dull MITB match. Seems to be the trend when you have two on the show. In that the first is the younger guys doing (stupid) things, while the main event guys don't. It all makes sense, but it still makes for a dull match. I'm not that upset about Cena winning. Sheamus, Kane & Del Rio are just dead characters, Orton flopped as a champion and Reigns/Wyatt/Cesaro 1st title reigns should be a big deal and not a short pop before SummerSlam. Overall, the PPV had quite a bit of filler. I really only watched the MITB matches and the opening tag. Usos have been really good and Harper has the 'surprisingly athletic big man' stuff down. I'd say the two stars of the night are Rollins & Ambrose. Hugh pop for Ambrose returning. Good stuff.
  13. This could be stupid fun. Add in a little heart and should be good. Still, can there be a TMNT movie in which the focus is on Donatello? This looked like another Raphael (& maybe Leonardo) focused film.
  14. I really do not like the idea of Lesnar going after championships. A loss in his first match after The Steak Ender kinda cheapens the entire thing. A win and the champion is not on TV every week, which after what just happened, does not seem to be ideal.
  15. I'm leaning toward Wyatt or Cena winning the match. Both are kinda directionless and they have they least amount of negatives. Also, putting the title(s) on Cena is the normal solution to 'panic mode'. Having Reigns win seems way too early for him. We all see the massive potential, but he has yet to prove it in singles. His stand out moments are in Rumbles, Survivor Series and 6 man tags. I can only think of roughly 4-5 singles matches off the top of my head, and none were good. I think Cesaro has lost a lot of steam since the Heyman pairing and I hope they have a Lesnar match in the works. Del Rio and Sheamus have about as much chance of winning this as JTG does. Fired, and it still works. At any rate, MITB has always produced an exciting PPV. A bit more unpredictability this year should only help.
  16. WWE released 11 people today. - Brodus Clay. Cannot say I am disappointed. Never clicked outside of the dancing. Good look, but not much else. - Camacho. Seemed decent, but fell behind most of the nXt guys. - Yoshi Tatsu. I don't think I have ever seen this guy outside of a battle royal. - Aksana. I can only think of one divas lower on the totem pole. - Curt Hawkins. Seemed he knew this was coming for a while and made plans. Good on him. - Evan Bourne. Thought this already happened. Two wellness violations really killed any chance he had at anything. - Teddy Long. I am sad that he will never again holla at me. In a tag team match. Playa. - Referee Marc Harris. Who? - Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal. Most shocking of the released. Yeah 3MB were not going to achieve much, but they served a purpose. And worst of all - JTG. Who will be the punchline to all the jokes now?
  17. Halfway thru, but I will echo what Will said about Wizard buying the Mid-Ohio comic con. Wizard raised the price to a point I would never even think about going to, as Will stated, a dealers room. Heck, I thought the $30 was a bit much. I found a very small dealers show (maybe 50 dealers) that costs $4 to get into, and when you pay, you get some sort of trade paperback in return.
  18. Professor


    You're filming a commercial in Japan?
  19. My completely random and unnecessary look back at old UPN show continues with Jake 2.0. It lived up to my memories, but it is just an okay show in the end. The tonal shift after 8 episodes was not for the better. It went from a light-hearted spy adventure to dark with conspiracies and no real fun. It only lasted 16 episodes and did not have a proper end. After reading a summary of the unmade episodes, it would have ended exactly how I expected, so that is something. I went into this thinking it would be 'Chuck: the beta test'. And yeah, the similarities are many and not subtle.
  20. Manborg - Has been sitting on my coffee table for a month since I bough it cheap. And I was disappointed. It just didn't click with me. I was amused at points, but overall I was underwhelmed. Bio-Cop however, was awesome.
  21. People seem to be giving Big Dave some shit for his gear at Payback. I like it.