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Posts posted by Donomark

  1. The problem's obviously that Ten's reaction was that her reasons were just unjustifiable, and they really WERE justified. I felt bad for her by the end, but at the same time I enjoy the TIME LORD VICTORIOUS aspect of Ten;s character as they do come back to it by the end of his era, even if it's clearly not thought of at that initial moment with Harriet.

    I watched this a couple of days ago and felt my interest waning. It was definitely a cheesy episode that begged for Tennant to rise up and awesome the rest of it for the audience to get through the special, so I'm in total agreement with you guys there. I'm sorry I missed out for so long, because he really was terrific in that last act.

  2. I doubt they ever will. My guess is, within the next year they'll quietly drop the whole "five years" thing, because it's too confusing for them to keep track of.

    Which is why this whole idea was damned from conception. If the company producing the product can't be bother to straighten out the information they're telling their fans to rely on, then why should they be rewarded with our money?

  3. According to the official DW Facebook page, the first five episodes are titled and written by as follows:

    1 – Asylum of the Daleks (by Steve Moffat)

    2 – Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (by Chris Chibnall)

    3 – A Town Called Mercy (by Toby Whithouse)


    4 – The Power of Three (by Chris Chibnall)

    5 – The Angels Take Manhattan (by Steven Moffat)

  4. I have a question.

    In Genesis of the Daleks, and later on Journey's End, the Doctor is pretty strict on not slaughtering the Daleks as a race. Yet in other shows like Bad Wolf/Parting of Ways and in the new season 7 trailer, he seems pretty actively for it.

    Do we just chalk this up to different Doctor's having different views on genocide? I know Colin Baker's Doctor was always up for random murder, and the 7th Doctor massacred all of Scaro. Is there any consistent motive to take away from how the Doctor views killing the Daleks?

  5. I'd be lying if I said I didn't share Knighwing's point about Rose in the diner with Jackie and Mickey, but I've been coming off as a bit of a contrarian on these boards lately : p

    I think the dialogue is outright selfish, but the way Piper played it gave me the impression that she was being less selfish than the script made her out to be. Idk how to fully explain that.

    I suppose Rose is the third companion to cause the Doctor's death, after Grace and Peri.

  6. Well I suppose for the sake of comparison if only to further the point, the 2002 movie had Peter comfort May after the Burglar debacle, visit her for Thanksgiving and spend time with her in the hospital after Willem Dafoe forced her to finish the Lord's Prayer. In the comics during the Ditko era, as much as Peter was billed as a teenager, he was written pretty much as an adult and the teenage context rarely came into focus aside from older characters referencing it. So anytime May was in the picture, it was basically like the Raimi films as someone to only bring about pangs of guilt.

    So I suppose your point does hold up although I think the scenes Koete mentioned do show that he hasn't forgotten May entirely, just largely lolz. Especially since May is played more as his mother figure than his elderly guardian. Still, I didn't take his neglectful nature towards his aunt reasons for him not to be likable or someone not worth rooting for if only because he had so much concern with trying to save the city. I mean, yeah. Since the movie focuses on his feelings of anger towards Ben's death, they should have concentrated more on May's grief since he's still living with her. It is an unfortunate afterthought and hopefully the sequel will address it.

  7. Very nice job, but I'm not sure I agree with your summation of Peter's character in ASM. Much of your points regarding how he treats Aunt May and Uncle Ben and later on Capt. Stacy I honestly felt were more blamed on him being a dumb teenager lacking perspective rather than a genuine character flaw. If he treated Gwen, Connors or anyone else similarily I might agree. But I think generally he's shown to be a good guy who doesn't tend to think during moments of stress like Aunt May demanding to learn where he was or when Capt. Stacy dogs on Spider-Man. To each his own.

  8. WELL, it's not gonna keep me from seeing it or anything. I'm really excited for this one. The teaser quickly grew on me as I love the slightly more slicked up nature of the film and the silhouetted shot of Craig falling. Where Bond's character's going to be in this movie plus all of the other aspects from the trailer has me jazzed more than the M stuff makes me pause.

  9. I suppose, but it think personally for me anyway it's gotten a bit tired. I remember in your and Adham's QoS review noting how she wouldn't shut up talking bad on Bond. It may be the status quo, but I think they've been laying it on a bit too thick for it to be fresh or enjoyable. For me at least, it's getting a little annoying.

  10. I along with several other dye-in-the-wool Spider-Man fans co-host a monthly podcast (3-4 episodes per month) on the Arachna-Knight himself Spider-Man! In between podcasts are dozens of reviews, articles and other content day-to-day. Check us out at

    I and others provide the same exact service for The Batman I'm a co-host on the Comic-Cast which is a bi-weekly podcast covering the modern bat-Books, and a monthly cast offers up news on everything else related to the Masked Manhunter. Check us out at

    Finally, I along with my co-host Jesse head The Next Dimension: A Dragon Ball Z podcast. This is a monthly show where the two of us tackle several episodes/manga chapters of the DBZ story. It's the BotI/ Shake and Blake approach where I'm more of a long-term fan and he's a relative newcomer, which spawns scintillating discussion covering the Dragon Ball Z series. Check us out at

    All three can be found on iTunes as well. If you're interested in any of the three, give us a listen!

  11. Way more typical Bondian elements with this one. Aside from Q who looks awesome in this, Craig adjusting his cufflinks after flipping off a truck, plus Javier Bordem's kind of silly look feels a bit more classic.

    This looks awesome though. I will say they seem to be really going out of their way to make M look like a b'tch. TRAILER SPOILERS

    she orders to shoot Bond, then yells at him when he shows up alive. What the hell?

  12. WELL, Vegeta repeatedly said throughout the series that there were no other saiyans. You'd think he'd remember

    his own little brother

    I'm down for this. I'm all for more of the DBZ era around the Buu Saga, as although I don't care for the Buu Saga as an arc, I loved the status quo and the characters in it.


    Untold Tales of Spider-Man Omnibus

    All 25 issues in one hardbck for 100 bucks. At SDCC, it was at a 50% off booth, but by the time I had time to buy it the dealer wouldn't let it go past 75 bucks.

  14. I have a new job at a hotel that zaps my time and energy 100 fold. I 'm a restaraunt host and sometimes Starbuck barista, the latter which requires me to be there at 5:30 in the morning. Latey I've been called in to work at Starbucks more and more, requiring me to go to sleep earlier/wake up earlier. So more and more of my time circles around making sure I prepare for work enough. If the place is busy, I don't leave until there are no customers around and there's nothing else to do, regardless on whether or not it's time for me to bounce. It pays pretty well, but it really is taking up a lot of my time and energy, and dealing with people generally sucks as they're mainly concerned about themselves. I've been working days on end, with no forewarning of the schedule to tell when I next get a day off. I know I should be thankful I even have a job and I am, but damn this is really killing me.

    Juat taking a moment to whine about something that's probably not that bad a thing.