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Everything posted by Professor

  1. Just saw this: Will Smith is now older than Uncle Phil was at the beginning of "The Fresh Prince." When James Avery (Uncle Phil) started on The Fresh Prince, he was 45-years-old. Today, Will Smith is now a slightly older 45.
  2. Bubblegun - Nice popcorn mini that was fun and quick. Exactly what I wanted.
  3. Tim Minchin and the Heritage Orchestra Live - I love Minchin. I really do. But this wasn't very good. The orchestra actively makes every song played worse. The entire thing felt like a greatest hits concert, which doesn't really help matters. And 2.5 hours is beyond pushing it for a comedy special. Disappointed as this is the only special on Netflix. His other two are so much better.
  4. Batman '66 - Kinda hit or miss on all accounts. But overall more hits than misses. Some feel like the TV show and that is awesome. The ones that don't just feel like they are trying to hard. My favorite so far was the Halloween issue. Smallville: Season 11 - A fucking mess, so completely faithful to the show. Main reason for reading both was to try the DC Digital First comics on my tablet. I love it. Sometimes I have trouble with normal comics, but these were perfect. Queen Crab - I knew nothing about this going in and I could argue I felt the same on the way out. Maybe the concept was over my head, but I think this just wasn't very good. Basically starts off as a Lifetime drama, turns into a Syfy orginal and your TV shuts off before you see the end. And digging deep into comics I have no idea why I own: Tap - A very indy book of the early 90s. I think the publisher put out a total of 4 books, and this here was 3 of them. Probably sold them out of his trunk too. These are awful, but a quick awful. I got a laugh out them at least. Best part was the letter page of issue 3 which covered the Marvel/Heroes World deal and a warning of what was to come. Achilles Storm: Featuring Razmataz - Hey, this publisher put out 6 books. This may have been the worst thing I have every 'read'. And I say that in quotes because I got thru about 2/3 of the first issues stopped reading.
  5. At last nights UFC 181, it was announced that CM Punk has signed with the UFC. Beyond that, we really know nothing. No weight class, no opponent, no debut date, no training gym, nothing. All that I have heard is he will be fighting someone at his skill level, which is to say extremely low. I will be watching his fight whenever it is. And as a slightly above casual fan, his signing has already done what it was intended to do. More people watching the PPV.
  6. I have this feeling like you are forgetting something. Just can't quite put my finger on it...
  7. Death to Smoochy: I watched this years ago on VHS that I got from the library. At some point between then and now my brain constructed an entirely different movie. I remembered none of this, which made for an interesting viewing.
  8. Professor


    So, what exactly does one have to have to get in Canada these days?
  9. Everything about Shock Treatment is terrible. Your attempt at praise is giving it too much credit.
  10. Watched the first episode of the new Lucha Underground. It was interesting at least. The hour format is always welcome. Cannot stress that enough. The shooting style reminds me a little of Wrestling Society X. And they had the overhead camera that usually shows up in ladder matches. At the end of the day, it looks different than WWE, which is always good. It is commentated by Matt Striker and Vampiro. I didn't really notice them too much, except that they had a desk camera on them and would keep cutting to them mid match. But what made this stand out was everything outside of the ring. These backstage vignettes. They were shot (and 'acted') like they were a dark serious HBO drama. The 'owner' of the company is trying to be Scarface. You can tell that they put a lot of time & money into the product just by how these were produced. Yeah, they came off as cheesy and ridiculous, but I loved them. After one show, I'd say they are behind Chikara and nXt, but ahead of everything else. I can see this going downhill very quickly, but I'll be along for the ride.
  11. On the 21st I bought a car part off of Amazon. I have never done this before as car part, I'd rather go to the store and be done with it. This was not available anywhere and my alternative was to spend $250 more for the entire kit. So here I sit on the 31st and not only have I not received my part, I cannot get any sort of response from the seller. I have yet to be charged for anything, which is the only good thing about this. I've tried to cancel the order, but I get no response whatsoever. And to add on top of this, my dad (who is helping me fix my car) is getting pissed at me for ordering online, when it was his idea in the first place. He found the damn link and told me to order it. Car has been dead for two weeks now, which is by far the longest it has been broken down for. I get that, but he has a huge garage and it isn't in the way. Just frustrating to no end.
  12. Looked like Maria Hill. I thought Jane, but it doesn't seem right.
  13. Who is the other woman at the party besides Hill & Widow?
  14. Professor

    DC reboot

    This. This needs to be a thing. Someone get on that.
  15. No, it is quite reasonable to be bothered. That would drive me insane.
  16. I said the reasons were stupid.
  17. Various stupid reasons lead me to watch Smallville from start to finish. Took about 40 days to watch all 10 seasons. I watched this as it aired for the first four seasons. As such, it was kinda nostalgic. But then it got so dragged down by the Clark/Lana/Lex shit. Lana & Lex should have gone away way before they did. As soon as they leave, I found the show got better. The entire series didn't know how to build to a season finale. They'd start, forget, and rush everything. Brainiac, Doomsday, Zod, Darkseid all were massively anti-climatic. And that series finale was so anti-climatic. I get what they were trying, but it just felt like a cheat. The real star of the show was John Glover's hair. Not even close.
  18. Purple Rain sprang to mind almost immediately.
  19. Professor


    I have officially gone without caffeine for an entire month. Outside of that first week when I felt like complete shit, It hasn't been all that difficult. Not bad for something that I never planned to do. And even tho I really, really want a Dr. Pepper, I think I will keep it up and see how things go.
  20. The 1997 Annual of Untold Tales of Spider-Man was the first (and only) comic I ever bought from the spinner rack at the grocery store. I must have read that thing a hundred times.
  21. I just watched the entire Brawl For All. I have no words.
  22. The mention of Goldust's painted head reminded me of this video and how precise he has gotten with it.
  23. Watched Takeover 2. Really solid show, but with no excellent match it is a distant third of these nXt specials. Other thoughts: - They put a video display on the hard camera side of the ring over the ring apron. I like it. - I love Enzo, but he isn't very good in the ring. - I don't like the Hideo Itami name for KENTA. It just seems rather unnecessary. - To quote Rob Schamberger "Neville has the torso of a 90's Image superhero."
  24. If you find the adverts annoying, it will get worse because all the Podcast One show have the same sponsors. I listen to all three and I have become guest specific and I skip the opening monologues. Honestly, I find Jericho to be really annoying in the monologues. I'd say give Austin a listen over JR. Austin's podcasts tend to feel more like guys telling stories rather than an interview, which is more entertaining. I'd say listen to the Heyman, Foley, Russo and Bischoff episodes. You know most of what is said (save Foley) is complete bullshit, but it's still a good listen.