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Posts posted by Donomark

  1. Found this interesting.


    "Where I stand, on all of this, is that we're going to be extraordinarily judicious about using the "death" in comics. So if somebody dies now, they're done. That's the official rule now. They don't come back. It's not going to be a cheap trick to tell stories, so that's a good thing."

    Uh huh... :rolleyes:

  2. I nominate the obvious and not very well thought out, as it's 3:00 a.m. currently. :P

    Best moment from each Doctor/Doctor's era

    Best quote from each Doctor

    Favorite Companion for each Doctor

    Cheesiest moment from the Classic series, TOP 5

    Most violent moment from the Hinchcliffe/Holmes or JNT/Sayward era

    Best/Worst premiere episode for a Doctor

    Favorite era/least Favorite era

    "She had it coming" Awards for the most attractive companion. (Copyright Adham Fisher 2008-2010)

  3. Dan and Mike, please help keep Doctor Who on the air! Send your pledges today!

    Oh wow, were all these done around the same time? Tom Baker looks like has hasn't changed at all, but in Dimensions in Time he seems to have aged 20 years.

  4. Some were great, but on the whole I really have no use for the New Adventures. I truly detest a lot of what they did to the Doctor's character. I don't go so far as to decry them as out of canon - as I always say, everyone has their own canon - but they're easily ignored, and truth be told, the new series has flat out contradicted and overridden some of what's in them, so I don't feel like I'm missing anything. They just weren't my cup of tea.

    You spoke of the added adult content in the books and how most of the characters save for the Doctor were swearing and killing and such. What did they do to the Doctor's character exactly?

  5. I don't have a problem with the title sequence tbh :o but the asteroid bit did make me laugh, it does go with the music and can totally see how that could annoy someone and the wink at the end does look a bit smug or something. i normally ff the titles tbh i am far too impatient :D

    Pretty sure this was the last doc7 episode i saw, i don't think i would of liked him much if this had been the first, but never know i do have strange tastes :)

    you probably seen this already, but have a link to a better regeneration :)

    oh and i don't think the doctor bumped his head, i think mel offed him, she's far too nice got to be a secret psycho :o and the Rani is the mistress of disguise

    Oh wow, that was awesome!

  6. I thought the switched format proved to be pretty beneficial to the overall show! I've always liked the main actors throughout the series (possibly because they're my age if slightly younger) and appreciated Emma Watson get some props. As a lifelong arachnaphobe, I can attest to this being hell to watch as was the last movie. I read the books beforehand, so I knew where to expect the spiders.

    I'm curious as to why you think the 5th book was crap Ian..!

  7. I'm glad you altered your score for Red Outlaws, because the book has remained to be pervasively sexist. The fact that Starfire enjoys sex isn't the problem. The fact that she can't tell the difference between partners and has a super-short term memory WHILST being especially sex hungry is the problem. I hated Catwoman, but I freely admit that is owed to my preference towards how Batman was written, not so much Selina. But Red Outlaws is a vapid, vacuous comic book. IMO.

  8. I still hate Catwoman. It was better than the previous issue, but honestly the very end offended me. The way Selina got brutalized, and how she was posed with her butt in the air and her bloody face...that was incredibly offensive to me.

    Nightwing I thought was a step down. The story was very haphazard with the whole Haly revolution that he's known Dick was a crimefighter all along, but never told anyone...until the very next scene where he does. It was too big of an info-dump and the characters just move around to shift information. They don't act as though they have any history.

    Batman, solid as ever.

    Justice League I thought was a genuine step UP from the first issue. Teh action and plot is fast paced, the League starts coming together as opposed to what I feared was going to be another tired Superman vs. Batman circle jerk. And the ending was a solid cliffhanger. Big improvement from issue one IMO.

  9. Again Mike, THANK YOU for putting the frustrations I felt with Mister Terrific to words. I wanted to like that book and the character a lot, but it was forced, half ass and unsatisfying.

    With Batman and Robin, was that really the Bat-Gyro the villains were trying to escape in? I never caught that...

  10. Respectfully disagree that Batgirl #2 was an improvement. I continue to really dislike this title, partly because my face still stings from the slap of Babs being Batgirl again. Partly because the book itself is so moronically written with nonsense dialogue and awkward scene transitions.

  11. He was on the money with that final panel from Batman #1. (1940)

    Of the #2s this week, Action and Static Shock top it out for me. Action was engaging as all hell, just as before. Static was surprisingly excellent. I enjoyed the last issue, but only on a badic level. We get more of Virgil's though process here, and a definite mystery at how hsi powers truly work. I was totally immersed in both titles, and can't wait for the next issue.